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ok now you know i have edit this to the last post..if any one realy wants to know more read the program help files

inbuilt in the program..hit help its all there!learn it..like i have .but any thing you may be stuck with ask..if its a true one .

as in genuine i will respond..


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ok sample live shot how ta merge..

you presumably you understand this each level you merge..they than work as soon as thy are at the next opening of browser.


when you do make sure its closed..no need for rebooting.



ok later down the track i show you how ta edit on the fly--without closing the browser..and change setting behavior-at the next link..



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Do I merge all of the unzipped 2007 files listed from the clipboard into Poroxo at the same time or just the first file on the list which is actually dated 11-19-2003? 2004.2005.2006.2007.2008.2009--thy are added in

use auto merge ok clipboard not from clip board, ya can but this is safer..

if you want will not mater thy are added in to the setting (activate) workings,





you can unzip every file into the directory .ok using unzip program piont to the directory..nothing else,,,

but back up your directory first (copy to safe place)

then go ahead..



its just sits there till you merge them,the one you want to run .


use the merge file look careful at the bottom shot what is ticked on.

before you merge ok..


agian ..ok---


you simply unzip all the files ta proxomitron folder..


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ok asume you did this added and merged a filter

her is a siple edit


hppt header message :open the page



bottom of the page -open the file forward for--(out)

now the page opens

look at the bottom line-----Malaware - Bison- nett \h

ok now edit what you want to head out before the \h


lets say" i am max.." \h no " save close


now its the new heading out..that the net can see..


your first change made by you.


ge hope ya not pulling me bells


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jjj- Even before I got all of the files unzipped and loaded I did a test and and it worked the very first time with a different IP given only the location was still in the same general region using the proxy you supplied! I could hardly believe it! I had tried to get this to work for a long time with no success until jjj Proxo Pro lined me up with the right set of filters for this amazing 1999 program.


As far as the X Forward Out header rule goes here is what mine looks like...



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ok some more tips her now check the last one carefully

this is where you add ip ...yes so long as you use the one s you do point to the place thy can see ya from but never your home ip.as you add thy stay there saved

open pick a ip and ya of to its provider..depending where it is..

but the net think's and see you in any place .as thy tell you where thy say you are..rather what is passed to them .

is this fool proof? yes .as its what thy see your browser sends them .any one checker..now you cannot be hacked ,snooped or seen .-from you isp man..------------


i will tell you how ta find them as we travel..now google and type in my ip

you will see a list of server checker try ing to see your ip

the one you have is a high anonymous site..when adding is done look at the yellow tiny pick save it will be grey .yellow on needs you to save..

ok go slow and easy do not try to much to soon .back up your directory

name it proximity 2..


itsmejjj ..

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ok few more tips how ta tell if you are dead or live...changing the ip


killing of restart use the new one....i typed id a false ip to show (demonstrate)

what happens,,,


ok now hit this plase check ya self .......the best on the net @@@@//www.stilllistener.com/checkpoint1/test1/


welcome to my world.. now ya understand me! and thank you for trusting me.

you see we have things in common we seek ta help one and all who listen trust a little and try out..


itsmejjj ..

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i have use them 5 years for info and are to be trusted ,with 99% correctness.

tree rules here never join ...!!!!


look carefully ..green is the safe ones .

3 .test the with stiller ..than use..

i do hope you copy and save this to your drive as reference..

all picks .i am trying my best to show you .take your time


.and try ta follow me along.

its the best i can do.

thank you itsmejjj


please look at the live test this is the dream proxy ta use ...!

and fast..


yes i know where you realy live in the philander!! i knew it!

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here is what i know is safe ta do..start to -use a spare place --drive safe--from any net.(store) even to a cd.is preferred..ok

make a directory -whatever you want .you know were the files are..copy -every thing to do with this program .add on.filters .what ever you can find.

even if it seems non important now! grab them .dock files.advice from old posts made,filters how thy made them .same as we discus here.tricks failed .what ever one day thy will be lost.but you will have them .at the moment it seems not important.but ya wished you had..

sound all so ALL very dramatic.but trust me .grab what ya can find save it all to cd.--i got 8 of them .just on this program .forum chats .and so on.

let me tell i will not pass on -you are using a tools like no other! as you start to use and learn it ,you will understand this old fella advice,i got post back to 2002

when in full swing.i spent a long time learning this .and still find it amazing

one other thing you can use it without remote .just your ip.and still filter!

but it shows your ip...


