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  1. Well, to me Disk Optimization is a totally redundant function on ASC anyways. Windows already optimizes SSD’s and HDD’s. Windows don’t destroy SSD’s but third-party software do. I would advice anyone not to use this function on ASC. Fiddling in the settings to make sure the program doesn’t bork your computer is not the way to go in my opinion. Other than that ASC have some nice features.
  2. So what you are saying is that even though an SSD was set as HDD in the ASC settings it wouldn’t defragment it but skip the SSD altogether?
  3. I know that I can change the disk type in the settings. That’s not the problem. But my concerns is more related to if Disk Optimization could do harm to a SSD if the correct disk type wasn’t set correctly prior to optimizing the disk? If the Disk Optimization feature in ASC can potentially ruin a SSD this feature shouldn’t even exist in the program. Seems like a serious flaw with ASC.
  4. I’ve been using ASC 14 free version and I have a question related to the disk optimization feature. My current computer have a ssd disk and a hdd. If I check Disk Optimization before I do a scan does ASC automatically detect the ssd disk so that it doesn’t get defragmented? I noticed in Settings that ASC 14 detects my ssd as a hdd. Would there be a chance that the ASC 14 free version potentially could harm my ssd if I didn’t make any changes in the settings before I did a disk optimization? I also noticed that the new AI Mode had Disk Optimization checked as default an thus I stopped the scan and chose manual scan instead.
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