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Language files for IObit Toolbox


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Hi all,


We can use this thread to post the language files for IObit Toolbox Final version in case anybody is interested in translating the English language file.


You can find original language file "English.lng" (which can be opened by Notepad or Excel etc.) in content “tools\Language” of IObit Toolbox.


All you need to do is translating the words to the right of “=”.

(Note: Please do not translate "%s" or "%d".)


Then post the translated language file "native language.lng" here or send it to IObit team feedback@iobit.com.


Here are more details FYI.



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Hello Guys,


i began a translation to german. Main window translation is ready but there is much to translate and it needs time. So i want to ask, if you want to have this not ready translation. So its a bit easier for german people to use it. If everything goes right, the complete translation will be ready this weekend.

I hope i can help you.

Thank you.

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Hi Eribion,


Please rename your german.lng translation file as English.lng and use the renamed file to replace the original file in iobit_toolbox\tools\Language and then open toolbox to check whether the translated language displayed correctly.

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OMG :!:, it is finished.


As though I have translated the whole Windows.;-) :-P


I am not sure yet about the arrangement of the texts and the GUI, but it will take quite a lot of time to control it too. (Forget about the little mistakes here and there.)


Here it is Ladies and Gentlemen, attached the translated language file of IObit Toolbox...........Turkish_IObit_Toolbox.zip


FYI, it is a 308 KB lng (txt) file. (Unicode)


Enjoy it!









EDIT 1: Except 2 of the utilities (Disk Cleaner and Cloned Files Scanner) it works perfectly alright.

The mistakes and missing strings are sent to IObit.

EDIT2: More missing strings are added also.

EDIT3: All word and sentence arrangemets are redone and finished. :grin:


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French translation


Hello everybody ! :)


I've discovered this great utility and began to use it since the second beta. I'm beginning the translation for French language and I'll post the text file when it will be done.


Hope my English is not too bad ;)

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Hi Eribion,


Thanks for your screen shot.


I will forward this to the specialists and ask them further investigate this issue.


Is ok. If you have any information how i can erase this bug, tell me.

In this time i go on and finish complete translation.

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OK guys and gals,:grin:


Here are some errors and some suggestions........

Wrong strings and missing strings are sent to IObit




Lab_correct.caption=Fixed problems



CheckBox_select.Caption=Select All



RadioButton_Update.Caption=Drivers Update

RadioButton_Backup.Caption=Driver Backup

RadioButton_Resotre.Caption=Driver Restore



RadioButton5.caption=All File Types

Checkbox_selectall.caption=Select All



RadioButton3.caption=Recycle Bin

RadioButton6.caption=Secure delete-Gutmann method




Label_Smart_Free.Caption=Smart (Should be moved to left as in the old Smart RAM)



System Control

Only left pane is in translated language, rest is in English inluding title captions, buttons and tabs.


Disk Cleaner

Mixed Translated language and English


Cloned Files Scanner

Mixed translated language and English

Confirm window================>Window title Confirm is not translatable


Reegistry Cleaner




Shortcut Fixer


rbCustom.Caption=Scan Drive Does not translate (It exists in the resource though)

rbDefault.Caption=Scan Folder Does not translate (It exists in the resource though)


Disk Check

No problems window============>Window title gibberish is not translatable


IE Helper

Restored Succesfully window=====>Window title IE Helper is not translatable





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Error in translation


Hi enoskype,

Registry Cleaner


LLv_checkitem14=Classes 1x letter "L" is additional :-)






Bt_back.capton=< Back

Bt_next.capton=Next >




Bt_back.capton=< Back

Bt_next.capton=Next >



Missing letter "i", capton - (nonvisible)=caption - visible





lvShellList.columns[0].Caption=Item Name ([1] is OK)





M_IObitSecurity360=Protects your PC from various of potential spyware, adware, trojans, keyloggers, bots, worms and hijackers.


M_IObitSecurity360_Des= Protect..........



Missing string:



Label_PF_Usage.Caption=Stránkovací soubor (PageFile)



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Well, that's exactly the way to do it! I worked on a German tranlation and tested it this way before I have read this here. I am having a draft, if you would like i shall send it, but how?

Testing the German draft I realized that some apps appear twice, e.g. File Shredder appears twice when opening CLEAN.

The same happens when clicking OPTIMIZE, in the right part Internet Booster appears twice. Finally CONTROL: in the right part Disk Explorer amd Empty Folder Scanner appear twice? Explanation? I have no idea.

If you like I could continue working on the German file. But as I am a little bit busy I certainly will not be able to have a complete translation until mid september.


Kind regards


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Hi J-Breuer,


Most probably you have extracted the new zip file to the existing IObit Toolbox folder.

Use a clean new folder for the new IObit Tolbox zip extract.


After first usage, Favorites section will be created and the most recently used utilities will be gathered under the Favorites section.



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Hi !

I finished the Chinese Translation.

And here is---

The way to solve that cannot display the translation in "system control"








Still have problems with "disk clearner"and"Cloned Files Scanner"

I'm trying to solve them.


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Turkish language file for IObit Toolbox 1.0 [FINAL]


Final Turkish language file for IObit Toolbox 1.0 is attached as a zip file.


Extract it to the Language folder of IObit Toolbox, rename English.lng in the Language folder to Original_English.lng to use it later if you wish.

Rename Turkish_IObit_Toolbox_1.0.lng to English.lng, start IObit Toolbox, that's it IObit Toolbox will be in Turkish.


Apart from the glitches in Disk Cleaner and Cloned Files Scanner, it is completely finished.

There are also 2 items that I couldn't manage to translate. (Radio buttons for Scan Drives & Scan Folder in Shortcut Fixer.)

BTW, what does the below Chinese word mean? Surely not Simplified Chinese 我的最 or Traditional Chinese 我的最愛 for Favorits .



Many missing strings are added, and wrong strings and resource data objects are corrected.


Enjoy it!





Disk Cleaner and Cloned Files Scan should look like in the attached images if the glitches were solved. :mrgreen:


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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Language files for IObit Toolbox


I started translation for Italian; as soon as possible I'll post the result. Every help is welcome and congratulations to the users who have already completed the translation (i apologize for my not so good english).

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