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This is and can be a very debatable Subject..


Before i start - a few point's to be reminded of--- IT is the way i see it and practice ,Nothing to do with the forum or reflect

its as deemed..

I found the way to use them ,(applications) apply them to my systems ,Taken may years for me to get it the way i want..

trying many different combination's.Some that would fial Badly..

Also bearing in Mind Why ,from the Net..that No site Could identify .what i use ,or operating system IS in use ..its very Extrema And Restrictive in its use..As in , if Applied one will not Be able to Surf normal--,or even Download at certain sites,,Mial,Chat,Watch Movies,And even Google.on many Sites....Banking,or any transaction would fial.100%

simply PUT- The system NEVER resounding to any request made from the outside..of its system.Nor allow Any application

to run outside its self..to the Net SYSTEM.. this will be X planed as we Go along..

This is not for every one _- the reaction would be

----------------------------------------------- "STUFF THAT" and i would anser the same .....----------------------------------------


i wanted A 100% sheathed rating..and above All els Privacy For me its not debatable...You have a right Called YES or NO...

now having said this let's talk about fire walls -----

what to use --and its operating OS to use..also what system to use with it---


you would need Xp-operating OS with the min sever pack 1..preferred 3 ..

now here is what i do ..i only use the pure install cd disk --when installing to the drive..Thats IT....No modem device

is attached to the PC,--any MS device (inbuilt Software) that is made to link is Caned...no if or but .Per Say ...

Links made.or" UPDATES ATTEMPTED " all MS BUILD IN protection IS OFF...

if one allows any Updating Than this is a wasted effort to even try!

When completed ,all added Products added ,and tested first..

than when its completed then only than a modem is allowed to be pluged into the CP.


This can be used with any build Pentium 1 to 4 ,and duo Pentiums up to 2007 models....

and different version of The chosen fire walls would differ..in builds...

you will need 3 fire walls .Armornett 2..LookNstop..Zone alarm .NO ather IS to be USED... at least 3 versions Builds..

of the 2 latter.. you will need a proxy program --preferred" proxomitrion" made by scott lemmon...

And filters make by (Jakx-filters) You will not need ather browser's using The MS one, its all you need

But only PRE prefer 5.6 to the first Just after its Beta version,7 build's...

IF you Fial To adhere to this YOUR wasting YOUR time ,i have set this up for many people and there pc systems..

that Wanted after i gave them a demo on my System ,showed them The working Combination..to apply it to there systems...


The above Soft ware are now abandoned by there programmers and can not be updated BAR LookNstop ---Armornet2 have not changed since its last build..Its the same then and still today..this can be left out there is no need for it ,i will x plane this also..

Zone alarm cannot be upgraded The builds used..Thy are legal Programs if wondering....as thy are pure install programs.

that need a ser number...but not registration over the net to the site.in order to fully work

..that's Blocked any how .LINKING..you will see this a lot

the Word BLOCK...LINK.. BAN. UPDATE...and filter..

So if interested first of get a copy of PROXOMITRION..


Now this is posted To remind You the reader ITS MY way of Steal'ting,and privatizing MY SYSTEMS.

and Do not want to debate it in any Form nor drawn into one...Thank you for understanding this...


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***Shealthing A PC***


Ok just a point of interest What Do I class the BEST ever Fire wall Made..

In all the time i have used pc operating Systems...and a 2nd pick -----

First thing if i had No ather Available to me..I would only want ZONE ALARM .4.45

Build --- this is where thy Got it right...Before thy started with its add ins..its a pure fire wall

And made to Do nothing Else..but Block ,The only thing is ITS not friedly User..You have to learn

Its abilities ...Now look N Stop is for me Neck in Neck that now Probly is better than the Zone version.

Dont forget we are talking a big Gap here...The ather problem is With it (ZONE) its Stop working

with the Modern pc...Pentium's ,up to the intel Duo first model its fine.there after You need its

update build Suite type where thy started with the Stupid add ins ..

Now i have tried 95 % of the big name fire walls seen a lot dissipate becoming redundant

our sold.of and renamed and changed...

But to me Zone Alarm has lost there Way..its way to large hoggy and over Bloated..

when you consider The Small fire wall like look N Stop has so much Kick and power.

there support it Tops..and think about this The version 2.5 ok,work with no hick up on WIN7

beta versions ,the 2 i tested anyway..

this baby will not leak ...it pick up every thing that tries to link! and up pops a window

asking ..i have tested all sorts of leak test .to see if it would fial not one got pass this small

fire wall where Zone alarm DID now and then..

By the way Windows MS FIRE wall IS the worst there is made..and is still a peace of leaking junk

from that you read i dislike MS ,you be right .and we leave it there...

OK so for the Modern pc? yes its lookNstop..

---> http://www.looknstop.com/En/index2.htm see what you think,You check it out --<

try it its very easy Going..and happily works away

now armornett2 a small fire wall with reasoanble power..has not changed and looks like its almost dead..

i have a funny feeling the programmer is no more and the site is still collicting as long as it can..

i don't know ,relay that's just a wild gess....


so lets amuse you like the idea, the first one installed is armornet2 .with windows fire wall on

you can acheave Stealth..yes it true ..seems to boost it.but on its own Just no power..

