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ASC Pro v4 - Disk Check Problem

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Im still having the same problem with ASC Pro V4 Disk Check


After doing the Deep Clean I reboot my pc and it does the disk check really quickly, then it reboots and all I get is a black screen with the egg timer


Ive been emailing IOBit and they told emailed me an attachment called Clear Disk Check and asked me to follow some instructions (which I did) and when I run deep clean again I still get the same problem, it does the disk check really quickly, then it reboots and all I get is a black screen with the egg timer


Also ive noticed that when browsing it takes an AGE to load pages


Can someone help me please, its taking 2-3 days to get a reply and the last reply I got really annoyed me as it was telling me to do the same thing as what the last email said

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Im still having the same problem with ASC Pro V4 Disk Check


After doing the Deep Clean I reboot my pc and it does the disk check really quickly, then it reboots and all I get is a black screen with the egg timer



It sounds like it is attempting to run chkdsk /f

A re-boot is required for chkdsk to run at DOS level.

After the black-screen comes up, how long did you wait for it to complete the process?

It takes a long time for chkdsk to load, start and display test results, from the drive data, depending on speed of computer.

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Around 10 mins ish, there or there abouts & why is it making browsing the internet so slow, ive never seen it be so slow


My pc was running like a dream after the I 1st ran ASC and its gone seriously down hill from there


I use revo uninstaller to uninstall thing on my pc, is it worth doing it with ASC and doing a fresh install??

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Does it matter that im not in the USA


Well, all the sites used by Speakeasy.net are in the USA, so I'm sure the connections would be much slower, depending on where you are and how far away you are.

All I can say is, just try it and see what happens. :grin:

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Did you ever Complete a chkdsk /f test, to determine condition of your C: drive?


No, it keeps going to the black screen with the egg timer


Starting get get really angry with IOBit, their customer service/support is diabolical

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Sorry, what I'm asking is if you ran the chkdsk /f program from the Windows Run-line?

Not with the IObit software.

To get to the Run line you can either go to the Start-button menu run-line

or press and hold the window-key plus the r-key, on keyboard.

then type chkdsk /f in the blank and press enter.

That should start the re-boot and Run sequence.


Syntax for C: drive is:

chkdsk /f

To test another drive, such as D: drive, the syntax is:

chkdsk D: /f


Did the online speed-test tell you anything?


It sounds like you may have some other problem with your computer, not caused by Iobit software.

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Yeah I tried the chkdsk /f from start>run and it did the same thing


The speed test result showed very very slow internet speed


Ive uninstalled ASC , Im going to reboot and reinstall, see if that helps


If the chkdsk program never completes then there is definitely some Bad Errors on your Hard-drive. :sad:

Re-installing ASC will Not fix the problem.

I suppose some type of Virus or Malware could cause that also, though.

You need to get the chkdsk program to complete before doing Anything else.

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If you are sure you are doing the chkdsk Run sequence correctly,

I would suggest having an experienced computer repair person look at it.

There may something obvious to them, that we are not doing.

Try to find someone that does not just want to sell you a new Hard-drive, though.

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I uninstalled ASC and rebooted, then I ran chkdsk /f from the run option in start menu, it did the check disk really qucikly liek before and then windows loaded, BUT google chrome wouldnt open, just kept saying it had crashed, then when I went to task manager there was something there called drwatsn or something like that, so I right clicked and ended the process, I dont have anything on my pc by dr watson, or at least I dont think I do, so ive had to reboot into safe mode with networking


Im going to try and do a system restore


What do I do if I cant get google chrome working again?

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There was a Dr.Watson Debugger utility that came with Windows-2000, and it was used through XP OSs, from Microsoft,

It was replaced in Vista and W-7.

and there was also a third-party program called that, but I don't remember what it did. I may have been a debugger also?

Dr. Watson may have a conflect with ASC, but I don't think so,

and there have been many reports, on this forum, of Chrome conflecting with ASC.


I only use IE browser, so can't help with Chrome.

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the system restore didnt work but I can access the internet :-)


I'll reinstall ASC tomorrow, need to get some sleep, been a long day


I'll let you know how it goes and thankyou for your help, its really is much appreciated

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