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Ana Di Lupis

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  • -OS -Security_Software -IObit_Software +Computer_Details
    I Obit Smart Defrag 5 Pro (after upgrade)
    Windows 7, 32 bt

    Smart Defrag 4 PRO (1 year subscription, 3PCs)
    (Ref Number: 39000599 )
    Activation date: May 12, 2015
    Expiration date: May 12, 2016
    Ordered from: IObit


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  1. I have exactly the same Problem. I've sent three (!) of these db_info ZIP files and all I get told is, "deactivate your VPN"...I DID! but the problem persists. And not only the search server is unreachable, update and license refresh fails for the same reason... it can't be on my side, the server has a problem, obviously. Before, I could use Driverbooster with activated VPN and there was no problem whatsoever, and PLEASE spare me the usual standard replies, I had them all...
  2. inzwischen funzt gar nichts mehr. Update, Auffrischung des Lizenscodes...NICHTS! seit über einem Monat muss ich wertvolle Lebenszeit damit zubringen, diesen Sch... wieder zum Laufen zu kriegen. Da stimmt doch auf der IOBIT Seite etwas mit deren Server nicht. AN MIR KANN ES NICHT LIEGEN. Und wie ich diese Standardantworten vom Support hasse...es ist zum verzweifeln.
  3. Since the last update, my Driverbooster PRO is "unable to connect to the search server"...I wrote several times to the support-team, but all they could tell me was, to deactivate my VPN. I did! But the problem persist. And before the last update, even though I had an active VPN, all was working fine... I work with Windows 10, 64bit, have an excellent internet, all "trouble-shooting" ideas (deinstall, reinstall and so on) failed... Could anyone give me fertile clues to solve this problem? Thanks in advance, Ana
  4. I read, that Version 11 exists...I've got Version 10 Pro. When will paying customers get the free update? I looked for updates, it says" you've got the newest version!" but that's wrong...
  5. I did get the reply. What they advised me didn't work. There is no option "Exit" when I right-click the icon, I had to stop the program via the task manager. After replacing the .exe and the .dll - files, I ran that program again, but to no avail. Still stopping. Analyse after 24%, defrag after 11 %... Now I sent the sdproxy-log and the sdcore.log-files to them..let's see, if the problem can be solved finally
  6. I got an answer for my ticket from the support desk, but the advice they give doesn't really help. They ask to copy/ paste two files they sent me into the Smart Defrag-folder. It works fine with the sdproxy.exe file but the sdcore .dll - file can't be pasted into the folder. .I keep getting the message "Folder or file within the folder is open...please close..." How can this be? I closed all programs and windows, but this message keeps popping up. Why can I paste the .exe but not the .dll - file? any ideas?
  7. Hello... the e-mail adress is: lobajazz@web.de and : lobajazz@rediffmail.com (that one via the online portal) I sent it twice to make sure, that it is reaching SOMEBODY. and please..my name isn't that of a terrible disease, it's Ana di LupIs, not LupUs. greetings.
  8. Even though this answer wasn't adressed to me, I just sent that ZIP-file to the support-address. I really hope, I will get help after all this time trying to. After all, I have paid for the PRO version
  9. my upgrade to SD 5 came about a week ago. I tried every day to run an analysis or de-fragmentation, but the program just stops at about 10%. I started a thread here in the forum but don't get an answer. Also my ticket to IObit Support never got me any help. I didn't even get a confirmation, that my request was received. :xThumbs down here is the thread in which I posted several screenshots : http://forums.iobit.com/forum/smart-defrag/smart-defrag-v5/216168-smart-defrag-upgrade-to-sd-5-now-it-gets-stuck-after-a-few-seconds
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