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About bagrat

  • Birthday 01/01/1976


  • -OS -Security_Software -IObit_Software +Computer_Details
    Operating System XP(Pro)(x86)
    Security Softwares Anti-virus-avast
    IObit Softwares
    Protected Folder Beta

    Windows 7 Professional sp1(ultimat) (x86),
    Security Softwares Anti-virus-avast
    IObit Softwares
    Protected Folder Beta

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. IOBit Protected Folder v1.1_Moldavian Updated Moldavian language file for the program IOBit Protected Folder v1.1. Moldavian .lng Moldavian .rar
  2. I added [ProtectedFolder_FormAbout] lblAbout. Caption = About and rewrote the transfers at 5 positions(moldavian and bolgarian language:razz:)
  3. [ProtectedFolder_frmMainForm] #enoskype, solbjerg # I understand you correctly, you need to add the line [ProtectedFolder_frmMainForm] pmAbout.Caption=About , which is not in the description tag in English?
  4. translations for the Bulgarian language versions of a Protected Folder 1.0 Add translations for the Bulgarian language versions of a Protected Folder 1.0 with the addition of [ProtectedFolder_FormAbout] lblAbout.Caption=About http://s1.ipicture.ru/uploads/20110407/t8HVBXNk.jpg Bulgarian.lng Bulgarian.rar
  5. Moldavian and Romanian languages, the versions of a Protected Folder 1.0 Final Added bug fixes and additions to the Moldavian and Romanian languages ​​interface, the versions of a Protected Folder 1.0 Final with the addition of [ProtectedFolder_FormAbout] lblAbout.Caption=About http://s1.ipicture.ru/uploads/20110407/fvIZPi2v.jpg Moldavian.lng Moldavian.rar
  6. IOBit Protected Folder Beta 3.0_Bulgarian Translated from English into Bulgarian language Propose a translation program translated into Bulgarian language bAGrat (K. Андрей Г.) http://s1.ipicture.ru/uploads/20110319/thumbs/eaOyGjkO.png http://s1.ipicture.ru/uploads/20110319/nhq6tqR0.jpg http://s1.ipicture.ru/uploads/20110319/4t6XsHuS.jpg Bulgarian.lng
  7. http://www.hrono.ru/heraldicum/flagi/buttons/mol_anim.gifTranslation language for Moldova and Romania by bagrat Молдавкий язык (Moldova 4rever) http://s1.ipicture.ru/uploads/20110309/RhX7ZSi3.jpg http://s1.ipicture.ru/uploads/20110309/JzkQELfC.jpg http://s1.ipicture.ru/uploads/20110309/nJA6936C.jpg http://s1.ipicture.ru/uploads/20110309/tcZjRG0d.jpg Проверил, работает! Checked and corrected work! Hurrah, my first contribution to the history! :) Moldova.lng Moldova.rar
  8. I am from Moldova (Russian) I replaced the file extension to Moldova. lng and copied the C: \ Program Files \ IObit \ Protected Folder \ Language launched the program, but when you run the program returns to the English language that correct? http://s1.ipicture.ru/uploads/20110309/TfbokiMI.jpg http://s1.ipicture.ru/uploads/20110309/35sS5kri.jpg http://s1.ipicture.ru/uploads/20110309/q3OWEKRV.jpg this link not working http://www.iobit.com/files/beta/LanChecker.exe
  9. Moldovan / Romanian language I have translated the file for the program protected-folder-setup-beta. exe v2. 0 English. lng to the Moldovan / Romanian language problem give the file extension of Moldova. lng check and add to your file for download из русско-язычных кто-то на форуме есть?
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