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Suggestion: Command Line version

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Can the techies make a command line version of Gamebooster in the next patch? As I have a game that uses up a lot of RAM and I already start it with a CMD file as I need my computer to do some stuff before starting it, but as I have used Gamebooster for quite some time now I thought it would be nice to be able to make Gamebooster a part of that list of commands. (Wow, long sentence)

I'd really appreciate it, thanks!

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  • 5 weeks later...

I agree that this is a great idea. I was looking for a way to click on a Game's shortcut which would:


1. Start GameBooster

2. Switch to Gaming Mode

3. Launch the game

4. When the game quits, Switch to Normal mode

5. Quit GameBooster

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  • 3 months later...

I agree, CLI support shoud be integrated to allow aunomation throgh batch files


As An IT technician i usually create pre-configured scripts or "batch files" to automate complicated processes, adding command line support would be a great feature to add it would allow end users to configure a batch file or script to automatically, and silently launch game booster into gaming mode, launch the game, then after the game game booster wold automatically close as MS-Batch files wait for each process to end. below is an example of what the batch file would look like in windows XP, this process would launch a command prompt window that cloud take care of all the processes, this would also slow for advertising by internet cafe's and such


@echo off

"C:\Program Files\IObit\Game Booster\Game Booster.exe" /gammingmode:on

"C:\Program Files\World Of Warcraft\Launcher.exe"

"C:\Program Files\IObit\Game Booster\Game Booster.exe" /gammingmode:off


The above code wloud

  1. Silently put the computer into gaming mode
  2. Launch WOW
  3. wait for wow to exit then, shut off game booster

Once again this code is only an EXAMPLE of what CLI support cloud do for game booster.

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  • 4 weeks later...
As An IT technician i usually create pre-configured scripts or "batch files" to automate complicated processes, adding command line support would be a great feature to add it would allow end users to configure a batch file or script to automatically, and silently launch game booster into gaming mode, launch the game, then after the game game booster wold automatically close as MS-Batch files wait for each process to end. below is an example of what the batch file would look like in windows XP, this process would launch a command prompt window that cloud take care of all the processes, this would also slow for advertising by internet cafe's and such




The above code wloud

  1. Silently put the computer into gaming mode
  2. Launch WOW
  3. wait for wow to exit then, shut off game booster

Once again this code is only an EXAMPLE of what CLI support cloud do for game booster.


Cost of protection, like bodyguards. Assassins only pay for a knife. Hackers need Microsoft compilers, Windows, and some tools.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...


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