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More Start buttons for Start Menu 8


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This is a wery beautiful start button,but in white... well its not very effective,so whit this button use black,brown,blue,red,orange...or what you want to taskbar-window color,just not white:)








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  • 2 weeks later...

Tips to make icons "better"


If you want to make the whole area clickable and not just the picture. Add 1% of some colour to the background and you get a bigger area to click on.


Now you can click all the way down in the corner and it still works. :D









Instead of just being able to click "IMG" you can click the whole square.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Another button set


I would like to add one more button to the possible selections (attached). This one is based on the Windows 8 logo, but adds the color of prior Windows logos to create an icon that is both new and familiar at the same time.


The attached zip contains the normal, hover and click .png images for "Win8flag".

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  • 3 weeks later...

Win8 start button (updated)


This is an updated version of the start button i posted in the previous thread.

The button has more spacing on the left now and looks better placed in the taskbar... also, the clicked button has even more space on the left and it looks like you're actually pressing on the button and it goes deeper in the screen.

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  • 1 month later...

Apple like start button


Please use to customize to look like Mac OS.



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Start Menu Orb ROG




New Version ROG.





Preview :




Download the self-extracting file to the IObit folder in 2 clicks, the package include 2 versions ROG and ROG2 :




Nota:I can not edit my previous post

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  • 2 weeks later...

Windows 8 Start Menu Button Skins/Icons - Pack 1




This is my 5-button-mini-pack.

I named it "Pack 1" in case I continue with some new designs in the future.(?)

I hope you like them. :-)




A preview for the "Glass" icon:

Normal: http://s1311.hizliresim.com/1h/4/u75w2.png Hover: http://s1311.hizliresim.com/1h/4/u75wh.png Click: http://j1311.hizliresim.com/1h/4/u75wr.png


Windows 8 "Glass" Start Menu Button Icon, Windows 8 "Shield" Start Menu Button Icon, Windows 8 "Star" Start Menu Button Icon

Windows 8 "TARDIS" Start Menu Button Icon, Windows 8 "Tile" Start Menu Button Icon


All in the zip archive attachment below.

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Battlefield 3 Start Buttons


Hi all.....i just found this start menu a day ago....and i have to say i like it alot.

But i am a huge battlefield fan so i wanted some Battlefiels buttons.

I know there are more people that like Battlefield so i had to share these buttons.

hope you all enjoy them.

greetings : Bajista.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Beckoning Kawaii Kitty (Maneki Neko) Start Button Skin


Here's Maneki Neko Lucky Beckoning Kitty Theme.

Made from freeware icons I resized. Designed by

IcoJoy (Andrew Zhebrakov)


















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??? why Crome











download link: http://dfiles.eu/files/3muh4j4er


Why the heck would you make a chrome crap for windows? and Apple... man if you like them go and use it. .....................

Edit by wozofoz:

I have removed some remarks, you are free to disagree but we do not allow abusive posts

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Please use to customize to look like Mac OS.




If I would like to use apple crap I would and not fake it on Windows... man!!

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