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Posts posted by RoloX2

  1. Update: I re-enabled boot-time defrag for all volumes except the volume with the new pagefile and Windows got stuck on boot again--had to rename SD directory again.


    Everything works fine if I disable boot-time defrag.


    Will there be an update soon? Is there anything useful I can try? (I'm open to try about anything as it is on a test system and I have 30+ years IT experience.)

  2. since I used v3 beta for a week, and I face a serious problem. the boot defrag is worked well for a few time, until when I start my pc and the boot screen is keep on looping, even I try to boot it in safe mode also the same. Because of this problem, I have to refresh my pc to get in my windows 8.1.:-(

    So now I am change back to v2, and I hope this problem can be fix in the next version.


    I had the same issue.


    I posted a detailed reply but the "you have missing stuff in your profile" message apparently dropped my post. I'm not typing it again.


    Using recovery console command prompt to rename Smart Defrag install folder to disable it from running on boot let the computer reboot.


    A change I made that may be the cause was expanding the pagefile to another drive.

  3. Hi RoloX2,


    Never seen that on any of the many installations that I have done, so it is not normal indeed.


    Can we see the whole GUI of SD. (In better pixles please.)


    Is it the same if you play with the transperancy and with other skin?




    I'd gladly post a complete pic if it would actually display incorrectly again. It could have been a one-time fluke (theory: that PC runs distributed computing on the GPU--keeping it pegged--and that could have affected the resize/maximise redraw).


    I'll pay attention to it and post if it happens again.


    but if the next files are contiguous with a few large files then additions to (or expansions of) the file will end up near the end of the disk, which is certainly not optimal. The head will have to span the entire disk to access regularly-used data.


    But if, say, 20% of the size of each file were left free immediately after its location on the disk then it could easily expand into it and still stay relatively defragmented.


    Disks are huge now, so there's no reason to pack all the data into one corner of the disk. Allow each file to have room to grow.

    This won't have the effect you anticipate: NTFS will write changes to the nearest available space wherever the head happens to be and its unlikely (almost guaranteed) that it will not be right at the end of the file being modified (assuming the file is being appended and not completely rewritten or modified in the beginning/middle, in which case the entire file would have to effectively be copied and the old one deleted to defragment on-the-fly--a terrible idea). This is by design for write performance.


    This is where idle-time defrag comes in handy: after NTFS makes a mess, shortly thereafter, the files will be made contiguous again.

  4. I wrote a script that edits the ini file to change DefragType value, then run SD with /SCHEDULE, then puts DefragType back to 0; however, SD never runs with the new DefragType.

    Edit: Attached script. Additionally, I tried running SD with the /STARTUP switch but that didn't force it to re-read Config.ini.


    Is there a way (i.e. command-line switch) to get SD to re-read the Config.ini file?


    VB Script:

    Const Defrag = 0
    Const FastOptimize = 1
    Const FullyOptimize = 2
    Const ForReading = 1
    Const ForWriting = 2
    Function sRegRead(sRegistryKey, sDefault)
       Dim oShell, Value
       On Error Resume Next
       Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
       Value = oShell.RegRead(sRegistryKey)
       If err.number <> 0 Then
           sRegRead = sDefault
           sRegRead = Value
       End If
       Set oShell = Nothing
    End Function
    Set oShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
    Set oFolder = oShell.NameSpace(&H1a&)
    Set oFolderItem = oFolder.Self
    sConfigFile = oFolderItem.Path & "\IObit\Smart Defrag 2\Config.ini"
    Set oFolder = oShell.NameSpace(&H26&)
    Set oFolderItem = oFolder.Self
    sSmartDefragEXE = chr(34) & oFolderItem.Path & " (x86)\Smart Defrag\SmartDefrag.exe" & chr(34)
    Set oShell = Nothing
    iArg = WScript.Arguments.Count
    If iArg < 1 then
    iMethod = Defrag
    iMethod = int(WScript.Arguments.Item(0))
    If iMethod < Defrag or iMethod > FullyOptimize then
    	iMethod = Defrag
    End If
    End If
    Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set oTextFile = oFSO.OpenTextFile(sConfigFile, ForReading)
    Do Until oTextFile.AtEndOfStream
       sNextLine = oTextFile.Readline
       iLineFinder = InStr(sNextLine, "DefragType")
       If iLineFinder <> 0 Then
           sNextLine = "DefragType=" & iMethod
       End If
       sNewFile = sNewFile & sNextLine & vbCrLf
    Set oTextFile = oFSO.OpenTextFile(sConfigFile, ForWriting)
    oTextFile.Write sNewFile
    Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    oShell.run sSmartDefragEXE & " /SCHEDULE", 7, True
    Set oShell = Nothing
    sNewFile = Empty
    Set oTextFile = oFSO.OpenTextFile(sConfigFile, ForReading)
    Do Until oTextFile.AtEndOfStream
       sNextLine = oTextFile.Readline
       iLineFinder = InStr(sNextLine, "DefragType")
       If iLineFinder <> 0 Then
           sNextLine = "DefragType=" & Defrag
       End If
       sNewFile = sNewFile & sNextLine & vbCrLf
    Set oTextFile = oFSO.OpenTextFile(sConfigFile, ForWriting)
    oTextFile.Write sNewFile
    Set oFSO = Nothing

  5. I tried it with 1 min and the pause option disabled. I just tried your suggestion, no change.


    I also looked into creating tasks in Task Scheduler for multiple schedules but the Action part of SD's scheduled task just runs the program with the /SCHEDULE switch, which I assume refers to the configuration in the UI.


    I can't seem to find where that configuration is stored; I looked in the registry and \ProgramData and the install directory to no avail. My idea is to use Task Scheduler & scripting to swap configs and run the schedule.

  6. I'd like to suggest the ability to run multiple schedules.


    I would like to create:


    - a daily schedule for defrag

    - a weekly schedule for fast optimise

    - a monthly schedule for fully optimise



    (NOTE: auto-defrag doesn't work because my CPU is always at 100% utilisation from distributed computing.)


    This could be in the form of "Add another schedule" and "Remove schedule" buttons in the current UI, allowing many instances (ideal) or it could be one schedule per type of defragmentation (three total) or something completely different...

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