as a proxy..not the idea..you can run 1-2 or a few more with different settings

make directory point a short cut .set up how you want .stop one kick in the other -makes no difference. bar the filters set...keep a list of ip numbers

on a pad .write down so you have them .hunt the best ones .fast ones that truly are anonymous.some may die .others are started .but test the every 2 days.at stiller---make sure.i can not teach you every thing here as you understand..and will not .you must do this your self...

as it will be done to your likening and rules .you or any one has the start i would of killed for..all the hard work done...already even if you left it as is..

its tested .working..deflated setting for max filtering..but i am a fiddler always looking for the edge ta better it..

any how i feel really good about this ..so very happy..you are using and trying it .even if you ditch it .no matter..the fact you trusted me is what makes this worth my time.. i have to admit it was a very special supremo thing for me ta see.!!!...


a special thank you to the forum ta allow me to express my passion!

and post this!!! and to the ones taking time out ta read this..


look give it a go .read .first.try it..what you have to lose .

if you decide no thanks .simple uninstall .dilite the directory .that it all gone ,nothing left..




ok here you find ip for your self -look at the above post how to pick the right ones..

then test them .one at the time.if one fiales ,save proxco

close it reopen try the next one you think you want to try..and so on..

copy them to a note pad



any how chase it up..save .




the site that provides the ips are very good trusted and verified free open proxy. i have no fear in adding any..

be aware ,of this ,you can even verify them .if thy are Dicky.

test them.as you already have!


ok that will do for now till you get the hang of this,,

ok that is all i can make public as its legal..

i an happy my self as it saves my hunting not so legal (crawler) to find open ones...

sometime i do .but prefer to avoid this..as here are plenty..

all the above and posted is basic stuff all legal!!


again any one reading ,perhaps trying this out..this is to help you stay anonymous .


"if you fell the need to do this" ..its nothing shady or i have nothing to hide

thinking.its a way to stop the wrong types .from seeing you .as in place or ip





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jjj- So far I am having limited success using the Proxomitron now that you have been so gracious as to show me how to use it. I am very thankful that you spent so much time explaining how to use this excellent 10 year old program in that such knowledge is all but unobtainable except from an experienced Proxo Pro such as yourself as all the Proxo information that was once at GeoCities has just recently lapsed into obscurity.



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@@://www.lipsheim.org/foret/proxomitron.htm --

lShort introduction plus sample filters. (French

plus a few mor in different languages--



ok here are a few more site to find info and help







This page aims at explaining some of the configure settings that you can adjust, either via filter switches or the Proxomitron menu. It is a work in progress and not likely to get finished any time soon. ;-) but its up to date...


For now, clicking on an image should open the respective plain text help file in a new window.

hang in there the point is its working..

when using it ..here is a heap ta start with..

it no good hitting you with every thing at the one time..


for now start it as if in normal daily use -every time you are on the net..you become so used to it working away its part of your surfing..

don't worry about the internals this all falls into place the longer one uses it..


my above is just the simple Gide to make you aware how ta add and watch out for..what to use ip wise the out side of the program..

trust me the rest will all fall into place


now the age of the program itself is nothing.as its looks are the same.menu wise but its updated filters are 2009....so really its modern..


let me state this the net as in general hate this application.suppress it as much as can be done most know it and what it is capable of..

and do not want people to use it..so knock it .

BEST OF ALL KEEP IT SHHHHH -look at the so called ip hiders programs .ripping uf the public..

like-- hy install our Freddy hide your ip program we keep you hidden.!!!

rubbish.it only cost you bla bla..

then you find its useless.as its fake..let some one show me a better one

then this --trust this i tried them .for the sake of peace i will not name any ..

nor debate this..

but this is unbeatable---


only we few know better!all the anti spam programs,and anti this and that

cant match it! if its set to filter! i do not say it a replacement but one can live without this type no its very powerful in the right hands..

granted not easy if one want to go deep into it.but its already doing it..

with out any user interfering or changing..


i see the interest here in our post the amount of looks made and thank you all

ALSO i apologize if this all look fanatical its not the case..but its a passion

yes .its not intended oh we can do bad stuff here .trust this

go ahead a try ? see what happens .no its to ward of .defend make it hard.

to find you by shifty probes.stop the infernal logging.spying.unwanted


look if you or i want go ahead plaster our faces over all the net become a 1 day wonder. ....our what ever ..




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yes indeed my passion PROXOMITRON..

perhaps one day may be the readers one as well????

please try it .you will learn to love it?

i feel about this as GARY feels about Malcruim reflect..

and if in some way i draw attention to this by the way of our forum i am not sorry for this

and again i thank IOBIT forum to allow me this privilege!



