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[Ferrari] skin for ASC4 by Alon Grossman converted to ASC5 & ASC 5.1


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Ferrari Skin for ASC5



you can post it.


Thank you for the original Ferrari skin for ASC4 Alon. :-D

I am sure you can improve my version of the skin and suppy us a better one.


EDIT: ATTENTION : A much simpler application procedure and attached files are in post #8 of this thread.


Now to guide the users for a good install, a bit of a procedure. :razz:


I will try to make the extraction semi automatic, but anyway in case, manual is explained.




Semi Auto:

1- Download ASC 5 skin tool tool from http://download.iobit.com/test/asc5-skin-tool.zip. and extract the ASC 5 skin tool folder to the main IObit folder @: C:\Program Files\IObit


2- After downloading the attached ferrari.rar rar files, extract ferrari.rcc to the skin folder @: C:\Program Files\IObit\Advanced SystemCare 5\skin.

Extracting ferrari.rcc file in ferrari.part1.rar file will extract the rest of the file in ferrari.part2.rar too.


3- After downloading the attached ASC 5 skin tool.rar files extract ASC 5 skin tool folder to IObit folder @: C:\Program Files\IObit

Extracting ASC 5 skin tool folder in ASC 5 skin tool.part1.rar will extract the others too.

Accept all the questions for file/folder replacement.


4- Run SkinEdit.exe @: C:\Program Files\IObit\ASC 5 skin tool folder.


5- Type dummy to the Skin Name:


6- Click Make button.


7- Ferrari skin will be opened with Settings GUI of ASC5 with Custom preview (No preview image), change the skin from Dummy skin to Ferrari skin, Ferrari preview will be seen.


8- Click Apply button, click OK button. Your ASC5 skin will be Ferrari.


9- DO NOT USE Dummy skin and delete all files related to dummy.


NOTE: If ASC5 does not work (Corrupt Error), change the below skin line to default in Main.ini file @ : C:\Users\User Name\AppData\Roaming\IObit\Advanced SystemCare V5




Restart ASC5, the program will work and the skin will be Default.






- Download ASC 5 skin tool tool from http://download.iobit.com/test/asc5-skin-tool.zip. and extract the ASC 5 skin tool folder to the main IObit folder @: C:\Program Files\IObit


- After downloading the rar files, extract ferrari.rcc to the skin folder of ASC 5 folder.


- Open ASC 5 skin tool.rar (s).


- Extract preview_ferrari.png to the preview folder @: C:\Program Files\IObit\ASC 5 skin tool\public\preview


- Extract ferrari.rcc and ferrari.qrc files to NewSkin folder @: C:\Program Files\IObit\ASC 5 skin tool\NewSkin


- Extract images folder to default folder @: C:\Program Files\IObit\ASC 5 skin tool\default

Accept all the questions for file/folder replacement.


- Extract content of the images folder in public folder to images folder @: C:\Program Files\IObit\ASC 5 skin tool\public\images

Accept all the questions for file/folder replacement.


- Run SkinEdit.exe @: C:\Program Files\IObit\ASC 5 skin tool folder.


-Type dummy to the Skin Name:


- Click Make button.


-Ferrari skin will be opened with Settings GUI of ASC5 with Custom preview (No preview image), change the skin from Dummy skin to Ferrari skin, Ferrari preview will be seen.


- Click Apply button, click OK button. Your ASC5 skin will be Ferrari.


- DO NOT USE Dummy skin and delete all files related to dummy.


NOTE: If ASC5 does not work (Corrrupt Error), change the below skin line to default in Main.ini file @ : C:\Users\User Name\AppData\Roaming\IObit\Advanced SystemCare V5




Restart ASC5, the program will work and the skin will be Default.




Enjoy it!

ASC 5 skin tool.part1.rar

ASC 5 skin tool.part2.rar

ASC 5 skin tool.part3.rar

ASC 5 skin tool.part4.rar

ASC 5 skin tool.part5.rar



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i'm a noob!..


dang!, i just spent a lot of time trying to do this cause i really like your skin but what can i say?!. i'm a total noob with all that skin thing. i know a bit here and there but it looks like i need to learn some more... oh well, i'll try to get someone to do it for me...


i was using the Maya skin and never even looked at other options cause i liked it and it was fine with me but since it's gone, i tried to click on "more fantastic skins" and ended up here for the 1st time so i registered on the forum and spent over an hour trying to figure it out all to get back where i was in the 1st place, except now it's much later and i'm beat so good night, good day and till next time, take care and have fun...

