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Everything posted by solbjerg

  1. Sleight translation change in Danish language Hi I have chosen to make a small change in the ASC 5.2 Danish language file, which means that the legend Recommended: is now translated with "Forslag:" (Suggestion) The reason is that when the status is Good the "Recommendation" will show that you should explore the Toolbox. This I would rather more like to say that it is "Suggested" that you explore the toolbox. In my view you should only use the Toolbox if if you wish to change something that isn't accomplished by a Quick - or Deep scan. Therefore I think that the word "Suggestion" covers it better than "Recommended". I will leave an attachment here were that line is translated "Forslag" Cheers solbjerg Danish.lng
  2. Hi enoskype Thanks for that information :-) Cheers solbjerg
  3. Hi Toppack Always look at the pun side of life Cheers solbjerg
  4. Hi Mr Bean The punt is that he kick (in soccer) or the flat-bottomed boat or a wager or the bottom of a bottle where the glass blower's pipe was attached while the bottle was being formed by blowing the glass blower's pipe? And what does MWAA stand for? Thanks solbjerg
  5. solbjerg


    Hi titou Sorry - there was no deeper meaning than the topic name put me in mind of Alice in Wonderland And that you in your quest for the curious may end up finding more and more "curiouser things" :-) But the social aspect in the two verses could be something worth exploring. "In separate cells the hes and shes pay their wows with bended knees" Jonathan Swift - just to put a different slant on religious practices. :-) (toilets) Regards solbjerg
  6. solbjerg


    Hi titou Curiouser and curiouser How doth the little crocodile Improve his shining tail, And pour the waters of the Nile On every golden scale! Or in Isaac Watts' words: How doth the little busy bee Improve each shining hour, And gather honey all the day From every opening flower! Cheers solbjerg
  7. Hi enoskype No, not yet - but soon according to Lily Cheers solbjerg
  8. IObit Uninstaller Danish language file Translation (Danish) Uninstaller language file version 2.2 attached. (10. April 2012) Cheers solbjerg IObit Uninstaller language (Dansk).txt Dansk.lng
  9. Ok enoskype I will have to modify it once again :-) :-) :-) All files left in the forum is by now the language checker (save) version! Cheers solbjerg
  10. Hi Sarakael I have now tried the new Language Checker and will attach the revised Danish Toolbox language file here. Thank you! Cheers solbjerg Danish Toolbox.zip
  11. Hi Sarakael Thank you! I use the Language checker that I downloaded in 2009, it also shows a couple of places where my translation has some more items especially where it concerns M_ lines. But when I open the Danish language file in the ASC Toolbox window I see no faults now. enoskype made me aware of a typo where I had hit the K instead of the L translating Close as Kuk instead of the correct Luk Rather funny - thanks to enoskype :-) In my translation I have in several instances chosen to not translate the headers - but the explanatory remarks to the application is translated to make users aware of the original name and at the same time have it's function explained in Danish underneath. I think this is what your check exemplifies. Thanks! The Danish toolbox language is sent to IObit with that typo corrected and will be in the install file for ASC 5.x in the next update. I will update the file left in this thread too soon. :-) otherwise I hope that Danish users can correct that typo themselves in the languge file. Thanks! Cheers solbjerg
  12. The Danish translation file for ASC 5.2 Toolbox is now finished and attached in post#59 Cheers solbjerg Danish ASC 5.2 Toolbox Language.zip
  13. Hi armyswat Please take a look in the description about translation in Usage of IObit Programs http://forums.iobit.com/showthread.php?p=39229#post39229 Cheers solbjerg
  14. solbjerg


    Hi titou That is also a possibility - to complicate it a bit we could also assume that the youngest was less than a year old (fx. 61 days in a year that was a leap year) That could yield 6x6x(61/366) = 6 This would really extend the possible combinations :-) Cheers solbjerg
  15. solbjerg