So why ?

This has and gives you a menu to close ips on the spot and bann them .

by adding it the i want to block a ip....and remove it As well....plus it a ripper little Stopper of apps that try to run..

picks up 99% of them..and lets you brows to any site .and do any mail,chat,messenger,what ever.

but its not very affective from stopping info flow out.or in .and leaky .you would block it with Zone alarm

in it program setting .Allow access trusted only..(1 green tick) and no update as there is none to to had anyway


So installed is this one first to boot up..second of the mark looNstop..it has all the power that most

fire wall do not have ,as you can set it to block any port,ip,range,icmp,arp,UDP,reverse DNS,ping,

packets, fragment,VNP,you name it, it will if you set it to do it .(tweek) , you can read up on what

its capable of ...by itself will Stealth you no problem...

than zone alarm ,again you do not need it Zone alarm,, with the ather 2 ,

But its the BIG STICK as i class it..if say something got passed the ather pair

whatever will stop here.with this Power house..Dead..but you need to tweek it

and this is not that easy ..

the trick is knowing when to say yes..and you Do answer yes to any thing it asks

than block it all in the program section..we get to that later...


Now next we talk about a proxy program......


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Now whats the reason we would want a filter program Proxy type..? Proxomitron will filter web pages.

So i decide to try it -i think it was 9 years ago may be more..i am not shure any more ..


Installation and Eradication


None needed really. Well, at least not in the normal sense...


Unlike many Windows programs which seem to insinuate their way into your system ,Proxomitron...will not..

its is a 100% stand alone application...


1. copies no files to any folders outside its own,

2. makes no changes to your system registry,

3. and modifies no .ini files.

4 able to edit of the fly (useing it)


The Proxomitron normally comes in two flavors - one with an installer/uninstaller and one without.

If you're used to copying files on your PC you don't really need the installer.


For the plain version just unzip the files wherever you wish. To uninstall just delete the folder containing the Proxomitron program.

No further trace of it will be left anywhere else on your system. Because of this it's also safe to move the program folder from one place to another without having to "re-install."

You are able to copy past it to any system with all your setting Make a link to its EXE.and your on your way

Dont forget to reset the browser.Ehhhh


System Requirements


The Proxomitron was originally developed on a Pentium 120, and will work fine on such a system

It also works fine on Win 95,98,ME,NT,2000, and XP. and work's ON WIN7 beta!!

on all platforms that i own ...


For the plain version just unzip the files wherever you wish. To uninstall just delete the folder containing the Proxomitron program.

:No further trace of it will be left anywhere else on your system. Because of this it's also safe to move the program folder from one place to another without having to "re-install."


Setting your web browser to use the Proxomitron


After "Installation" you must configure your web browser to use the program. This involves setting the browser's proxy option. Although it varies from browser to browser, most browsers have this option somewhere.


For Netscape: Run Netscape and go to the "Edit" menu. Select "Preferences > advanced > proxies". Click "Manual proxy configuration" then "View". Next under HTTP enter "localhost" and for port enter "8080". Leave the other proxy entries (FTP, Gopher, etc.) alone.


For Internet Explorer 5.x: and over up to 7 build:

Well, it seems with every version Microsoft has to bury this a little deeper (are they trying to hide it? ;-).


* first go to "Tools", "Internet Options", then "Connections."

* Select the entry for the ISP you use under "Dial-Up Settings"

(some cable modem and DSL users may need to click the LAN button if there's no ISP entry)

* Click "Settings"

* Next check "Use Proxy Server."

* Click "Advanced"

* Under the HTTP and (optionally) the Secure entry, enter "localhost" for host and "8080" for port.

* Make sure the line that reads "Use same proxy server for all protocols" is NOT checked.

* Lastly also be sure you don't have proxy autoconfig enabled. Phew!


For Internet Explorer Select "View," "Internet Options," then click the "connections" tab. Click "Use proxy server" and click "advanced" or "settings" ( respectively). Under HTTP enter "localhost" and for port "8080". Leave the other proxy entries (FTP, Gopher, etc.) alone. Blank -You can also set the proxy from the Control panel's Internet options.


For Other browsers: The process should be similar to one of the above. First locate where to set the HTTP proxy entry. Once you find it, set it to "localhost" with the port of "8080".


other browsers will look much the same

of how the proxy configuration should be applyed .


After your browser is configured, run the Proxomitron program.


"Now any connections your browser makes must go through, and be filtered by, The Proxomitron."


after configuring your browser for use with Proxomitron, it won't be able to find web pages unless the Proxomitron is running also!

To bypass the Proxomitron entirely and return your browser to normal operation, just set your browser not to use a proxy server (or "direct connection to the Internet" ).

Internet Explorer allow you to switch between these two settings with a simple checkbox in their proxy configuration screens.


To help make things more convenient, you can set the Proxomitron to automatically run your browser whenever it starts

Then simply start the Proxomitron whenever you would normally start your browser.