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Easier installation of Ferrari skin (Only with the newly attached files in this post)


OK, I will make it much easier!!! No zipped .rcc files.:lol::lol:


Applying_Ferrari skin :

  • - Use ASC 5 skin tool. http://download.iobit.com/test/asc5-skin-tool.zip. (Extract ASC 5 skin tool folder to the main folder of IObit @: C:\Program Files\IObit)
  • -Extract ASC 5 skin tool folder from attached ASC 5 skin tool_ferrari.part1&2.rar files to IObit main folder @: C:\Program Files\IObit. (If both part1 and part2 of rar files are downloaded to the same location, only extracting part1 will extract automatically part2 to the same location also.) (Use WinRAR software.) (Accept all the enquiries for file/folder replacement.)
  • - Create ferrari skin by ASC 5 skin tool (run SkinEdit.exe). (Note that the first letter of ferrari is not CAPITAL letter and should not be capital letter.) (After skin is created by clicking Make button (*) (Create preview_skinname.png) (see post#12), Close Settings and ASC5.) (Do not do anything else but the following.)
  • - AGAIN extract ASC 5 skin tool folder from attached ASC 5 skin tool_ferrari.part1&2.rar files to IObit mainfolder @: C:\Program Files\IObit. (If all parts of rar files are downloaded to the same location, only extracting part1 will extract automatically part2 to the same location also.) (Use WinRAR software.) (Accept all the enquiries for file/folder replacement.) (Do not do anything else but the following.)
  • - Create a dummy skin by ASC 5 skin tool (run SkinEdit.exe). (Use same images folder as in ferrari skin.) (Do not use this dummy skin, it will give application error.) (Do not do anything else but the following.)
  • - Change the skin in ASC 5 Settings from Dummy to Ferrari, click Apply button, click OK button.
  • - Now you can use Ferrari skin on ASC5.
  • - You can delete all files related to dummy skin. (dummy.rcc and dummy.qrc files) (Never use Dummy skin.)

- NOTE : If ASC5 does not work (Corrrupt, reinstall ASC5 Error) because of a newly created skin, change the below bold "Skin=" line to "default" in Main.ini file @ : C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\IObit\Advanced SystemCare V5




Restart ASC5, the program will work and the skin will be Default (Classic in ASC 5.1).



Enjoy it!

All the best and cheers.

ASC 5 skin tool_ferrari.part1.rar

ASC 5 skin tool_ferrari.part2.rar

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Ferrari skin application in Turkish / Türkçe Ferrari tema uygulaması


Please use attachments in previous post #8 / Lütfen bir önceki yazı #8 teki eklentileri kullanın.


Ferrari temasını uygulama:

  • ASC 5 skin tool http://download.iobit.com/test/asc5-skin-tool.zip programını kullanın. (ASC 5 skin tool dizinini C:\Program Files\IObit adresindeki IObit ana dizinine genişletin.)
  • Ekteki ASC 5 skin tool_ferrari.part1&2.rar dosyaları içindeki ASC 5 skin tool dizinini C:\Program Files\IObit adresindeki IObit ana dizinine genişletin. (Eğer her iki part1 ve part2 rar dosyaları aynı yere indirilmişse, sadece par1'i genişletmek part2'yi de otomatikman aynı yere genişletecektir.) (WinRAR programı kullanın.) (Tüm dosya/dizin değiştirme sorularını kabul edin.)
  • ASC 5 skin tool progamı ile ferrari temasını yaratın (SkinEdit.exe 'yi çalıştırın). (ferrari isminin ilk harfinin Büyük Harf olmadığını not edin, ve tema ismi ilk harfi BÜYÜK HARF olmamalıdır.) (Make düğmesine basarak tema yaratıldıktan sonra (*) (preview_temaadı.png dosyasını yaratın)(aşağıda yazı #12 ye bakın) Ayarları ve ASC5'i Kapatın.) (Takip eden adımdan başka hiç bir şey yapmayın.)
  • TEKRAR ekteki ASC 5 skin tool_ferrari.part1&2.rar dosyaları içindeki ASC 5 skin tool dizinini C:\Program Files\IObit adresindeki IObit ana dizinine genişletin. (Eğer her iki part1 ve part2 rar dosyaları aynı yere indirilmişse, sadece part1'i genişletmek part2'yi de otomatikman aynı yere genişletecektir.) (WinRAR programı kullanın.) (Tüm dosya/dizin değiştirme sorularını kabul edin.) (Takip eden adımdan başka hiç bir şey yapmayın.)
  • ASC 5 skin tool progamı ile dummy temasını yaratın (SkinEdit.exe 'yi çalıştırın). (ferrari temasındaki aynı images dizinini kullanın.) (dummy temasını kullanmayın, uygulama hatası verecektir.) (Takip eden adımdan başka hiç bir şey yapmayın.)
  • ASC 5 Ayarları içindeki Dummy temasını Ferrari temasına değiştirin, Uygula düğmesine basın, Tamam düğmesine basın.
  • Şimdi ASC 5'te Ferrari temasını kullanabilirsiniz.
  • dummy temasıyla alakalı tüm dosyaları silebilirsiniz. (dummy.rcc ve dummy qrc dosyaları) (Hiç bir zaman Dummy temasını kullanmayın.)

NOT : Eğer ASC 5 yeni yaratılan tema yüzünden çalışmazsa (Bozuk, ASC5'i tekrar yükleyin Hatası), C:\Kullanıcılar\KullanıcıAdı\AppData\Roaming\IObit\Advanced SystemCare V5 deki Main.ini dosyasının aşağıdaki kalın "Skin=" satırını "default"a değiştirin.




ASC5'i tekrar başlatın, program çalışacak ve tema Default ( ASC 5.1'de Classic) olacaktır.


Kolay gelsin!


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This post removes the contrast


Sometimes black and white are best... as far as instruction!


Applying_Ferrari skin :


- Use ASC 5 skin tool. http://download.iobit.com/test/asc5-skin-tool.zip. (Extract ASC 5 skin tool folder to the main folder of IObit @: C:\Program Files\IObit)


-Extract ASC 5 skin tool folder from attached ASC 5 skin tool_ferrari.part1&2.rar files to IObit main folder @: C:\Program Files\IObit. (If both part1 and part2 of rar files are downloaded to the same location, only extracting part1 will extract automatically part2 to the same location also.) (Use WinRAR software.) (Accept all the enquiries for file/folder replacement.)


- Create ferrari skin by ASC 5 skin tool (run SkinEdit.exe). (Note that the first letter of ferrari is not CAPITAL letter and should not be capital letter.) (After skin is created by clicking Make button (*) (Create preview_skinname.png) (see post #12), Close Settings and ASC5.) (Do not do anything else but the following.)


- AGAIN extract ASC 5 skin tool folder from attached ASC 5 skin tool_ferrari.part1&2.rar files to IObit main folder @: C:\Program Files\IObit. (If all parts of rar files are downloaded to the same location, only extracting part1 will extract automatically part2 to the same location also.) (Use WinRAR software.) (Accept all the enquiries for file/folder replacement.) (Do not do anything else but the following.)


- Create a dummy skin by ASC 5 skin tool (run SkinEdit.exe). (Use same images folder as in ferrari skin.) (Do not use this dummy skin, it will give application error.) (Do not do anything else but the following.)


- Change the skin in ASC 5 Settings from Dummy to Ferrari, click Apply button, click OK button.


- Now you can use Ferrari skin on ASC5.


- You can delete all files related to dummy skin. (dummy.rcc and dummy.qrc files) (Never use Dummy skin.)


- NOTE : If ASC5 does not work (Corrrupt, reinstall ASC5 Error) because of a newly created skin, change the below bold "Skin=" line to "default" in Main.ini file @ : C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\IObit\Advanced SystemCare V5





Restart ASC5, the program will work and the skin will be Default (Classic in ASC 5.1).

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  • 3 weeks later...

