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Everything posted by Cicely

  1. Hi mastermind420, Thanks for your precious information. I will report it to our product team to test the situation you mentioned. But we are not sure that we can reproduce issue. If you can run ASC again to see whether the issue continues and download the tool that I mentioned and send us IObit_Debug_Info.zip to help us look into the issue, we will appreciate it very much. Certainly, I can understand your worries that you do not want to try it again. Anyway, sincerely thanks for your continual feedbacks. :wink:
  2. Dear All, We always welcome any suggestions and opinions from you about IObit Products. Here you can be a beta tester of Advanced Mobile Care to help us test it before it is released online. Any feedback from beta testers will be highly appreciated. Here is the steps to become a beta tester: JOIN this community: http://goo.gl/LQQOgO Then, please visit the link below: (You will get a 404 error if not yet joined the community) https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.iobit.mobilecare On the next page, select to become a Tester and then click: "Download Advanced Mobile Care from the Play Store". You will be directed to the Play Store to download the latest Advanced Mobile Care before it is released online! http://forums.iobit.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=13120&stc=1&d=1384313715 The Advanced Mobile Care will be improved to be better and better under your great help. :mrgreen:
  3. Hi Octavian, Thanks for your suggestion. Currenly, ASC Ultimate is a professional anti-virus software including the basic anti-malware function as I mentioned before. And this function will be enhanced in ASC Ultimate v7. Besides, Advanced SystemCare Ultimate provides compatible mode so that it can works with your other antivirus /security program smoothly.:wink:
  4. Hi Ashish Kumar and Octavian, Thanks for your continual feedbacks. I have reported your suggestion to our product team for consideration. Due to many reasons, this suggestion has not been added. But please do not let down. When we are developing ASC v8, please send us your suggestions asap. If other users have the same requirements like you, I am sure IObit will take action. :wink: @ Octavian, ASC allow users to customize the skins the like in this forum, you can visit http://forums.iobit.com/forumdisplay.php?f=80 to share your masterpieces and download the skins you like.:mrgreen:
  5. Hi Guys, Thanks for your feedbacks. Smart Defrag 3 beta 1.0 will be released soon. Please be patient.:-D @Orange, thanks for your suggestion. Well, Smart Defrag will give you surprise with improved functions and new features. Let's waiting for it.
  6. Hi Guys, Thanks for your feedbacks and precious suggestions. As enoskype said the license code for ASC Ultimate v6 can be used on ASC Ultimate v7. ASC Ultimate v7 beta 1.0 will be released in several days with new features and improvements. Welcome your suggestions. @ Octavian, thanks for your precious suggestions. I will report them to our product team for consideration. According to your suggestions, we want to clarify something. 1) Driver Booster is an independent product like IObit Malware Fighter that it needs separate license code to activate. 2) ASC Ultimate as a professional anti-virus software, it is specialized in anti-virus. But it also has the basic anti-malware function. Anyway, sincerely thanks for your wonderful suggestions. It sounds good.:mrgreen:
  7. Hi mastermind420, Thanks for your feedback. To look into the issue, please give us the following details: 1)What do you mean by " broke the windows store" ? Please describe the issue more clearly with related screenshots. 2)Which functions of ASC did you run before the issue? And please check and make sure that you have the latest ASV v7 final version from http://www.iobit.com/downloadcenter.php?product=advanced-systemcare 3) Please download the tool from http://download.iobit.com/test/info-helper-v7.exe Then double click to run this tool and click “Save report to Desktop”. You will get a zipped file IObit_Debug_Info.zip on your desktop. Please send it to us so that we can get the detailed information to look into. Looking forward to hearing from you.
  8. Hi Guys, Happy to see that you are expecting our ASC Ultimate. :-D Welcome your suggestions to help us improve our products. @ Morpheus666, welcome to our forum. Happy to hear that you will test our product. Cheers. :wink:
  9. Hi Scannan and cchilderhose, @ cchilderhose, thanks for your feedback. To look into the issue, please try the steps below: 1) Please check and make sure that your system is OK. 2)Please download Reg,dbd from http://wikisend.com/download/570440/Reg.dbd 3) Please open the installation folder of ASC v7 and found the folder Database and put the downloaded Reg.dbd to replace the original one. 4) After step 3, please tick " Enable Deep Clean" and just tick Registry Fix to run ASC again to see whether the issue continues. If the issue continues, Please download the tool from http://download.iobit.com/test/info-helper-v7.exe Then double click to run this tool and click “Save report to Desktop”. You will get a zipped file IObit_Debug_Info.zip on your desktop. Please send it to us so that we can get the detailed information to look into. @ Scannan, thanks for your timely reply. For your suggestion "Deep Clean should not be a default setting" , yeah, we made changes. In ASC v7, " Enable Deep Clean" is not ticked by default but user can open it in Quick Settings. Thanks for helping us improve our products.
  10. Hi CKCustom, Could you please describe the issue " I had ASC6 Pro but the ASC7 does not say pro" more clearly? Looking forward to your reply.
  11. Hi dev3, Thanks for your suggestion. I will report it to our product team for consideration. Wow, I like the skin of ASC Ultimate v7. Do you like it? ;-)
  12. Hi Buddahfan, Thanks for your feedback. I will report the issue to our related programmers to look into. Once we have any improvements, I will get back to you asap. Thanks for choosing IObit to care your PC.