Note: If you are already connecting through a proxy server, you'll need to set the Proxomitron to use your original HTTP proxy settings.


ok if you decide to use it it has a help file and will teach you all there is to use it..

Scott lemmon went into a very detailed help file so to make it as easy as possible for you..

All credit to him ...for this program a master bit of pro to type of "proxy filtering"

that still a very powerful thing to use i would not Hit the nett without it

And have made very little Changes to the filters...




Now this is posted To remind You the reader ITS MY way of ,stealthing and privatizing MY SYSTEMS.

and Do not want to debate it in any Form nor drawn into one...Thank you for understanding this...

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Your opinion


Never heard of lookNstop-but I'll check it out.I've been content just to use the hardwall in my router,though I understand there's no protection for outbound data with that.Got to hope it does its job the first time around.When people talk firewalls,the other big names I hear(beside ZA) is Comodo,Online Armor, and Outpost.Your thoughts on those please.

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Mmmm --I don't want to be "Freddy the Guru of applications " ,or Make any one

be leave i am..OK i will answer the best i can ..and please readers

i do not want to be sucked in to debating fire walls as to what the best

Let me tell you this THERE IS NO BEST ...WHAT works for one will not work for a ather


i really cant give you a honest answer But this ,"Thy failed For Me..to do what i wanted."


but be leave thy are not bad..i would lean to outpost as its easer to control.and

was involved with its Beta Stage..hence Pcflank where i really got involved --

pctools is very similar ....started of really well and the first one made is still

a ripper ..comodo i remember its start.and athers faded..tiny fire wall was

a good one,keno a ather.Jethro a ripper ..that lasted a few years

half a dozen appeared and faded just as fast..the reason comdo was a hit

it is free .still is i think..

LookNstop Drew my attention as it was so tiny 560bytes---ver2.5 that was

the reason it did..under 650 bytes installed and check this out 2.6 p4

there new one ..just above 1 meg fully installed its the smallest one i know of

and a thundered ore power...i go as far as this its beats any one out there

if you know how to harness it capabilities..or learn ...

yet many would not even try it.because its so tiny!!!

and no frills..its namely text based..


i also be leave strongly its in the eye of the Beholder..as to whats BEST


I stopped downloading the Modern Fire walls as thy now are NON pure fire walls..

BAR A FEW that still are.......

Munch to big and have added program inserted ...when pushed to defend and tweaked .

thy tend to hick up

freeze, sudden boots up,or Just plane shut Down

with the Sorry POP up Please contact your admin for assistance..


i will say when ether one is installed , thats it. try to install the ather..

you will have to remove the one you have..so thats where thy ended for me as well.


Why ?

Thy to me are not true pure fire walls that are in depended from the systems

applications..(stand alone)

you will find thy interfere with your system complaining of compatibility ..

or state it cannot install.our you need to update this or that..if say you try it on 98 no hope

try it on win7 no hope. perhaps 2000 as well i know thy would fial ON win 99 operating OS..

Yes there is one ..i have it...half 98 half 2000..

what ever the reason...A fire wall has no right To interfear with any System apps running. or refuse to install

or so called

you need to update your OS... thy are or rather were made to -- warn you that something wants to accesses the net

Its a fire wall Not a scanner..or scam,watcher.or virus checker,or trojan stopper..thy should be independent

from any OS..and work with them ...


its Job is designed For, is to wholly watch the net ports and any thing that wants access to it

How can it be if its a spy watcher,or virus watcher. at the same time??

that why we install programs like OBIT that do there job

and not interfere with fire walls..


i will give them credit for the New Pearson starting of I recommend any type of fire wall

whatever make better than none..and thy are defaulted To block a fair bit..just so to keep them out of

trouble. EVEN windows defalcate fire wall as JUNKIE as it is

is better than nothing...now not many fans of the said fire walls will like my answer..

and athers will sing yeh..

the thing i advice .try it and see, try them all .free, trials type give them a go

than decide...if its what one needs..



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Your IP headers, proxy headers you will see all the info you passed on .

most of the empty slots are full ...


IP <- it's your IP

REMOTE_ADDR 114.***.246.****



COUNTRY United States <- it's your country

CITY Belleville <- it's your city

requested proxy headers






HTTP_VIA HTTP/1.1 speedyTerra .U.A+D-Cap+12.br (Squid/2.7.STABLE1)












Copyright © 2009 My-Addr.com


here is a very simple test i want people to try

most of you now Google.or yahoo open there site in the search bar type in in "My ip" ....now run half a dozen sites take a good look at what it reveals about you -----and your systems

By the way this is not scare tactics don't become alarmed..

But this is what every link ,site can SEE about you and where you are at even see our get in your system .ok?

almost to your Door..


the above is what thy see from my end ..NOTHING ! hey-- right itsmejjj

thy can see where your at ! you would read this as so


If i told you i live at the north pole would you believe it! no.

or perhaps catamaran AV ,Alcatraz .no

Its proximate at work.