(*) Time to create preview image of the skin in the procedure / (*) Adımlarda preview dosyasını yaratma zamanı


I think I should give the procedure how to create the preview of a skin.


(*)(Time to create the preview file) (Please look to post #8 above.)

When you create any skin by the IObit ASC 5 skin tool for the first time in the procedure,

  • 1) You have to take the screenshot of the main GUI of ASC5 in 1/1 scale in the form of JPG image and then convert the JPG image to 217x135 pixels of PNG image. Name it as preview_skinname.png
  • 2) Insert the preview_skinname.png image to folder below

ASC 5 skin tool\public\preview folder in, ASC 5 skin tool folder in ASC 5 skin tool_skinname.rar files.

  • 3) Then, AGAIN extract ASC 5 skin tool folder from attached ASC 5 skin tool_skinname.part1&2.rar files to IObit mainfolder
  • 4) Then, create the dummy skin.




Galiba yeni bir tema için preview dosyasını yaratma adımlarını vermem gerekiyor.


(*)(preview dosyasını yaratma zamanı) (Lütfen yukarıda yazı #8 e bakın)

Adımlarda IObit ASC 5 skin tool ile ilk defa yeni bir tema yarattığınız zaman;

  • 1) ASC5 ana görüntüsünü 1/1 JPG formatında saklayın ve bu JPG formatlı görüntüyü 217x135 piksel boyutlarında PNG formatında görüntüye dönüştürmelisiniz. Bu resmi preview_temaadı.png olarak adlandırın.
  • 2) preview_temaadı.png resmini aşağıdaki dizine kopyalayın:

ASC 5 skin tool_temaadı.rar dosyaları içindeki ASC 5 skin tool dizininin içindeki ASC 5 skin tool\public\preview dizini

  • 3) Sonra, TEKRAR ekteki ASC 5 skin tool_temaadı.part1&2.rar dosyaları içindeki ASC 5 skin tool dizinini IObit ana dizinine genişletin.
  • 4) Sonra, ASC 5 skin tool progamı ile dummy temasını yaratın.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Ferrari skin for ASC4 by Alon Grossman converted to ASC 5.1 [With new ASC5_Skin_Tool]


..................................................... Here is the Ferrari skin for ASC 5.1







- Create a folder named exactly as ASC5_Skin_Tool under the main IObit folder as: C:\Program Files\IObit\ASC5_Skin_Tool


- Download the new IObit Skin Tool zip file from http://download.iobit.com/test/asc5-skin-tool.zip and extract the content to ASC5_Skin_Tool folder.


- After downloading the attached ASC5_Skin_Tool_Ferrari.part1.rar and ASC5_Skin_Tool_Ferrari.part2.rar files to a common folder, extract by WinRAR program only ASC5_Skin_Tool_Ferrari.part1.rar file (ASC5_Skin_Tool folder in it.) to the IObit main folder (@ C:\Program Files\ ). (It is sufficient, as it will automatically extract part2.rar file too.)


The rest is same as explained in the previous posts (#8 , #12) in this thread.


Enjoy it!





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  • 4 weeks later...

Help. Program not responding (unable to click)


Help! If I didn't remove the 'classic' folder in ASC5-Skin-tool.zip(the latest one you posted), the skin will not change at all. It's still stays the same even changed the skin in the setting. If I remove the classic folder and after I changed to my skin, I am unable to click on anywhere of the Systemcare program! It somewhat still responding as the level thingy beside the activeboost below are moving. When I click on the program, it give an 'ding' sound (for windows vista). I did follow all the steps you written on the no.8 and the latest one. It did shows corruption message after making the skin. And I indeed changed to 'default' in that 'Main.ini'.

This is usually what I want to make : http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7041/6856891157_07e882ccd2_b.jpg

seen on asc.html file after I replaced the picture there.

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Hi Lao Zha Bao, welcome to IObit Forum! :grin:


I am sorry, either you have misunderstood my explanation or I couldn't explain it well enough.


It is not possible to create a new working skin if you remove "classic" folder.


In the mean time, you have to change the content of "images" folder in it with your own images.


You have to follow the procedure to the word in the posts that I have described the creation of the skin.


BTW, I am not the creator of the skin program, but the procedure described above is the only way I have found out that works without problemas.



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