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COMODO Disk ENCRYPTION. monkey about with hide me.


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still whateing on iobit hide me app so in the mean time playing with this one.








ok i have installed this program yes to lock drives.and the only way is a boot up

you will be having to type a password.to access them.


you see the heading

Enter password..and nothing els as you type this in.


very important you understand this!

if you fial to type in your pass word the same result..at boot on.


if you just tap enter the system boots.bar the ecripted drives..

shown as (noT) formated drives..



now this is what i have been looking for.and its free.



with the usb drive,plunged into a other system.

that you encrypted with the program,

you get nothing .bar (this drive needs formatting)


or its all gone.


in other words its a blank drive...as far as that operating system can see it as




ok why?


would one do this.simply put hide .store you personal stuff

for your eyes only.


and the only way its accessible.is by the holder of the password.


cannot be cracked.be seen or accessed.by any other means..


ok what to use.do not make a complex pass word.but one you remeber with no effort


ok i tested this on my usb 400gig drive,perfect.


now my fixed drive ,perfect.



remember this,if you pull out the USB drive after shut down,forget to plug this in.

you will need to reboot.or you get the same thing.drive needs formatting.


you must enter your pass word at boot time.when prompted!


take note of the icon in your bottom bar it has no red line .your good.



i love this..and you may consider using it as well..


now its very slow and depending on drive can take up to 6 hours ..

ok read up on it and then decide.


be warned about this if you go ahead,let it do its job..do not turn of ,or reboot.

and do not use the drive you are encrypting until its done..

take special note of this,,


you can undo it as well if wanted..later..



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thanks i do not know that much about it. and yes its half full i guessed that is why .7 hours so far .and just over half way at the moment.

ya get the feeling its stuck. its that slow.but the 400 went well .

i wonder how many if any have toyed ,with the idea, or use it?


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at last it done ..ok look at the caps as i taken shots as it encrypted the drives.


when you made your password,remember it.you can create a rescue disk,as well


and store the master key.or just use a simple password you cant forget.

i used itsmetester.cant forget that .but not something any one would think of..

any way .on win7 it works not one problem


but please if considering this app .read the download page.and the help files.

know what you do..i would not use a booting drive,as in c:/..but use your spare data drive,or drives..

yes it took forever.but its worth it..

flash drive can be used as well

but i was more interested in my drives..now safe from the wrong hands.

or a attempted spy.

also i i was ta cark it .then to bad ,no use to any one..thy would have to format it.

ok i made a back up .(to be safe) and a rescue disk..



the drives cannot be got at at boot time.nor with a booting disk.as the software is the only one to be able to see it.(mount) any other meted tried

you get the need a format log..

no pass word no see the drives..

i hope this may help you consider the free application..


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Hi itsmejj,


Blowfish is a very high 448bit encryption system, and it is extremely important to remember the password. As far as I know, there is no way to decrypt it in any other way.


I have a different software WinEncrypt which can create a virtual drive in a drive and it can be encrypted with Blowfish.


See the second image in THAT post.



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thank you ,

i must admit i am a little scared ,yet happy as i wanted this type of app.

what i have done is to back up my c:/drive with malcuim ...on my non ecrypted drive 2nd booting drive.(with win no 2.. )my second boot system .

as in the event of disaster ,as in boot .i can replace the image,and put every thing back? to what i have now installed,

this is of interest,and fascinated by the encryption soft ware,the way it

is hiding the drives..protecting them from unwanted spying..


now if say ,this is what is a worry,i cant boot my system.i would suggest by rebacking up the image made MALCIUM,would put every thing right.?

is that right.and allow as normal password access.?

you understand my ask?


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Simply, I don't know itsmejjj!!! http://forums.iobit.com/images/icons/icon5.gif


I have taken the image of my complete drive and used the image later without problem, but the image software was not Macrium Reflect, and the encryption software was different as I said.


There may be answers in COMODO site, as they have backup softwares also.



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oh dear. now that is a worry.Mmm

well what to do .

as i see it the drives encrypted are not the problem ,its the booting up drive,if this carks it i am i think sunk?

getting to open the drives.(accesses)

i was thinking a re image would restore it back as i have it at the moment..


well time will tell i guess ,i never was thinking about this,as i siad i do not know that much about it.

only this work fantastic,..

but not thinking the possible disaster that my occur.

Well now ?


backup software .yes i use it on the other systems .but this is a dual system and will not install there backup app.

single boot up system ,perfect..

that's why i use malcium.works perfect..or you think its all ok.with the back up image?

and thank you for you time spent with this risk taker!

let ya know one way or the other.


i am thinking on it .kill the c:drive restore and find out ..its works then good if not to bad..




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well this risk taker has proved one thing.

i deleted 5 directory's on the c: boot drive..

including critical boot files


ok in with the rescue(macruim) reflect..



find last back up.replace mbr..from back up 4 minints later

were are here to tell you every thing runs prefect.!!


i took a risk yes.but its 100% thanks to the application.back up program..

ya cant beat it in my opinion..


thank for all ya help and made me decide to take the plunge,

get it use it ..the free edition.

make a rescue disk and a image of the boot drive .ya are safe .and in the knowledge knowing you can restore it.

i just had to know.


and now can recommend the encryption program.with confidence

and having this back up app.



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i think i should explane this better.

if you the reader decide to use the encryption application.


please open the help file first..read.and then do it again.


now ok if you decide to go ahead.be aware it takes a long time a near8 hours on my terry byte drive to complete.granted it is over half full.


next step.you need to back up the booting drive..after the encryption is completed. and your password.starting at boot up.


you know its all good.now back up the system.not tomorrow.or later.but do this now.(please)


read about maccuim reflect ,or ask GARY if you are not sure on something with the app.


or you use the back up of your liking..


next important thing. do not run a app from the encrypted drive.

its your store drive .and protected files.only..just in case of something went wrong.it cant be seen or opened bar the app booting at start up.when restored.

if your drive say is rendered not boot able, well it will not open.

you need the booting cd,made.(comodo) not very user friendly.

or your macuim rescue disk.to restore the back up..

that by passes the password and only sees the c:\drive and or non encrypted drives..where you store the image.


Do not store it on encrypted drive,when backing,up..



next remember the password .this is so important.lose it ,or forget it .you are cooked..and face a formatting.


ok thats it i think.


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2 free downloads you may want to look at.Small app.


thank you..



i am still sweating, on the beta (2) from obit .folder protector that i tested beta1..i am hoping thy put it out soon?


meanwhile i am monkeying about what i can find..

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