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my goodnes me look at what i stumbled across!!!

in my searching for information...ta help..


@@@://prxbx.com/forums/ hooo wow we me!!

its alive and well --i just never bothered ta look for a long time

check this your self and go ask the ones the Guru of this program..

thy know more that i ..the complexity of its workings and failures..

man alive ,i am jumping out of my skin..i was thinking i was but a few ..i found the home after so very long..in the wilderness --use your normal browsing thy do block some proxy ip .if i made any errors in trying to ex plane thy will know

and help .if one want to join in ..i be heading for the shop as i do not eMail from here and join them.i have a lot ta ask! --

the problem is aim a lousy teacher my speleology. is so poor and my way of expression is poor .no matter how hard i try ! it Sometime ugly .useless Junk

the way its posted .! i get flustered .

but you will now be able to get the help this deserves..

i need not post on this any more ..!! and made a fool of myself..

or even feel like one..as i read my own posts and get so em barest ..!!

but i will leave it .so i can see what a idiot i am .and learn from it

but i shall truly try harder..

this has taken me 3 full days ! shows ya!

crista--- i hope its understandable?


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and made a fool of myself..

or even feel like one..as i read my own posts and get so em barest ..!!

but i will leave it .so i can see what a idiot i am .and learn from it

but i shall truly try harder..

this has taken me 3 full days ! shows ya!

crista--- i hope its understandable?



Believe me when I say that you are a lot easier to understand than Proxomitron is! While I was teaching English in Taiwan I evaluated each student's progress on an individual basis and by that standard your English proficiency has improved 300% in just the last 6 months since I first read you posts here on the Forum. You should be very proud of yourself for having made such an amazing amount of progress in such a short time practicing daily right here in public by doing the very best that you could each day.




PS- Have you seen the Proxomitron Sidebar? It was released this last May and looks like they were going for kind of a Win 7 look



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Have you seen the Proxomitron Sidebar? It was released this last May and looks like they were going for kind of a Win 7 look


yes i remember a while back but its more for maxathon browser im not sure now? .i tried it on xp

and it failed. i got the same file ,.but the old MS player pops up and want ta play the file

haaaa --but you are right it was a attempt to have a side bar.still we have or i at least use @@ /www.idesksoft.com/

thanks for the link..

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now after you check your self look at the last pic at the bottom

see it any one game???? after all no one has a thing ta hide...right...


i always check my self ta be sure what thy see ---but i understand if

any one is" very" reluctant ..AS THY LOG YOU..







this site is eyed in with one and the other..test wise..that is why i use it..

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jjj- These are my test results so far using the proxy address that you provided with Proxo 4.5J + the Patch which I came across last night doing some of your suggested reading I even managed to convert some 3rd party .jpeg textures into .bmp files and merged them into the Textures folder to personalize the look of what I now refer to as my Proxo Heavy Metal GUI Metalsmith's Gold Edition. I would appreciate any advise on how to improve my results as the tests still correctly read my HTTP X Forwarded For IP as 2..........3. Your guidance is greatly appreciated.



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perfect! you are 100% stealthily,hidden from the net.anonymous.as far as your ip are concern.your filters and browser are in harmony!

you are set .


you see you have the start i never had ,we started with the first made filters.you have the 10,year tested and proven working filters that is the advantage i never had .we had to make them as in trial and error...

filters,that were made by the provider.up to date ,tested proven.

i had to make my own.learn the hard way..


i have my own set (changed to my likening modernized by my self but the base being 2002 set .you have 2009 set.probably a bit more advanced ?

in some ways..and even better!

i am now looking at ,study ,and adding parts..to enhance my set..

and i did not know about till we started to talk about it.the last one was the 2004-5 set .jake who now is retired..


HTTP X Forwarded For IP as 2..........3 ok i just saw this !!

aha this is easy --i post tis as i must be very correct here i need ta edited .

and it will take me time..""""""




I don't understand Fer Max !!! its fine.my way of saying to max its fer you only!

and between us ..posting on this subject..

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this is my short proxco filters

i need to see this page you have and use

check your settings out.


this must be enabled .to send the ip to the forwarding..out!

in the first shot i made look at the on ticks as in out !

the other shot show you where thy are -open your directory find as shown..

do not tutti, them yet ! just look ..so you know what we are doing .as we go along ..


if you do not have jake filters added .merged .save it first .proxco

add them in to the ones you have! you should see the red entered added filters.

save ,close open test..when opening the headers and webpage on the main menu..


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