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been reading a fair bit here the complaints this mucked up pc's

files disappear,the lax a daisy type security many have!

ok with out any fancy testing,i want you the owner of your pc to do something

and sit at your pc ,15 min and do nothing,just watch your screen,

now look at the modem ,the last light of your router..it should after say 2 minn dim to 0..the ather side light should not be flickering..as you are still with no

page on the screen..in ather words your pc is waiting for you ..

if its flickering non stop you are pinging the net ,???? and why are you ???

some one is scanning your ip. why are you allowing it.you are not Stealthed

you have ports open! and why is that ?? or in listening state Why?

if you are sitting there and doing zip all your pc MUST not reported to the NET....i bet half of you have port 135 wide open ,137,138,

even lets say your browser is up on the screen is its listening port Stopped

by your fire wall?? i bet its not..


any how check it No movement of any sort is seen if you are doing nothing...


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07-28-09,12:05:49 U-248 'IP: Block a range of IP ' TCP Ports Dest:53792 Src:2970

07-28-09,12:06:03 U-249 'IP: Block a range of IP ' TCP Ports Dest:17909 Src:2990

07-28-09,12:06:03 U-250 'IP: Block a range of IP ' TCP Ports Dest:57485 Src:2991

07-28-09,12:06:03 U-251 'IP: Block a range of IP ' TCP Ports Dest:55339 Src:2992

07-28-09,12:06:06 U-252 'IP: Block a range of IP ' TCP Ports Dest:17909 Src:2990

07-28-09,12:06:06 U-253 'IP: Block a range of IP ' TCP Ports Dest:57485 Src:2991

07-28-09,12:06:06 U-254 'IP: Block a range of IP ' TCP Ports Dest:55339 Src:2992

07-28-09,12:06:11 U-255 'IP: Block a range of IP ' TCP Ports Dest:50020 Src:3000

07-28-09,12:06:12 D-256 'IP: Block a range of IP ' ICMP Type:3 Code:0

07-28-09,12:06:14 U-257 'IP: Block a range of IP ' TCP Ports Dest:50020 Src:3000

07-28-09,12:06:14 D-258 'IP: Block a range of IP ' ICMP Type:3 Code:0

07-28-09,12:06:19 U-259 'IP: Block a range of IP ' TCP Ports Dest:54518 Src:3005

07-28-09,12:06:22 U-260 'IP: Block a range of IP ' TCP Ports Dest:54518 Src:3005

07-28-09,12:06:26 U-261 'IP: Block a range of IP ' TCP Ports Dest:40000 Src:3013

07-28-09,12:06:28 D-262 'IP: Block a range of IP ' ICMP Type:3 Code:3

07-28-09,12:06:29 U-263 'IP: Block a range of IP ' TCP Ports Dest:40000 Src:3013

07-28-09,12:06:31 D-264 'IP: Block a range of IP ' ICMP Type:3 Code:3

07-28-09,12:06:34 U-265 'IP: Block a range of IP ' TCP Ports Dest:13259 Src:3021

07-28-09,12:06:34 U-266 'IP: Block a range of IP ' TCP Ports Dest:https=443 Src:3022

07-28-09,12:06:37 U-267 'IP: Block a range of IP ' TCP Ports Dest:13259 Src:3021

07-28-09,12:06:37 U-268 'IP: Block a range of IP ' TCP Ports Dest:https=443 Src:3022



07-28-09,12:25:29 D-277 'IP: Block a range of IP ' ICMP Type:3 Code:0

07-28-09,12:27:20 D-278 'IP: Block a range of IP ' ICMP Type:3 Code:13

07-28-09,12:27:23 D-279 'IP: Block a range of IP ' ICMP Type:3 Code:13

07-28-09,12:27:26 D-280 'IP: Block a range of IP ' ICMP Type:3 Code:13

07-28-09,12:27:29 D-281 'IP: Block a range of IP ' ICMP Type:3 Code:13

07-28-09,12:29:36 D-282 'IP: Block a range of IP ' ICMP Type:3 Code:1


very tiny sample of my log lookNstop fire wall

please take a good hard look


see the end ip thy are the ones that ping your system hoping to find a open port---. tcp not a real worry as there are scanning..

ICMP thy are the danger ,could be any thing or one trying to get in...without you even knowing..or even a Trojan horse looking for a way in...

now that sitting and doing nothing..gets worse when you are active


my fire,walls keep the system ports shut ..and still not responding to whatever try's by the way the wording "range" is say a part of the net system is blocked..i have 7 country's shut out..



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  • 2 weeks later...

the most used on the net

are you secure on them??? as follows--




21 "FTP"-Port.

Will be used to transfer data through ftp.

22 "SSH"-Port.

Will be used to connect a Secure Shell.

23 "Telnet"-Port.

Will be used for terminal emulation.

25 "SMTP"-Port.

Will be used for email delivery (see also port 465).

53 "DNS"-Port.

Will be used to resolve domain names into ip addresses.

79 "Finger"-Port.

Will be used to show information about a user.

80 "HTTP"-Port.

Will be used to communicate with the web server.

110 "POP3"-Port.

Will be used by clients to connect to an email server.

115 "SFTP"-Port.

Will be used by "Simple File Transfer Protocol" to transfer files.

