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Your back up program (How to use Macrium Reflect)


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please note some one changed the heading of the thread

i am using this application as a example how easy the .or A back up program can save the day..and this one is not the only one out there.but we found

very good..


thank you..




here we go again..this is and should be part of your system :

a fully working back up application..what it may be is preference .


we will again demonstrate.this one, that i have come to like.

its been talked about before and we shall again bore you to death..




read the many complaining of things that went wrong.with a system after a application is installed and run! on a system.without fully knowing why one did!

or fore the sake yes lets try that out looks good!

"and why not that is why we use a computer to play around and have fun."


the help me please posts..as in

" i can not get this or that to run." or " i lost my ability to do this or that".


"all my this and that is gone.how can i get them back.?"

"my restore fails"..and so on we read the cry for help me..


right.now you should be able and can restore your system.no mater what you have installed ,run ,used,even kill the drive, to a black screen,blue,will not boot..system, this will not matter..


so here we go first of all you need to download your back up program you prefer and trust..

to do the job properly..but for the sake of this post we talk about this one...


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now here are the first 5 steps


Step 1:



Step 2:



Step 3:



Step 4:



Step 5:


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ok next 5 steps

and now you have made a fully working back up..


and know your are safe from any thing that went wrong..

i hope its useful .the point her is please take a little time out study this .its no big deal


you be clad you did.its all so easy to do..


GARY may want to add to this and feel free to do so..



Step 6:



Step 7:



Step 8:



Step 9:



Step 10:


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Very Nice jjj!!!


Hi my good friend!! I hope you are on the mend and getting well!! Very nice presentation. I love Macrium Reflect, and would never be without it. I would only add to your presentation the following short cuts that I use after you have Macrium set up like you want it. Our friend Ted uses the XML feature which works well after you have become familiar with Macrium. If he is feeling well, he might add to this thread.===garybear PS Well done my friend jjj!!! PPS There are a lot of good videos on Utobe that show how to use Macrium also!!!

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Hi friends!!


These are my short cuts for restoring a image, after I have it set up the way I want every thing. You should do the long way at first. You must use the rescue Linux or WinPE to restore your operating system. I usually just place my Linux rescue CD in the cd drive, and then restart my PC. The wizard will lead you through the process. It is very easy and your confidence will grow the more you use Macrium!==garybear PS Macrium is very user friendly!! You will love it!!

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are the caps ok i wonder, can thy bee seen by members? i wonder

nearly 100 people have taken a look .yet the caps are very poorly looked at.


was this a total wast of time on the part of GARY and I and we are not getting this across to readers?


we put in the effort yet there seems little interest,

please readers.help your self to a little knowledge! it wont kill you


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  • 3 weeks later...

well just installed a 40 gig to a 200 gig and thank Gary all went fine.

i did use the whole disk sliding it to max,and its up and running.

next try to my TB drive..this is fantastic! and i am clad i kept all the back ups.

plus now i shall make a few more of my smaller drives! i cant be leave it works so easy,and no installing needed every thing is working..!100%

i tell you and members this is a excellent program..


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thank a bunch very nice.i shall cut back the size next time,a bit more

try to keep them smaller.

what i found all the backups i made installing a OS ,what ever it was.i have in a file that can be used very fast.and the applications like fire walls,and all other ones no need to reinstall,or verify

i just made a restore of a back up of win BETA .just to remind me what it was like.and play around with..and use it for 90 days .only thing was set back the year.(time) and no need to link.i still love it the best .and find it a wonderful OS..



why do i keep them.like i stated in a post,i have a 40 gig drive with XP sever pack 1 and all my older Applications ,fully working.now why i wanted this set was ,to run Tor net works only.but i needed this on a bigger drive.for the extra space,to download files to.without adding a drive..this set up runs perfect for this..i knew about the migrating of files to a larger drive,but as it was pointed out to me .one still has the original set up image, easy to use again.

and so simple to pass to a bigger drive..i truly had no inkling that it was..untill

Gary posted how .

the main thing one must remember is making a boot table cd.( USE THE LUNIX one) it happily works on vista and win 7 all versions..

the only thing one must do ether run malcuim,from a flash drive,or install it before a back up is made and have a external drive by USB cables..

where the store the image is sitting.


now you name a directory say( xp sv-pack 2 if that is what you are backing up point to it and away you go..keep it .now i have about 18 with different

OS and set ups..all registered.and no need to redo,verify.

plus half a dozen cut versions..the same all fully working.and now i can install

them to any size disk! this is what i am so happy about..and use what amount i use,or the whole new drive.(not have to split it.)


the only thing is if using a different system say from a Pentium 4 to a core system one needs to add drivers, for that system.but i have them all and not a problem.i use a boo table cd to install or copy them to the drive.or if no blue screen just let the os do it.


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Hi friend!


