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Posts posted by prometheuspan

  1. (so i posted this to your page. no answer. the email finally came well over a day late to my inbox. )




    well hello. so i just tried to get on your forum. it said it sent me an email,. no email. i just upgraded to 8.1 advanced system care. i hope this is a wise idea instead of a foolish one i have wrestled with the idea of getting rid of all iobit programs. for several obvious reasons.


    let me give you the most obvious example. i updated advanced system care. i was never asked and was given no dialogue box, you people just decided i wanted the driver booster along with it and down it goes. before i have any chance to say no. except that i already know your driver booster is shit, causes my computer to crash, installs drivers that have killed my audio, installs drivers that have made some of my programs completely inoperable, and etc. so now what. i have to uninstall it, and then go back and uninstall the drivers it installed because i can't trust them, and then go find drivers to replace them.


    all of your programs insist on running a process all their own. constantly. nevermind that this totally kills my processing power, and causes my computer to freeze. thats 4 whole processes just for advanced system care, two for the malware fighter, one for the defrag.. by the time we get through the list of "tools" its ten extra processes running on my computer.


    why can't you let me click on them to run them instead of have them run themselves? its almost like iobit products are actually a mixed bag of helpful products with malware.


    heres another one. some one of those programs shuts off windows defender, which means i can't get in to look at which programs run at start up or change them because windows is a frigging loop like that. unless windows defender is on it won't let you in.


    heres another one. why do i have to click 4 pages to finally get to your download, each of which is rife with opportunities to click on some other junk that you people don't have the sense to keep off your page as malware advertisements?


    it should be one click, to one page, not one click to one page and then a click from that page to another page and then a click from that page to another page and then a click from that page.. AND THEN.. "click here if your download fails to start."




    seriously, is iobit really even actually tool software or is this all just a con scam to get me to pay you money because thats how half ass it all works.?


    i have friends telling me iobit is actually as good as malware, and i'm starting to think they are right.

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