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Guys What is your take on the climate change deal situation


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I admire this guy for taking matters in to his one hands and wasting no time. Just wanted to find out general opinion :) what do you guys think.

Copenhagen, Denmark - Delegates at the U.N. Climate Change Conference are "running short on time" to reach agreement on a deal, U.S. President Barack Obama told them Friday.

"There is no time to waste," he said. "Now I believe it's the time for the nations and the people of the world to come behind a common purpose. We are ready to get this done today, but there has to be movement on all sides."

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Hi plercep!!!


I admire this guy for taking matters in to his one hands and wasting no time. Just wanted to find out general opinion :) what do you guys think.

Copenhagen, Denmark - Delegates at the U.N. Climate Change Conference are "running short on time" to reach agreement on a deal, U.S. President Barack Obama told them Friday.

"There is no time to waste," he said. "Now I believe it's the time for the nations and the people of the world to come behind a common purpose. We are ready to get this done today, but there has to be movement on all sides."

Hi friend. This is an embarrassing subject for me. You will see that I'm from Oklahoma and my dumb Senator ( James Inholfe) thinks that God will take care of it and we have nothing to worry about. My state is full of Baptist that think he is the best Senator ever. I can't stand him. He's for big oil companies in Oklahoma and that's who he represents, and he's also one of those religious fanatics that doesn't have any gays in his family. He prayed the gay away. I love Barrack Obama and think he's the smartest president we have ever had. Oklahoma is a red state and a racist state with a bunch of religious nuts. See what you made me do; I got all mad about your post, but I'm glad you made it.---garybear:evil::oops::grin:

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I think that the catch of concience must be individual also! Each, everybody must act at his level... and not simply to wait after gouvernment decision..


For my part I changed all my light bulbs to put low consomation until " LED " technology becomes more competitive.

I put down a solar water-heater which allows me not to use the hot water tank anymore from May till October.

I installed photovoltaic panels to produce 3kw of electricity in connection to the national provider.

Reinforced thermal insulation by a projection 20 cm of wool of rock in roof spaces.

We sort out our waste in 4 different garbage cans, papers, wood, scrap metal and plastic, household refuses.

Two recuperators of rainwater are installed in the garden (300 litres each).

I Transformed the garden to keep only economic essences in water.


A plus

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well gary and members--religious fanatics that doesn't have any gays in his family. well i do not know about this nor care less ,thy got ta breath the same as us!! we all need it or are kaput !finished .by by .die .that's it ,gay ,strait. ,crooked bent,baptist,Catholic,Protestant, what ever..


Barrack Obama this is my worry .(Kennedy) repeat..i do not know anything about the gent.but from what i have seen on TV .looks like A good thing..

now as for your baptist lot well yes i can emphasize here.not a good mix is it.

Hippocratic (hypocritical ?) lot .sure thing there lord will fix What?

well so far deep in our harts we the common Pearson know .yes we got to do something.but i think and stated before .not a hope ? Demand.greed

and care less for our kids..and care only about the $$$$ -nothing els.

and idolizes believe thy will be saved...yeh right...saved ok...from this mess

the place is failing apart ,all the talk and do zip all..look for to blame something els. or you do it we do it.rubbish..stop selling coal .to burn.

make them clean it up first.start ta filter...!oh but hang on ,we cant do that can we..no keep it coming.oil gas,coil,what ever..filter.stop it going up .hang on here ,just a second ,what ya talking about..no no no ..

no, the buck stops flowing...

so long as the buck keeps coming we just talk .and horde it..after all its gods $$..we horde...


..i wonder 100 years from now ? poor kids.left with a crappy place ta live in..if thy make it that is..

and still can breath ...?

no i was not joking i stopped burning 3 years back .i put 80% back in the ground.mulch all i can..well i think help i do not know what but at least makes me feel better..


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Hi jjj!!


Hi JJJ. This worries me also.All these hate mongers will cause some religious fanatic to do some thing foolish. ("Barrack Obama this is my worry .(Kennedy) repeat..i do not know anything about the gent.but from what i have seen on TV .looks like A good thing.)"

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I think there are three things true about climate change...


1. The climate is changing.


2. The responses by various countries to climate change are based as much on politics and economics as on good science.


3. Climate change is big (billions to trillions of dollars) business and there's already a lot of inertia behind it.


Past that I'm not sure. The East Anglia controversy convinces me that at least some of the scientists driving the data pool are being less than honest. I'd like to see more transparency across the board.

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Two basic problems as I see it

The human procreation urge! (soon 7 billion people on earth)

(half of which doesn't get enough to eat)

The human greed (also if seen in a broad sense)

(maximizing everything but love and temperance)

Focusing on renewable ecological resources is of course common sense for a political agenda. (companies rooted in the other camp will of course throw as many monkey wrenches into that agenda as possible - remember greed)



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I think its all hype the world goes through cold and hot periods.


in the viking days greenland was so called as it was so green and good pasture land.


at the same period wine was made from own vineyards in the abbeys all over the UK.


Rings checked on 1000+ year old trees showed very warm period much hotter than now.


climate change is only based over a short period of time thats why its so wrong.


i disagree with modern countries given billions to african despots in the name of climate change which is so flawed.


i could rant into a 100 page reply but will refrain now.