135 "RPC"-Port. <<<<<<<< your isp man may be blocking it for you???

Will be used by Remote Procedure Calls.

136 137,138,139, "NetBIOS"-Ports.<<<< should be guarded 100%

Will be used by Net bios (Network Basic Input Output System).

143 "IMAP"-Port.

Will be used to access and manage mailboxes.

194 "IRC"-Port.

Will be used to access I MAP mailboxes.

389 "LDAP"-Port.

Will be used for querying and modifying directory services.

443 "HTTPS"-Port.

Will be used for Hypertext Transfer Protocol over Secure Socket Layer.

445 "SMB"-Port.

Will be used to provide shared access to files and printers.

465 "SMTPS"-Port.

Will be used for secured mail transfer.

1433 "MS SQL"-Port.

Will be used to communicate with a SQL server.

1723 "PPTP"-Port.

Will be used for Point-to-Point Tunneling (VPN).

3306 "MySQL"-Port.

Will be used to access MySQL databases.

3389 "Remote Desktop"-Port.

Will be used by Windows Remote desktop.

5632 "pcAnywhere"-Port.

Will be used to remote access a machine through PC anywhere.

5900 "VNC"-Port.

Will be used by Virtual Network Computing to share desktops.

6112 "Warcraft III"-Port.

Will be used by Warcraft III to host network games.

8080 "HTTP-Alt"-Port.

Will be used by Proxy and Caching Servers.


there are athers but the above are or should be guarded well

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Hi jjj

Thank you!!

Very good to have that information.

I am impressed with your knowledge.





the most used on the net

are you secure on them??? as follows--




21 "FTP"-Port.

Will be used to transfer data through ftp.

22 "SSH"-Port.

Will be used to connect a Secure Shell.

23 "Telnet"-Port.

Will be used for terminal emulation.

25 "SMTP"-Port.

Will be used for email delivery (see also port 465).

53 "DNS"-Port.

Will be used to resolve domain names into ip addresses.

79 "Finger"-Port.

Will be used to show information about a user.

80 "HTTP"-Port.

Will be used to communicate with the web server.

110 "POP3"-Port.

Will be used by clients to connect to an email server.

115 "SFTP"-Port.

Will be used by "Simple File Transfer Protocol" to transfer files.

135 "RPC"-Port. <<<<<<<< your isp man may be blocking it for you???

Will be used by Remote Procedure Calls.

136 137,138,139, "NetBIOS"-Ports.<<<< should be guarded 100%

Will be used by Net bios (Network Basic Input Output System).

143 "IMAP"-Port.

Will be used to access and manage mailboxes.

194 "IRC"-Port.

Will be used to access I MAP mailboxes.

389 "LDAP"-Port.

Will be used for querying and modifying directory services.

443 "HTTPS"-Port.

Will be used for Hypertext Transfer Protocol over Secure Socket Layer.

445 "SMB"-Port.

Will be used to provide shared access to files and printers.

465 "SMTPS"-Port.

Will be used for secured mail transfer.

1433 "MS SQL"-Port.

Will be used to communicate with a SQL server.

1723 "PPTP"-Port.

Will be used for Point-to-Point Tunneling (VPN).

3306 "MySQL"-Port.

Will be used to access MySQL databases.

3389 "Remote Desktop"-Port.

Will be used by Windows Remote desktop.

5632 "pcAnywhere"-Port.

Will be used to remote access a machine through PC anywhere.

5900 "VNC"-Port.

Will be used by Virtual Network Computing to share desktops.

6112 "Warcraft III"-Port.

Will be used by Warcraft III to host network games.

8080 "HTTP-Alt"-Port.

Will be used by Proxy and Caching Servers.


there are athers but the above are or should be guarded well

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Thank you for that kind reply !!!____________________________



lets discuss Routers verses PURE ADSL in a general WAY...


now ADSL modes are known as pure Modems: nothing blocks in or out pure transfer devices of data


-- Routers are different as thy are programed to allow or disallow ..transferring data

Many be leave its all thy need -and are protected from the bad things from human and or software



ok i guess if that what one believes than good and ,fine...but are you ?

and do you really believe it!

yes, i can hear people answer, we are fine thank you itsmejjj!


OK than stop here and thank you for your time


this is not for the beginner BE aware!!

do not change or enter a router..if you never have ...you can lose the setting and internet

ok please be aware !!

how do i know did it once my self ...and had to take it to the pcman

to fix it..

.i have no love for them ..But thy are not to bad as thy help a little, better than nothing

there inbuilt fire walls, are as good as WIN FIRE wall CRAPPY ! you cannot tweak them properly..

thy do block in bounds but nothing out bounds...




the danger with routers thy allow most ports as in open state..or half open state,,tcp/udp


thy allow cookies

thy allow packet to flow in and out

thy allow pinging

thy allow any request made to pass to the CP

thy allow any Qwerty made to pass to the PC.

alright- thy have a fire wall inbuilt ,so many be leave that's it all thy need


4 mian settings in " most " modern Routers..!!!!!!! MOST)))))

1 block cookies <<<<<<<<,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, false)) you could but limmets a lot of surfing...will not stop tracking cookies

2 block anonymous internet requests <<<<it can and thy will.this is a must setting....

