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Everything posted by Toppack

  1. :idea: Where can I download the "Omega version" ??? :lol: BTW - I'm an "Alpha male" :wink: :lol:
  2. I Agree, doing Automatic-backups can cause conflicts and errors. Wait until you have the time to monitor the backup and use the computer as little as possible while the backup/restore utility is running.
  3. No problem! I learned something Also! :wink: I'm glad you found a fix.
  4. Well, another program sub-routine would have to running Constantly, polling the I/O-ports, to check for added devices. On slow computers, I think there would be a noticeable Slow-down. :-( (the Less you have running in the Background, 'the Better') :wink: That's why I Never load any Extra programs at Windows Start-up and only load the ones we Need, at the time.
  5. If I remember correctly the 'ntoskrnl.exe' has something to do with CPU-cashing and is used in W-7 as well as older OSs. I would first do an Internet Search and look for more Info about that. Did you try diabling auto-loaded driver-software, using msconfig.exe, like I suggested? To first eliminate the easier stuff. If not a driver then my guess is that it may be a CPU problem, either bad or not compatible with Motherboard or RAM.
  6. If you think it may be caused by a software driver or service loaded at start-up, you can disable them temporarily using the msconfig.exe utility that is part of Windows. msconfig can be run from the 'Start-menu command-line', in Windows-7. (Or Window-Key + R-Key, will get the run command-line also) The 'startup' Tab list may be the one to try Disabling first Note - Search Microsoft website for Info about using msconfig, if you are not familiar with it. (there are multiple Tabs for different functions)
  7. Yes BlueScreenView is a good way to get the Error-messages. I think the error messages are called 'Bug check Strings' in that utility program. If the messages are consistant you may be able to pin-point the cause, but if they are random it will not be so easy. :-(
  8. It is most likely a hardware problem but you need to keep a record of the error message at top of blue-screen, sometime that will indicate the cause but not always. If it's not software-driver related you will probably have to start replacing hardware. First make sure the Memory-modules are DDR3 type, that Motherboard requires them. Have you run chkdsk to test hard-drives? They can cause this. (be sure to run chkdsk after each blue-screen to fix drive errors, also) Changing the Memory-modules is the least-expensive to try first. After trying the easy things, like Memory and drives, the Motherboard is the next most common thing to cause this type problem. (but make sure it's not driver-software related before changing hardware)
  9. I would use regedit.exe to remove that command from the Registry, but if you are not familiar with Regedit, I do not recommend doing that. Since you can really mess-up the OS, if you make a mistake. Regedit.exe has a search function and you would need to remove everything related to ASC-4. (Regedit.exe comes with all versions of Windows and needs to be run with Admin privileges)
  10. I think to fix that, SD would need to be running constantly, using resources, to monitor if the external power is connected or not. :shock: I don't think you would really Want it Doing That ?
  11. I'm Glad that has been cleared up, :shock: I was starting to get confused! :grin:
  12. Great buttons! But Why 'Apples' for Windows-8 software? :?:
  13. Most of us on this Forum are Users like you, (unless you are actually a software producer?) :wink: so it is Not Our product and I have no idea if IObit plans to Add 'SRWare Iron'? I kinda doubt they have that as a 'High Priority' though. :grin: Note - My guess is that it will be Added, if it gains more popularity.
  14. SRWare Iron "borrowed' a great-deal from Google-Chrome browser, but it is Not the same. I suggest you use IE-9 or Google-Chrome. Unless you are employee of 'SRWare Iron', If so, 'Sorry About That' suggestion! :lol:
  15. What happened to EarthFox :?: :lol: I want to try WindFox :!: :lol: Oops, I Forgot, we still use IE-Fox :lol:
  16. We Agree, 'It's better to be Safe than Sorry'. :idea: Those items may not be Needed, but they do Not take up much drive-space, and normally do Not effect computer operation, so if you are Not Sure, don't detete it. :!:
  17. What type of Malware was it? Was it something like Adware or something more serious like a Trojan? Could there have been a second copy of it somewhere? I've read that some Malware make multiple copies of their-self.
  18. Did you try leaving it 'blank' and bypassing that step? (just a Guess, but that has worked before with other software)
  19. And we Love Getting Suggestions! And I really do Not like to be Negative about them, like some people we know. :roll: :lol:
  20. Some of the utility programs in ASC should not be run at the same time as other programs are running or loaded in memory, such as the Browser. Many people tend to forget that the Internet-Browser is just Another program and not part of the Operating-system. Only a few of them could be safely activated from Browser. So I think it would be a bad idea to run ASC utilties From the Browser, Sorry. :???:
  21. Ah Yes, More 'Gamer Slang' :roll: That seems more logical than my translations, But Mine are More Fun. :-D
  22. :?: What Exactly is a "Simmer" ? Is that Like 'A Low-Boil' ? :lol: Or is that more Like 'One Hot Lady' ? :lol:
  23. Yes, I agree completely, but from what I've seen in the past, I doubt that the IObit programmers will let us know what they had in mind. But I think they just wanted to test that additional routine, to the beta-6 program, and did not consider the problems it would cause? Since I'm sure they thought that most users would know not to install a beta version over a Pro version.
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