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we watch fox news over here and enjoy the glen beck show as he explains politics in america, it looks like this obama character is not the good guy he comes across as on the world stage, behind the scenes he is making a big mess of the USA similar too our own gordon brown here in England.


which economy will crash first due to poor leadship USA or GB. At least most of western europe and even eire have pulled out of dire straits thanks to their good leadship.


any american readers watch glen beck on fox tv

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So, that's only ?


Kopenhagen conference is a fiasco ! Neither USA nor China nor India accept to decrease their pollution activity... European union doesn't show any comon face ! no proposition...


but in your own acts guys? What do you make at your own level ? :roll:



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Hi sunny You couldn't be more wrong my friend!!!!!!!!


we watch fox news over here and enjoy the glen beck show as he explains politics in america, it looks like this obama character is not the good guy he comes across as on the world stage, behind the scenes he is making a big mess of the USA similar too our own gordon brown here in England.


which economy will crash first due to poor leadship USA or GB. At least most of western europe and even eire have pulled out of dire straits thanks to their good leadship.


any american readers watch glen beck on fox tv


HELL NO!!!!!!!!!! He is a bigot and a raciest. He will set some nut case loose and assassinate our president. I think this thread should be closed. Friends shouldn't talk politics or religion.

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Did not realise this was such a sore point, do not know any american people to discuss the economy with and the glen beck show summed things up so well showing the US had same problems with us,


not seen any racist stuff on the show he features a lot of afro americans to support his facts who seem very pro glen beck, who is he racist against. Is he really bad news as he used to have a go at the bush lot as well as obama and co.

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Hi special friend!!!


no offence intended ,sorry if the post caused any rage or upset.


Hi my very special friend. I have said all I will say. How many blacks have you seen on his show or at his rallies He will get our president killed and will be very happy he was a part of it. I'm a veteran and I honor my president and will serve him the best I can even when I think he may be wrong. No more politics for me on this forum.-----garybear

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Gary, I have friends of wildly varying religious and political persuasions and some of the discussions we have are simply wonderful. I would argue that if you can't talk politics and religion then you're not really friends. Of course in a forum where you're limited to the written word it's often hard to catch the nuances of what the other person is saying, but if you're civil and respectful you can learn a lot.


edit: Sunny, I watch/listen to Glen Beck occasionally but he's a little too partisan for my tastes. There's plenty enough wrong with both our major parties and he does nothing to help narrow the divide. A completely partisan approach has gotten us nowhere in the past and will get us nowhere in the future. See if you can catch Neal Boortz or Michael Medved via web radio or pod casts. They're conservative but more logical and reasonable.

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I admire this guy for taking matters in to his one hands and wasting no time. Just wanted to find out general opinion :) what do you guys think.

Copenhagen, Denmark - Delegates at the U.N. Climate Change Conference are "running short on time" to reach agreement on a deal, U.S. President Barack Obama told them Friday.

"There is no time to waste," he said. "Now I believe it's the time for the nations and the people of the world to come behind a common purpose. We are ready to get this done today, but there has to be movement on all sides."


ok noticed again no answer ?4 th time .ya think its a either or other con ta upset us .

i do not like politics nor religion .never have ,seem to always show a ugly side to people.because of such difference..in believes

having siad this

lets face it the gent.who started this .very clever! to post this ..

nice way of busting up a forum .as in we get along.very well.

look no hallow 1 post!!




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Nothing's been busted up jjj. It's cool.


wrong word use perhaps but i think you know what i meant ta say.

its a little bit of a worry to me any how....Gary pointed this out well

i think he saw it ..?or felt something was not right..and the post gets a 5 star

ver fast?


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I Ain't so sure


When it comes to this much acrimony, well, why? i've really heard enough of

people on tv telling me, "Well, everyone agrees, everyone who is anyone will tell you. How about, the world is flat? How about he Auto de Fe? I actually see on the "news" now where some are trying to saying that global warming can cause cooling also." I for one am very apprehensive, about all the double speak going on. As Ted might say "Sounds a real Pearler, Mate."

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Don't feed the trolls


ok noticed again no answer ?4 th time .ya think its a either or other con ta upset us .

i do not like politics nor religion .never have ,seem to always show a ugly side to people.because of such difference..in believes

having siad this

lets face it the gent.who started this .very clever! to post this ..

nice way of busting up a forum .as in we get along.very well.

look no hallow 1 post!!





It's school holidays, the kids are bored so they join forums and post something in the hope of seeing an argument.

They sit there giggling at the screen when they are successful.

We call them trolls.


When the discussion turns to politics or religion or any one of the many 'touchy' subjects, the discussion quite often becomes 'heated'.

I save these discussions for 'face to face' times with the right people.


I my experience it is rarely possible to express myself properly in written word especially when English is not the 'native tongue' of other forum members.

As a result of this, I am misunderstood and have to try explaining my views better but quite often it is too late, the seeds of animosity have already been sown.


Now, I do not discuss those topics and follow the 'Golden Rule'


Don't feed the trolls


All the best, woz of oz

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Hi Wozofoz ;-)


You are absolutely right !


I left myself gone this time. I am going to try to answer less fast in future !


As often in this forum, I have the impression to pass unobserved or that my posts are written in white on white color...


Happily, you are there dears moderators and admins ;-)


Very best regard

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