    Hi titou Tentatively ;-) The possibilities are 4-3-3 = 10 6-3-2 = 11 9-2-2 = 13 Chances are that the oldest have two little sisters that are twins and have another hair colour, that leaves 2 possibilities, but in many places the house number 13 is missing in the streets due to superstition - and that then leaves the ages 4-3-3 Cheers solbjerg
  16. Danish language file for ASC 5.2 Hi I just updated the Danish language file in ASC to version 5.2 Attaching it zipped Cheers solbjerg p.s. The Toolbox Danish language file is 100% done now :-) (4. April 2012) Danish.zip Danish ASC 5.2 Toolbox Language.zip
  17. solbjerg


    hi titou As you say there are 6 sides to each cube That makes 36 possible outcomes 2 is (1+1) one of them out of 36 → 1:36 12 likewise → 1:36 3 → 2:36 11 → 2:36 4 → 3:36 10 → 3:36 5 → 4:36 9 → 4:36 6 → 5:36 8 → 5:36 7 → 6:36 All the x/36 added together comes to 36:36 So chances are that every 6 throws will yield a seven on average. Cheers solbjerg
  18. solbjerg


    Hi titou I do not deserve that honour! Actually this must go to Einstein too. His famous formular says it well : E = m*c² Cheers solbjerg :-) p.s. 1 g of mass equivalent to almost 90 terajoules (9*10^13) My body contains the equivalent of 10^19 joule - that is a lot of energy - but it doesn't feel like it! Far from it!!! :-)
  19. solbjerg


    Hi titou All is energy (someone must have said that) :-) All in All - All is void. (Many have said that I think) :-) Cheers solbjerg You cannot avoid the void it is all around you Even what we call matter is mostly empty space
  20. solbjerg


    Hi titou Yes - as I said if he turns the weapon on himself he only has a third of a chance of being hit. Against white he has 50% chance at getting hit and against red he is almost certain to be hit. This is supposing that he has to aim at something - he might be so unlucky that the shot he is aiming at himself (or even in the air) may kill mr. white (or mr. red) - in which case he will almost certainly be killed by mr. red or have a 50% chance with mr. white. :-) Cheers solbjerg p.s. Actually I think he should try mr. red, the chance that he will hit is rather small and mr. white will try for mr. red too and should he miss, mr. red has the option of going for either blue or white and in my opinion would be inclined towards mr. white as mr. white had come closest to killing him :-) In all there is then a 83% chance that mr. red is out of the picture before his turn comes. Which would give blue 9 chances in 10 of coming out unscathed.
  21. solbjerg


    Hi titou His best chance is probably to shoot himself - he only hits with one in three - and at that range he has a fair chance of not hitting anything vital. :-) Cheers solbjerg
  22. solbjerg


    Hi Toppack They seldom are if they have been cooped up in a pair of boots for several days! :-) Cheers solbjerg
  23. solbjerg


    Hi titou I will place the comments beneath your examples :-) Cheers solbjerg
  24. solbjerg


    Hi titou Interesting with the regional differences for toes. The annulus is probably the ring finger, and makes one wonder about the ring symbol - it can be seen as a reference to zero and also as something without beginning or end. I once worked for the postal services in Copenhagen and at one time was in charge of sending out packages at a post office. One fellow used to come with packages that he sent all over the world, they contained washers, and when sending things out of the country you had to fill out a form to the customs service where you among other things had to describe the contents. He always wrote empty holes,- it always made me smile, and he was never challenged about the description by the customs officials. :-) In Danish I don't think we have any expession that is like putting your feet in a fan :-) You can say "slå fødderne op" which means put up your feet. "slå op/ned/hen/ud/på- and more" means widely different things. Slå means hit/knock/hammer (down) - and more - but knock up is in Danish more like what you say when you open some book or try finding a reference to something in fx. a book. It can also mean nailing fx. a notice to the wall. Oh, you were knocked up - well that doesn't really matter - the main thing is to get you married - what you would say if you would minimize the importance/ignore ("slå hen") your daugthers message about her condition. :-) "Sætte det lange ben foran" - place the long leg ahead" means to hurry by lengthening your stride. There is a lot of very interesting material in comparing expressions. Cheers solbjerg
  25. solbjerg


    Hi titou Yes it seems to be like in latin then in France. Little toe is also called pollox I think? The "long toe" is often the longest, but it varies though - there is some curiousness in that too :-) My father used to say that given the condition we live under now, we would probably loose our legs and develop large butts - due to evolution. :-) I added the original rhyme to my first post here. I do not play the banjo, but I played a little violin when I was young - it is not often that I do it now. :-) Cheers solbjerg
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