3 block or filter Proxy request <<<<<<<<it can and thy do ..you will not be able to use them PROXY IP's

4 Block wan requests<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<it can but it blocks the isp man..and disables the router from the net.

******* Turning it to a DSL configuration.DIAL IN....do not monky around with this set...

5 block active X <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<false but you could try ))

6 block Jave request <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<false ))))) you can but MANY sites will not link to your CP.becoming unreachable.


if you inforse the rules you cant Surf..or very limited...


now before some one JUMPS in and wants to debate the above --dont bother

as every router is different in its pre programed setting's

read your cd that came with the modem study it for detale info of what you can or cant do


thy are set to a default setting to allow almost any thing out and in...

if thy were not so YOU would Scree- M its not working..and i cant surf the net..


may pay to have a look inside the router setting and menu .h--p:// --make sure java is enabled

just for this..just look OK..do nothing els..unless you understand what you are about to change..

at every page hit the cancel button if something want to..unless you do understand..


warning again...


do not monkey around with the setting's if you do not understand them

you will lose your intent!!!!

alright itsmejjj Do you use one ? "Some times just for testing.."

So what is your modem --- "i use a pure ADSL d-link 2000..dial in..PURE DATA TRANSFERRING DEVICE.."


ok next post what ports to block and why...

thank you for your time reading .


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this post is in general,and not to be used as in, its 100% so .. as many things my vary ,,depending on software or OS and BUILDS...and the system its used on.....and the variation of software..




So what operating Os are you using?

XP ---Its not to bad on average holds open 6 to 8 ports--by default..

Vista ,win7 Check about --- 14 ports are wide open! ,when i ran my internal scanner

i was a shock to see this..so much for the win fire wall's and routers in build ones...tested on 4 different routers,

ok if you do not use a software fire wall is what i am saying..

plus what type of router you may be using this will vary..about 2 ether way..


also my test are based on internal scanners not over the net..

one called local port scanner,tcp view 3 different builds,c ports (rev1.2.2 ,1.2.4) ,scanner,2 different builds....any can to downloaded free.....

its not debatable as to the ex sacked amount , of open ports

the fact is the number that are... in open or half closed state..

that is of concern...

the reason why? look at MS apps that hold them in this state!


SVHOST ALONE using 4 to 6 ports in open STATE ....at a time...


now one may state well it need to link to the net, well That is FALSE



THE only program is your Browser Thats it ..or your mail client when using it

no ather application needs to be a server :- nor access the net itself

your browser will pass on data to your pc, and return data to the net

the rest are fore internal use only...


so if i look at my fire wall all i see pass the lock is my browser ,or a downloading client when in use,or my Mail client When in use


how many times has your fire wall asked you to allow windows explorer?

or Svhost.ex, or host for windows,SMS service,windows host process run time,win log on application--and more

and people just say yes ..why ? thy have no rights to the net..thy are for internal use only..its IE explorer or fire fox that use the net..]


ok you may use Norton or av,or some scanner like iobit, sure allow them ,

or thy would not update..but can be blocked ,and work normal internally..

and do there thing..

what people who do not know is this ,any application hold on to a port in half open state,or open state,or whateting state,or listing state,depending of the program, this can let in TROJANS,or attracted scanners,looking for half open or open ports,mostly hackers will attack them....or try ,


so to some up, check out your ports to see what program,or app, is holding on to a port..and not releasing them --- if you get a lot of warning bells from a scanner ,our virus program,that your under attack often in a day

you should check out why? and what port its cumming from..



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http://en.dnstools.ch/show-my-ip.html the ip check site used;;;




IP Address (Integrations for webmasters)


Remote Port 16434

Protocol HTTP/1.0

eMule ID 3404203021

Proxy Proxy detected

Proxy IP 119.***.40.1*1 for (safety reasons )

Proxy type Tranparent proxy

Proxy name HTTP/1.1 proxy1.bezeqint.net,speedyterra.U.A+D-Cap+12.br (Squid/2.7.STABLE1), 1.1 OpenProxy-01 (jaguar/3.0-11)

Access point Country United States of America US

Region unknown

City Norwalk



ok a sample of my anonymity this is what the net sees me as ..

would you like to be able to do the same ?





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hi itsmejjj


there is no reason to worry about your ports and your IP adress


of course they can locate us in a distance of say 2-5 km but it is like our street address in telephone catalogues


as it concerns the ports u can not close them since data must travel to and from your pc.


