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MC Fat Tongue

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Posts posted by MC Fat Tongue

  1. Hello all I'm new here.


    I've created this account to specifically address a.puerta16 comments. While I'm not adverse to a bit of forum bashing for software company's that deserve it, in this case it's not justified.


    Please understand where I'm coming from, I am definitely not a fanboy and I'm not here to unnecessarily sing the praises of Drive Booster, I just wanted to say what my own experience with this software is and let you make up your own mind.


    I have tried all the driver update programs you have mentioned in your posts ( Drive Booster, DriveTheLife, Drivermax, SlimDrivers) and yes both DrivetheLife and Drivermax found several more up-to-date drivers than Drive Booster did, but herein lies the problem, in both cases my computer system was completely trashed. For example my most recent dalliance was with Drivermax, I installed all the driver updates it suggested and my internet connection didn't work, my printer stopped working, my SSD drive no longer worked, and my external hard drive did not work, and there was a similar story with DriveTheLife.


    While I except that I've only tested them on my one computer for me Drivermax and DriveTheLife are not fit for purpose, I can't really comment on SlimDrivers because I had already run Drive Booster prior to installing SlimDrivers and it didn't find anything extra that needed updating.


    As for Drive Booster when I first installed it, it found 17 drivers that needed updating, I updated them all and after a reboot my system worked perfectly in fact it worked better than before, and all the updates it has found since have also worked perfectly. So to sum up it matters not if another driver update program finds shinier newer drivers if those drivers trash your system or inhibit normal function. It seems to me as though IOBit must spend a lot of time investigating the stability of each new driver it adds to its database.


    Both you and the rest of the public are entitled to use any software you/they want both good and bad, but it only takes a little effort and investigation to weed out the chaff, which makes for a happier computing experience.


    Please note I am not connected with IOBit or Drive Booster in any way, I'm just a humble user.

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