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Posts posted by Ted

  1. As I mentioned previously, the conflict with Macrium Reflect has been resolved, but three other strange things have cropped up this morning. Not sure if IOBit security is to blame or not.


    1. I get the attached Error message when opening Tubemaster Plus.

    2. My startup music now plays when rebooting. (I had disabled it).

    3. My drop-down menus in FireFox all have a grey background now. (I rather like that, though).

    I haven't uninstalled IOBit security again to see if it is to blame.

  2. Hi again, vman and detailer,


    Your comments are very interesting and informative.


    Well, I've uninstalled Avast and installed Avira. I've disabled the Splash Screen and the Nag screen and also configured it to a guide I found Online.


    However, when booting up I get a balloon-tip warning message saying Avira is switched off, but it disappears almost in the same instant. Is this normal?

  3. Hi, vman,


    Thank you for your help.


    I did the about:config again and xpinstall.enabled was set to True.

    WOT has now installed okay.


    Incidentally, when I type "Pipeline" into the Filter box, the page just goes blank. When I type a required file into the Filter box the page goes blank also. I had to find those files to modify you mentioned by scrolling the list.


    Should those two add ons provide adequate protection?


    I will remove Windows Defender as it's a damned nuisance having to manually update it now.

  4. Hi, vman,


    Thank you for your comments.


    FireFox is giving me a -228 Error whenever I try to install WOT.


    I have installed the add blocker and applied the "about:config" fix you suggested.


    I have XP Home SP3 and all the security tools I use are listed in a previous post in this thread. What other setup details will help you?

  5. Hi, detailer,


    Many thanks for all that information.


    As I don't do a lot of Internet surfing, I really only want a basic, fast, safe and secure FireFox setup that's not bogged down with add ons like I had with IE7.


    I've installed the script blocker add-on that vman suggested, but what else do I really need?


    I notice that FireFox initially takes about fifteen seconds to fire up my NZCity Home Page, but after that it only needs about five seconds.


    Unfortunately, I did use the TCP Optimizer in ASC 3 before I read your post.

  6. Just installed Firefox and I must admit it loads and performs much faster than IE7. Mind you, my IE7/IE7Pro is probably bogged down with all the add ons it's got.


    I did the pipeline mods in Firefox that vman suggested and installed the script blocker add-on, however, the WOT add-on won't install as it's bringing up a -228 Error.


    What add ons (Tool-bars etc ) does everyone recommend for Firefox, preferably ones that won't slow things down too much?

  7. Hi there, vman,


    You certainly appear to be well protected.


    I also use SuperAntiSpyware, MalwareBytes, ASC 3, of course, and ComodoBoClean. As well I use SpywareBlaster and Windows Defender, although I have to manually update WD now. I use the Windows Firewall too. My cleaners are: CCleaner, RegSeeker and Glary Registry Repair.


    I have been using Avast for ages. Do you really advise switching to Avira?


    The excellent free imaging tool I use is Macrium Reflect. Very configurable and it can create a plug-in for the BartPE disc.



    My biggest sin, I suppose, is using IE7 and IE7Pro.

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