Hi jjj! Wow! You are really using Macrium in ways I never thought of or tried. Way to go my friend. I bought the registered version. It has a lot more bells and whistles, and I'm learning all about them. The paid version is a one time charge of 39$. One cool feature is you can boot to Macrium recovery mode with out the rescue Linux CD. When you restart your PC, you get a screen that gives you a choice to boot normally or boot into Macrium Recovery. This just slows down your boot time about 8 seconds, which isn't any big deal. Also has a boot repair feature, if you should have a problem with that. A lot of ways to schedule back ups, and more choices what to back up. You can back up just files or programs instead of the whole,C drive, and restore just one thing instead of the whole C drive. I'm still learning what all you can do. Thanks for your kind words, but you did all the hard work. I'm very happy I could help you my friend, and I'm glad it is all working well for you.==garybear PS I will attach some screen shots to this post latter. PS I hope I'm not spamming. You don't have to buy Macrium. The free version works just fine, and is all you need to make a perfect back up of your OS.

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Hi there, itsmejjj and Gary,


Great work you guys.


For anyone who does regular backups here is how to create a backup shortcut. I store my backup shortcuts in a folder and pin it to the Start Menu.

Whenever I want to do a backup I don't open Macrium at all, I just click the shortcut I want. You can make a shortcut to backup your C: drive and another one to backup your D: drive and then perhaps another one to do a complete backup and combine the two drives.

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VSS problem.


Hi, again, itsmejjj and Gary,


I've posted a question on the Macrium forum regarding the common problem of the VolumeShadowCopyService failing and Macrium having to use pssnap instead. I know that pssnap does the job okay, but in my quest for perfection I want to know why the VSS function has never worked for me. I know you had this problem for a start, Gary, but you resolved it. I've followed all the forum suggestions so far without success.

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Hi Ted!


Hi, again, itsmejjj and Gary,


I've posted a question on the Macrium forum regarding the common problem of the VolumeShadowCopyService failing and Macrium having to use pssnap instead. I know that pssnap does the job okay, but in my quest for perfection I want to know why the VSS function has never worked for me. I know you had this problem for a start, Gary, but you resolved it. I've followed all the forum suggestions so far without success.

Hi my good friend Ted!! This is all I could find! I really don't know what I did to fix the problem. I did uninstall and reinstall Macrium. I think since yours never worked it could be in the registry. Nick has a couple of things to try in the registry. You might give that a shot. Good luck friend. I know you would like to make VSS work. I'll keep searching for you!!==garybear


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Hi Ted! I read your thread on Macrium forum. This is what I got in CMD

Hi again, Nick. I have just typed "vssadmin list writers" into a command line and got the following result: 0x000fff. I have googled and found a file showing how to correct this, but it entails Registry modifications. I'll give it some thought.

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Hi Ted! I'm trying to think what are the things I did. I know some of the things I do regularly are sfc /scannow, chkdsk. These probably won't help. I think your registry is where your problem is. I'm still thinking and searching.==garybear

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Hi, Gary,


Ta muchly for your input. Nick is working on the problem for me, but it's no big deal, really, as pssnap does the job very well, anyway. I've played around quite a bit in the Registry today following the many suggestions I've found through Googling (of course I backed up the Registry first).

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Hi Ted!!


Hi friend!! Here are a whole lot of things to try for VSS. If your not tired of fighting it try some of these things. You might be missing dll files. I don't really know but looks like things you can try. I liked the videos, but they went a little fast for this pea brain.==garybear


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Hi, Gary,


After much searching I finally found the answer. The "Location" registry entry in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ContentIndex\Catalogs was missing. No Error messages when using Macrium Reflect now. Thanks again for you suggestions.

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Hi Ted!! WAy to go friend!!


Hi, Gary,


After much searching I finally found the answer. The "Location" registry entry in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ContentIndex\Catalogs was missing. No Error messages when using Macrium Reflect now. Thanks again for you suggestions.


Hi friend! That's great, now you can rest! I'm happy for you my friend. garybear:grin::grin::grin:

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Hi Ted!!


Thanks, Gary,


BTW do you Auto Verify when creating an Image? From what I've read it appears only really necessary when saving to Optical or DVD media.


Hi friend!! No I do not, but I'm helping a guy by email that can create an image, and it says it's ok, but he can't verify it. I'm afraid he has a hard ware problem. I think he's getting help from Nick. He can't restore his image either. It's a major problem and I don't have any suggestions. I've had him run chkdsk and a few other things but so far nothing has helped. He's using a USB for his back ups, and has a acer PC with vista. He also has a dial up, and I'm not familiar with that or Vista. I hope Nick will help. I've run out of ideas. He has the registered version, so should be able to get some help. I'll let you know what's going on with him on this thread. I'm glad you got your problem solved. I know it was bugging you. At this moment my PC is running great and I have no problems, but that won't last long. I'll just restore with Macrium and wait for the next BS. I love my Macrium.===garybear PS have you ever verified a image to see if it is good??

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Hi, Gary,


PS have you ever verified a image to see if it is good??
Yes, I've checked the last couple of Images I created and they verified okay. Takes a while, though. Not really necessary from what I can gather.
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