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Is there a list of ASC Registry Changes?

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Is there a list somewhere (besides just searching the web for each one), of what the registry changes that ASC might suggest to make actually do?


For instance, when I click on "Diagnose System" and then "Scan," ASC reports "69 problems found" for System Optimization. When I click to get the details screen, and "Trouble Shooting" is selected, I see this screen:






The first item is the "Beep" registry key. On the web, I can find this information for the "Beep" registry key:



User Key: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Sound]

Value Name: Beep

Data Type: REG_SZ (String Value)

Value Data: Yes or No

Toggle for PC Speaker Beeping on Errors



I then can look at my actual registry and see this:






What I am asking is, is there a single list with that type of explanatory information in it of what the registry keys do for ALL the keys ASC might suggest to change?


It seems that here on the forums would be a good location to have such a list.



Also, while I am at it, does anyone think that it is weird that I have double entries for "Beep" and "ExtendedSounds" in my registry in the screen shot above?





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Hi CT,


Good question and the answer is, NO.


Well, there will not be a list in the Forum, because, IObit doesn't want it.


Please search the posts of Administrator Clayton, you will find info about that there.


Some of them are discussed in AWC Optimizations List thread. You will find quite useful information there. (That was Advanced WindowsCare v2 time.)


It seems weird to have double entries for sound, but I have the same in my registry, but both with yes data values. I believe we need both of them, or do we?



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In this message, http://forums.iobit.com/showpost.php?p=11662&postcount=3, from IObit containing their instructions it states:



Next you click on the button "Diagnose System"


This will scan "System Optimization", "Security Defense" (Please read this post about Security Defense), "Disk Defragment" and "Security Analyzer" when you click "Scan"

Again it will show what "Problems" it has found under each category.

You must then click on "Problems" and find out which to accept being cleaned and which to ignore
(place in ignore list)


See that underlined-bold part??


JMHO, but I find it a bit weird that IObit does not want the information listed on what their proposed changes do (not even by someone else on their forums), but also tell us that we should check each change first to see if we want them to be made or not.


Sorry. I'm having my daily "WTF moment."


To me, telling us it is up to us to check, while not providing any information about a change they will make, is pretty close to being a slick way to avoid responsibility.


Sorry, :sad: I regret my feeling this way, but like I said, JMHO.



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I have to clarify one thing.


Please read the last part of About Help in the Forum post in USAGE of IOBIT PRODUCTS thread.


It is stated there which of the Admins. are from IObit.


USAGE of IOBIT PRODUCTS thread is not an official IObit announcement and prepared by User Admins. of the IObit Forum to help to other users for using IObit products. Not even one sentence is sourced from IObit.


IObit was kind enough to give a link from their support page to the above mentioned thread.


In my opinion, it is not that hard for other program makers to solve the Registry changes, but as I said it is my opinion.





NOTE: BTW, did you read Clayton's posts?

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Hi Tim. Asking IObit to list all the possible changes is sort of like asking a restaurant for the ingredient list for their secret sauce. If you know the ingedients, you can eventually work out the amounts.


ASC is simply making changes to documented registry entries. If IObit listed all the possible changes, an enterprising user (or competitor) could possibly root out the rationale for suggesting those changes, and duplicate what ASC is doing. I see your point but I see IObit's too.

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Hi Tim. Asking IObit to list all the possible changes is sort of like asking a restaurant for the ingredient list for their secret sauce. If you know the ingedients, you can eventually work out the amounts.


ASC is simply making changes to documented registry entries. If IObit listed all the possible changes, an enterprising user (or competitor) could possibly root out the rationale for suggesting those changes, and duplicate what ASC is doing. I see your point but I see IObit's too.


I see what you are saying, JustDave, but I'm not sure I can agree. :-( Maybe there is something I don't understand.


It's true, is it not, that all the proposed registry changes are listed in the IObit ASC software. Right?


It is also true that one can do Google searches and determine what any of those registry changes do. Right?


So, all any competitor would need to do to get a list of the same information I'm talking about is spend $20 to buy the product, see what the changes are, and come up with a list of what they do by Googling on his own. Right?


Like I said, maybe I"m missing something. :|


I also don't know about that secret sauce analogy. Restaurants in the US, at least the chains, are now required to list the nutritional values of their foods somewhere. Requiring that might seems silly, but if you have diabetes and an insulin pump connected to your body, as I do (my pancreas is shot), you have to count carbs so that you can enter how many carbs you eat with any meal into the pump -- so that it can calculate and provide you with the amount of insulin you need to take to offset them. Not knowing the fact that some bbq sauce contains 75% sugar potentially has the ability of killing someone, or putting them into a diabetic coma.


Then there are the people that have to be very careful of shellfish, or have other allergies. If the restaurant is asked, and they don't disclose, me thinks they would be open to a very big law suit.


I see your point but I see IObit's too.


Yeah. Me too.


It is going to be a hassle :cry: to web-search all the proposed changes so I can document what they do for myself -- so I know what's going on.


I still don't like the idea of IObit putting the burden (and I do think "burden" is the correct word), on the user/customer for whether to allow the "problem fixes" or not, but then not telling the user/customer exactly what the changes do. To me, this is very much like taking a prescription from a doctor, but not being furnished with a list of all the possible side effects. Of course, I suppose the patient could have gone home and Googled the medicine, learned of it's formulation, then have gotten a degree in pharmacy and chemistry so he could compare it with other medications he take so he knows if there might be any complex reactions.


Doctor, "You need a triple bypass heart operation."


Patient, "Wow! Are there any side effects? What's the chances of my dying? Are there any other types of complications?"


Doctor, "Yeah, there are. It's up to you to learn of them on your own. You might want to check into them and do some research. Maybe go to the library. Be careful. I would tell you what they were myself, but I don't want my competitors to know the techniques of how I do my operations, and me telling you what to expect might give them information. However, if everything goes well, you probably will be able to work faster and get more done."



To me, this analogy seems more appropriate to what we have here.


Again, JMO.



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Well,I kind of have to go along with the crazy old man on this one,to an extent.I'm not looking for the ingredients to the secret sauce,and not in the market for a by-pass(yet).I think there has to be a better way to gather more comprehensive information regarding some of these proposed changes or "fixes".If you take a look at some of these line items,depending upon which scan revealed them,some just aren't Googleesq,Yahooish,or even Askable.Take Troubleshooting for instance.Just looking at Tim's list,there's a couple I'm not certain of.Some of the Windows Interface info is readily available from Tools>Internet Options>Advanced,and I believe Folder Options.Windows Services is probably(for me) the easiest to navigate and comprehend,as well as restore to it's original state.Also,information is plentiful in this area.System Configuration seems to be the most perplexing with the most far reaching and sometimes catastrophic results.Better information here would reduce the post count by the hundreds.As far as Network Connection,that's a no-brainer-we have Enoskype! I've screwed my rig up numerous times making adjustments out of a "lets see what this does" approach because information about a particular setting or its effects on the system just weren't available.Eventually,about 95% of this stuff can be figured out by the user,but at what expense? I've paid in OS reinstalls twice.I'm not blaming IObit or any of their software.No one put a gun to my head and made me click on "repair'. Unfortunately,it seemed to be the only way to find out just what was going to be affected.Fortunately,all those adjustment an ignore list days are behind me,but it's the "new users" that are being held at a disadvantage here.

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