  13. Hi Daskalos , Thanks for your reply. Do you use Opera 64 bit? If so, we are sorry to tell you that there is a bug in ASC v7. It can not detect Opera 64 bit currently. We will fix the issue in ASC v7.1. Thanks for your understanding.
  14. Hi dev3, Thanks for your question. In ASC v7, we make improvements. You know sometimes users feel that the notification will disturb them. Thus, in ASC v7, only when the auto clean function help you clean the number of privacy issues more than 150 or the junks files more than 300MB , you will get the notification.;-)
  15. Hi dv8cowboy , Thanks for your feedback. We are looking into the issue that you mentioned about "Startup Manager" in ASC 7. Have you tried re-install ASC to see whether the issue can be solved? If you still have the issue after re-installation, please send us the related screenshots to to show how it does not work. Screenshots are very important to help us look into the issue. For the other suggestions, actually, you can update database of ASC Ultimate automatically. If you meet any issues, please feel free to tell us. Thanks for your suggestions and active feedbacks.
  16. Hi ucx, Welcome to the forum. We are sorry for all the inconvenience caused by this issue. To solve it, we need your help to provide us information below: Please download the tool from http://www.cd4o.com/drivers/debug/InfoHelper.exe Then double click to run this tool and click “Save report to Desktop”. So you will get zipped file DriverBooster_Log_Files.zip on your desktop. Please send the zip file to support10@iobit.com with URL to your post. Please try to restore to a restore point before this issue happened to check whether your screen is back to normal and keep us informed about the result. Thank you very much for your patience and help on this issue.
  17. Hi Guys, @ Buddahfan and sunny staines, I will report your concerns for the old folders/files from ASC 6 are not removed completely to our product team for consideration. Perhaps, we should supply a choice for users to choose whether to remove these old folders/files of the old version when they update. How to you think of it? Currently, users can remove the old folders for ASC v6 manually. @ All, ASC v7 final version has been released. You can share your good experience on Advanced SystemCare at http://download.cnet.com/Advanced-SystemCare/3000-2086_4-10407614.html?tag=rb_content;main I can't say how much we thank you for all of your suggestions and assistances. Your support will be our greatest stimulus to worker harder to improve our products and service. AS we mentioned before " The top 20 most valuable beta contributors will be given a License for FREE!", I will discuss with our Administrators and Moderators to deside who will be given the free license code. Once we made decissions, I will present the gift to our loyal and lovely users. Again, thanks from my bottom of my heart on behalf of IObit. Cheers. :wink::-D:mrgreen:
  18. Hi CKCustom, Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. Actually, our experts have been working hard and constantly to expand our database. Can you give us a little time to do that? :oops: If you have any feedback or suggestions, please do not hesitate to post your reply here on this forum. With more feedback from users like you, we will make Driver Booster better and better.:grin: Cheers
  19. Hi dev3, Can you please reproduce the problem by trying to install the driver again and take a screenshot of the error message to send to us for further checking? Guide for taking a screenshot: http://graphicssoft.about.com/cs/gen...screenshot.htm Please download the tool from http://www.cd4o.com/drivers/debug/InfoHelper.exe Then double click to run this tool and click “Save report to Desktop”. So you will get zipped file DriverBooster_Log_Files.zip on your desktop. Please send the zip file to support10@iobit.com with URL to your post. Thank you for your effort and help on this issue.
  20. Hi, Thanks fo you reply. Any screenshots to show the issue" I can but it will say that several programs I have and use are malware and deletes them. " Looking forward to your reply.
  21. Hi guys, ASC v7 final version will be released soon. It really took a long time, for we always want to make it perfect. :wink: Thanks all of you guys. Your suggestions and feedbacks help us a lot to improve our product. Without your guy, IObit can not be so far so good. Bottom up. :mrgreen:
  22. Hi guys, For the issue about Tools in Tool Box, what dev3 said is quite reasonable. If add all the tools in the setup, the setup will be too huge. It will take a long time to download. For your conserns, once you use the tool, it will be launched on your PC and you can use it without network. Besides, users is online at the most of time and the have the right to choose what they really want. Certainly, your concerns are reasoable, but we need to find the banlance. Anyway, thanks for your suggestion. :wink:
  23. Hi dtruaxjr, Thanks for your feedback. Could you please give us more details to look into the issue " it tended to slow the system down alittle and skip over tests that were requested to be run.“? Do you mean it is slower to run a program or slower to open website or slower to boot up? More details will be much appreciated. Looking forward to hearing from you.
  24. Hi CKCustom, Thanks for your feedback. What do you mean by "I would like to run it on automatic but sadly cannot."? Do you mean that you can not run ASC at Windows Startup? Did you enable ASC to load at Windows Startup? Looking forward to hearing from you.
  25. Hi There, Thanks for your reply. What are the names of the games? Are they online games? To look into the issue, please download the tool from: http://download.iobit.com/test/info-helper-v6.exe Then double click to run this tool and click “Save report to Desktop”. So you will get zipped file ASC6_Info_File.zip on your desktop. Please send it to us so that we can look into the issue further. For your other suggestion, would you please give us more details and we will try to make improvements. Looking forward to hearing from you.
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