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Special offer mentioned in IObit SmartDefrag on the 05/29/2007


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On the right screen of the SmartDefrag (05/29/2007) I saw the following message

Top System Utility for Your Superior PC Health

Advanced WindowsCare Profesional provides an always-on and automated, all-in-one PC care service with anti-spyware, privacy protection, performance tune-ups, and system cleaning functions.Free Download it Now!


Because (for now) IObit has always done wat it promissed I downloaded it.

The suprice was when I tried it. Oh Yes You can download it, You can make it search for problems, but can't repair them, before you bought it. Why a free download then?


Sorry but this is not what I expected from IObit. I found it a loss of time.


When there are Beta versions and there is something that does not work I send you a mail with the remark and You answer polite that you appreciate it. So if you post the message above that it is for free then it should be for free and not a bad joke.


I can understand that you also have to earn money and can't do everything for free. But I also have 3 professional websites running and when I mention that something is for free then it is for free. And vice a versa.


Kind regards,



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I believe you are a bit unfair to IObit.


First of all, it doesn't mention anywhere on the right screen about Special Offer.

When you click the link the notice you see in the Download.com page is:

"Welcome Advanced WindowsCare Professional users"


It is vey common that, a professional edition software which is sold by a company, is given as free to download to give the customer the view of the program before it is bought. (You can also use the utilities in AWC Pro Freely)


Would it be all right for you, if it said "Free to Download Now!" instead of "Free Download it Now!



There is a free version of the software (Personal), since you may know because of the beta versions you mentioned.


Free to download is mentioned in News section of IObit SmartDefrag as an ad in a very useful Free to use software.


It would take you only 15 to 20 seconds to uninstall it. Probably your post has taken more valuable time of yours.


If you were in the forum earlier, when you were dealing with the beta versions, you would have seen that IObit has also given many free utilities, such as tcpi optimizer, registry cleaner, etc.


You have also mentioned that:

"I can understand that you also have to earn money and can't do everything for free."


So, please reconsider your anger and fairness.:-)



I am not from IObit Team.


Kindest Regards.

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Hy enoskype


What I wrote about the publicity is really the truth.


The only thing what I wanted to say is that it should be mentioned when the program only gives you a idea of what it can do but does not completely function.


Just as I already said: I agree nobody works for free. But Just like I also mentioned that if I mention on one of my websites that I give it for free then it is completely for free.


By the way it is not a big deal just like you said it takes ± 1 minute to download + 1 minute to install + 1 minute to try it + 1 minute to see that it does not do what you thought it would do + 1 minute to uninstall = 5 minutes

To write the letter it takes 2 minutes and it was only to help IObit that they should be more careful when they mention "FREE"


Still yesterday evening I was speaking to somebody who has problems with his PC and told him to buy IObit Advanced WindowsCare. So when I write it gives perhaps the impression to be unreasonable, but when you know that the law here is very strict on what you mention on the websites or publicity you would try to warn other people also.


Very kind regards



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Rather strange, isn't it?



This is a dinosaur's opinion


Over the years I have seen and tested countless programmes. After all, I come from an era in which you had to walk inside a computer to fix it. This

one comes for free and you are still unhappy? Give Registry Mechanic a go for a change... it's not free but it will give you a lot of surprises :sad:

Grab this one, it stands miles above the rest!



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Wel...in the interest of providing marketing feedback to IObit, I'll just say I agree with MVTNV; that particular link is misleading. If I were to see that link, with that text, phrased in that way, referencing any other software package, I would expect to click the link and get a free, functional copy of whatever package they were describing. "Free Download it Now!" means it's free, come and get it. But, in all honesty, I have too much respect for Tim and the rest of the IObit team to think this is a planned "come-on"; it's probably more a translation problem than an intent to deceive. Perhaps the link should read "Trial version available. Download it Now!"

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  • 2 weeks later...

free download means can download it for free

no money to download

didi you download beta or full final version


i stil do understand the up set.

seemd you want a free full version

i am on welfare so i bit harder maby most of you

i even ask to renew right now

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In marketing, perception is everything.


Many of the less reputable software companies (especially those who sell maintenance and security utilities) hawk their wares by conning you into downloading "free" trials. Then you find out that yes, the download and the scan and the detection are free, but the cleaning 's gonna cost you $49.95...or whatever. I can't believe IOBit wants potential customers to perceive them as that sort of company. Maybe they don't care. For my part, I was simply trying to provide constructive feedback. I'm done.

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