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  1. I was over at a friend's house a couple years ago, and we were gonna play PC games, but then I noticed some weird stuff on his computer. Pop ups, malware, a s**tload of ads, and some more stuff. I told him about it and asked if I could fix his computer. Friend: Nah dude, it's fine, I have IObit, it's pretty good. Me: But it hasn't protected your computer at all. Friend: Alright, let's make a deal. If IObit doesn't find anything, you can fix my computer. So I let IObit scan the computer, and NOTHING came up. It was "safe" in IObit's eyes. After that, I installed Avast and Malwarebytes. I kid you not, they found over 10,000 pieces of malicious items. It turns out pretty much all their other computers have tons of malicious software on them. Their family owns a restaurant, and some of the employes stay at their house. They downloaded so much stuff, and it infected every computer in the home
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