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What will be a perfect password?


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Myth: if it is encrypted, it is secure

Truth: if it is not encrypted, it is not secure

Before creating a password you should know:

⑴ NO password is uncrackable.

The best you can do is making it difficult and non-trivial to determine your password.

What's the worst password? The one you've forgotten.

Password recovery is the most difficult process, sometimes even is impossible.

⑵Whatever method you choose, it's a good idea to change your password often.

The more important the password, the more often it should be changed.

Why? If someone is attempting a brute-force attack on your password, the hope is that you're changing it to something they've already tried and found to be wrong.

⑶The longer the password, the harder it is to 'guess.'

Note: many systems limit passwords to 8 characters.

Some clever people are foregoing brute-force hacks (e.g. dictionary attacks), in favor of 'social engineering' to obtain passwords.

If somebody calls or emails, requesting your password, it's a dumb idea to give it to them.

Of course nobody would sticky-note a password to their monitor, or under a keyboard.


A good password is one that's hard to guess, yet easy to remember. So here are the 6 steps to build a strong password related to you but look no relation. It also used to avoid common password strategies that fail

The strongest passwords look like a random string of characters to attackers. It will be perfect if it begins with a letter and mixes with capital letters and small letters and numbers and special characters.

Let’s try to make strong 6 characters password.

1. Think of something that you really want.

Example: "I want 1 million dollars."

2. Turn your sentence into a password.

try character encoding scheme in this case: "iw1m$".

3. Add complexity to your password or pass phrase

Mix uppercase and lowercase letters and numbers. Introduce intentional misspellings.

For example, in the sentence above, you might substitute the letter i for the word "I", so a password might be "Iw1m$".

4. Substitute some special characters

Use symbols that look like letters, combine words, or replace letters with numbers to make the password complex. You see, 1=1.0.

Using these strategies, you might end up with the password "Iw1.m$"

5. Test your new password with Password Checker

Password Checker evaluates your password's strength as you type.

6. Keep your password a secret

Treat your passwords with as much care as the information that they protect.


Qualities of strong passwords


Each character you add to your password increases the protection it provides.

8 or more characters are the minimum for a strong password; 14 characters or longer are ideal.


The greater variety of characters that you have in your password, the harder it is to guess.

An ideal password combines both length and different types of symbols.

Use the entire keyboard.

Easy to remember, hard to guess

The easiest way to remember your passwords is to write them down.

It is OK to write passwords down, but keep them secret so they remain secure and effective.



Avoid sequences or repeated characters

"12345678," "222222," "abcdefg," or adjacent letters on your keyboard do not make secure passwords.

Avoid using only look-alike substitutions of numbers or symbols

Criminals will not be fooled by common look-alike replacements, such as to replace an 'i' with a '1' or an 'a' with '@' as in "M1cr0$0ft" or "P@ssw0rd".


Avoid your login name

don’t use any part of your name, birthday, social security number, or similar information for your loved ones.

This type of information is one of the first things criminals will try, and they can find it easily online from social networking sites, online resumes, and other public sources of data.


Avoid dictionary words in ANY language

Criminals use sophisticated tools that can rapidly guess passwords that are based on words in multiple dictionaries, including words spelled backwards, common misspellings, profanity, and substitutions.


Avoid using only one password for all your accounts

If your password is compromised on any one of the computers or online systems that use it, you should consider all of your other information protected by that password compromised as well.


This post may be a little late. If you need password recovery like windows password recovery, you should refer to windows password recovery blog.

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Hi danburrito :-)

But perhaps QùDùöÝ is?

Same word just encrypted with the encryption system I use - in this instance just encrypted with -qwerty -, but one could use 5th page 5th line first 1-30-40 words in the local paper or some magazine or book.

Or this one ;¾»]|& still same word but encrypted with a sentence that only my brother and I know because it contains a wrong spelling from an edition of a book we read when we were kids.

Developed by my brother. Sort of one-time-pad. Actually unbreakable I think by even the best technology of today if changed often.




So, are you saying that qwerty is not a good master password?
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Sing a song


I use the sing a song method :smile:


I will give an example that I do not use (honest)

I like Neil Young and I will always remember the line from a song

Look at Mother Nature on the run in the nineteen seventies

This would become the password:



L because Look is at the beginning

@ obvious

MN because Mother Nature deserves the respect of capital letters

19()70s because it's in the nineteen seventies

NY for Neil Young


I have some weirder ones and can always find one to suit the need but I would never user "I Want Money" by the Beatles or "Money, Money, Money" by Abba for my ATM PIN# :wink:


Poems, quotes, lines from books or movies etc work as well


All the best, woz of oz

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