Fire-wall , antifishing , antivirus and antirootkit programs protect us -at least theoretically- from malicious actions.


as for the blinking of internet connection even if u are doing nothing on your pc the SERVER and the CLIENT must exhange information in order to maintain conectivity



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IP Address (Integrations for webmasters)


Remote Port 65324

Protocol HTTP/1.1

eMule ID 585697028

Proxy Proxy detected

Proxy IP 1*4.*7.2*6.36 for safety reason i dotted this

Proxy type Tranparent proxy

Proxy name 7BAB33D3DED7CAEB

Access point Country United States of America US

Region unknown

City Honolulu

Provider Level 3 Communications

Browser Browser name unknown

Operating system unknown



yes i understand what you are saying but i prefer to be 5000+ miles away and as close as thy can work out ..2000+ miles

Wat you or readers are looking at is what can be seen by snoopers or scanners its almost processable to scan myself as the ip changes every 2 or pages.. so unmissable to try and trace back as i disappear leaving a dead end .. passing in and out of 8 to 10 entry points,a time--

probably for the western part of the world one can relax far more




"as it concerns the ports u can not close them since data must travel to and from your pc."


i like to discuss this as we go along ---

and with your help and reader who may want to comment



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Sometimes it can be pretty useful to know your own IP address. For instance if you want to play a network game with friends or to test if the installed proxy server does its job correctly. We also try to determine the location of the dial-in node based on the IP address.

IP Information IP Address (Integrations for webmasters)


Remote Port 63049

Protocol HTTP/1.1

eMule ID 2653301531

Proxy Proxy detected

Proxy IP

Proxy type Tranparent proxy

Proxy name HTTP/1.1 Acdc net .fr (DeleGate/5.9.15)

Access point Country unknown

Region unknown

City unknown

Provider unknown

Browser Browser name unknown

Operating system unknown




Just dose not get any Better Than this-----

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type ?? not sure what you are asking

if you mean on forums --YES

get 30 seconds to anser a post--so i prepare it with note pad first --then save to a file copy past to the reply---


if you mean normal typing no problem(internal) ---there is a lot of limited things

as far as surfing or links made..one can experience, a lot of Drop off linking.

or site not responding to a send signal..

there is a price one pays.to be this way...you cannot run Java,(jave) or Email,

Use Banking,Chat,

downloading at some sites will not work,as one dissipates losing the link --

or sites that demand Java be used --all packets are dropped within a milla second--cookies killed of instant..

any probe attempt made the computer ,stops ,blocks a probe drops of the signal then resumes...if its a attack ,made non stop ,the system shuts down (reboots)..



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"as for the blinking of internet connection even if u are doing nothing on your pc the SERVER and the CLIENT must exchange information in order to maintain connectivity", ---------------------------------------<<<<


ON a ADS L-TO YOUR "ELITE NET" LINE, ONE IS NEVER OFFLINE-its permanent ,same as your phone so long as you piad the bills that is??


I differ to Agree here ,i mean this nicely""

if you or i are Doing nothing ,as in not -linked to a site....saying,bit like a car ,if you are parked ,why would you want your Motor running? sure you could..but if parked i probably think no..not i good idea.

--Just say for the the sake of talking ,typing on your pc a essay,or watching a movie,playing a game-

your Browser is off---modem on --

USING only NOTE pad or the like.....

your pc Should be in Silent MODE -NOT PINGING to the IP provider-Nor reeving any pings MADE from the systems OUTSIDE

or past the modem..Why WOULD ONE ALLOW IT ...your still alive ,

any attempt made is stopped at the Modem -rendering the probe or scan unreachable..

The best way to see if it or something is trying (install a net meter) there you can see if a signal is pinging you .

you should see a blank page (net meters pop ) if not better see whats info is leaking out !!

your modem light the last one should be dimmed to off---telling you your inactive

to the out side of your PC --stopping at the router.PARKED..

you should see some lines appear now and then ,in the net meters pop window ...

even if you locked down your pc,this is corrigenda,as its your router thus pinged .

yet your modem light is of...only 4 lights are on (if only a single cable is plunged in)

to the router--

that's whats wanted and a good thing --now as

as soon as you hit the browser to on it comes alive! ( unlocked fire wall,ehhh)

as this is your communication to the net ..and the only one ,that should BE..

No OTHER app without your consent is allowed to link -----or be a server...


"have a fire wall in locked state to make sure ,if your pc is on and you leave it -"


if you decide to go out -leave home turn it of ,unplug the modem! or its power..

Never leave it to its own Devices-as in downloading,or updates made,be sure your sitting there watching

-Dont trust any AUTO APPS TO RUN....

make it a practice ..a rule .

--------------------------.""only you allow what you decide is what you want """"!

not some programmers Rule...OR a MS OS rule ..or what thy say is for your good...

("thy" programmers )


Be aware ! watch,be car full what you trust,or just allow.

test to see if your fire wall really can lock you 100%

look at your meter and modem light.when hitting the browser,and open a link,

you see nothing is opening a port...

you should see a warning,---"Socket error..connect {0}"



by the way here is a nice small fire wall very basic but very useful

called ---Primedius Fire wall --get it at geeks site under fire walls --free--

Sits in the tray --Why i use it is Stop any activated ---internet locking---

its non interfering --you will have to add by your self (BASIC FIREWALL) settings--add programs --

point to the apps directory,-as in browser or fire wall- or your scanners and so on .as in EXE..

pretty simple really----YOU DO not NEED TO have your MODEM active while you do Nothing

or not sitting at your pc...



well i left the tread alone for a while so you the reader got a chance to get whats needed

we go over it one more time --

lookNstop fire wall--armornet 2 tm--extra zone alarm ver 4.5 or to ver 5.6.00 Pentium 1-2-3-4 is best--

you could try of higher pc systems with out zone alarm and armornet2...

proxomitron ??---- you will need this ---if you decide to go without it your wasting a very

good resonator--and this will not work--

now lookNstop extra add ins down load is free..{rules}

like stop a ip address,and so on--------

also you have to believe its all true,have faith in the settings,that it is 99.90 % true

if not your wasting your time,as its a bit complex to get going,

proxomitron the hardest to understand...in what it is made to do

For the ones that already use it understand what i am saying..


ok next post we start what i hope will be of some benefit to readers ??


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So step 1 i would like you to now monkey around

blocking this range...

set to block in your fire wall (nothing ante-Terrestrial) very simple ---to ---


no reboot needed ,ok now start your browser and surf ..

look at your fire wall logs...


If per chance you cant browse -just delete the above settings

and go this way ---to 192 .255.255.255


if this fails you to brows normal also delight this


you back to normal.. why this its a good test to see if you can still Email,and Brows Normal--

do not let this worry you no harm will come to your system --

just undo the settings...


also i would like you to download PEER guardian but do not update

or download any thing --just yet -we are testing ports that get blocked..

just install ...now make your own rule..as in add(list mangier)


follow the pops --name the list whatever you like save to peer directory

in lists directory --- reopen find it open now add (say MY stops) and add

the range...

close it will generate a ca'shh watch it log ...



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At the MOMENT DO not TRY THIS on WIN 7 any version OK!!! Perhaps Vista as WELL ....

i am testing this first so far its seems very good with the right tools and fire wall


when i find its all ok 100% I SHALL POST THIS AS YOU ARE OK TO TRY IT


as i am working on the stealthiness ,to be sure its really is!


as the OS behaves Some what different ,yes in the two VISTA types of OS

win7 is different in its behaviors,


some programs that use vista only will not work on the new OS.

trust this as so .. you can horse around to install ,but the system Win7 may

go in to a degrading mode --Be careful what you try to install

have it fully backed up .no matter whats said about the two OS --

its different in its behaving---you will lose data ,if uncountable software is made to install...


VISTA IS VISTA- WIN7 IS WIN7 ----thy are not the same ...

be it build on the same sort of platform....

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now Xp users only

you should see UDP is now in blocked MODE--192.168.1.?

port 137.....use peer guard to see if its so..remember you are using your list

only ..not the ones used by peer labs...if you look at your logs peer logs

you can allow it by right click and pick a time limit 15 mi nits or 1 hour

do not click permanently--fhew...

(lists up to date 1 )




Will be used by Remote Procedure Calls.

136 137,138,139, "NetBIOS"-Ports.<<<< should be guarded 100%

Will be used by Net bios (Network Basic Input Output System).


remember ? this is what we are for now concentrating on ..




extra info ::::::


PeerGuardian 2 Home Page http://peerguardian.sf.net/pg2

Methlabs Home Page http://peerguardian.sf.net

Methlabs Forums http://peerguardian.sf.net/forums


Open Source


PeerGuardian 2 makes use of the following Open Source libraries/software:


7-Zip http://www.7-zip.org

Boost http://www.boost.org

Inno Setup http://www.jrsoftware.org/isinfo.php

libcurl http://curl.haxx.se/libcurl

SQLite http://www.sqlite.org

TinyXml http://www.grinninglizard.com/tinyxml

zlib http://www.zlib.net



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before i monkey around as you put it jjj----can i

1 download ----yes you can

2 can i chat on the nett ----i don't know as i never have --if you cant -set it to allow --test in peer guards list log -right click and pick ----

3 can i Emial yes --if say for some reason you cant -------- "---------------------------------------"

4 can i log in to forums --YES -but you may need to stay as long as you want allow cookies for that site---

5 can i brows normally yes --but some sites my not allow you --check your browser settings


So whats the big idea this blocking---its there to stop the ports from outbound data! ---

and whats the bigger deal with this peer thing program! ??

its there purely to block ports...

you do not need to upgrade it (lists) this is up to you )

WILL it run on Vista --yes --How about Win7 -on the beta Yes --it did

on the newer it will or may not---installs fine but blocks nothing!!!!

thy are working on this to fix that.... Source--and Destination---port 137-138-139---now let me say this you have just successfully(also known as UDP SHARE PORTS))))))))<<<<<<<<<

blocked a lot of the nets bad Junk--your pc not communicating on most dangerous ports! ---------->>>>>>only when you allow it !! <<<<<<<<<

watch your fire wall ..also known as UDP SHARE PORTS.....should be telling thy are blocked ---if not check your fire wall -----it may be leaking????


if you check this internal you should see TCP is in Whate - AND -sit state only!

not open--or half open ----------<<UDP IS BLOCKED..<<<<<<<

please check this on your system...use a local port scanner --not a net scanner ,there is a difference----


if you cant find one ask ..check out the geeks site


hope its useful.....



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