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Posts posted by Scannan

  1. Hypnotic


    If you read the previous posts, you will find that this issue is explained. It is normal for the program to appear in the Taskbar, and it will only only appear their if you manually activate the program. Most pc users want this to happen as it makes program switching easier.

    So if you do not want it there, do not manually activate the program. ASC can still be set to load on system startup, and the ASC icon will appear in the system tray. The program can be launched from there.

  2. Cicely/Hypnotic


    It is normal for a program to apprear in the Taskbar when activated. It is designed to make it easier for users to switch between programs. ASC only appears in the taskbar when the main GUI is activated. Otherwise ASC icon appears in the system try. If Hypnotics issue is that there is no room in his Taskbar, then he should exit some programs as suggested.

    I do not believe that the vast majority of users would consider this particular item to be an issue which needs to be resolved.

  3. I have been following all the great feedback for ASC 7 Beta, and all the excellent suggestions from users. However, I am a bit concerned that there is a danger that the program is in danger of becoming bloated and following the unfortunate route of programs like Windows, Firefox etc...

    While it might seem great to have a single program that does everything, this cannot be achieved without a cost in speed and performance. Adding things like a Data Counter, while sounding nice, would in my opinion just be unnecessary bloat. If Iobit do decide to go down the route of adding gimmicks, then I hope they make them optional items, so that users who wish to keep ASC as a streamlined, fast and efficient program, will have the opton to do so. There are many small free programs available for Data Counting and Net Monitoring, and it really is not necessary fo ASC to carry all these little gimmicks which will bloat the program unnecessarily.

  4. The 'Pro' stickers are still there (in the Tool Box) even after purchasing ASC 7 Beta 3...minor point,but they should be removed after purchasing. ;-)






    Please forgive me if I am missing something....but I cannot understand why it would be necessary to pay for any Beta program. If this is the case with |ASC 7 Beta xx.....then there is something seriously wrong. Beta is where developers get free feedback in order to improve their program....and as such should never even contemplate making users pay for the privilege of corrrecting their (the programmers) mistakes.

    I sincerely hope that Iobit will address this issue.

  5. BIG BUG!


    The default setting for the Registry Scanner is "Deep Clean"....

    Does IObit intend to melt a lot of computers? :mrgreen:

    Please,do NOT have this as the default setting! Make sure the 'Deep Clean' option is unticked!


    ....come on now,please leave the 'deep scan results' to the people who know what they are doing! ;-)





    I agree with you completely. The Deep Clean should NOT be the default. It is too agressive for the majority of users. This has been raised many times on the forum, and I hope that Iobit will now act on it.

  6. Leeman


    I do not use driver boosters. I only update drivers if requested to do so or if I have an issue that requires a driver update to resolve it. Otherwise, I let my machine purr merrily along and am not tempted to change things simply because it is now possibile to do so.

    Drivers are a minefield, and my opinion is the less interference the better.

    As for a risk indicator... I imagine that would be a big ask, as driver updates are user choice, and the risk levels would be different for different systems and OS's. However, Cicely, who is the Iobit liaison for the forum, will see these post and will pass the sugestions on to the programmers.

  7. Ken Fougère


    There appears to be quite a few issue in relationship to Audio Drivers. You should try the driver rollback which should reinstall the previous driver. If that does not work you could try a system restore to a time before you updated the driver.


    I think that Iobit will have to do some more work regarding the audio drivers, as I believe that with audsio drivers it is not enough to simply update based on there being a newer driver available. With audio drivers, the hardware has to be considered because a newer version of the audio driver may not be compatible with the existing hardware...particularly with Invidia and also Realtek.


    I hope that Iobit will note these possibilities. If you are not successful, you can contact Iobit directly by email at support@iobit.com

    Explain your issue and reference this thread/post in your email.

  8. slojanko


    Cicely was just being helpful in supplying the details of how to take a screenshot. Not all users are as knowledgeable as you.


    As Cicely said previously your explanation regarding the images/ram usage isvery vague. What images are you talking about. Please give some examples.


    You have not mentioned previously that Beta 7 crashed your PC. This would indicate a more serious problem and should be investigated.


    I have never heard any other user report that ASC slowed down their PC, but the vast majority of users have reported that ASC has speeded up their PC and improved performance. The fact that you are experiencing these issues may indicate other issues with your PC, and these could be investigated if you supply the relative information.

  9. Solbjerg/WriterJC


    I think you are both perfectly right, as it is a conceptual argument. In WriterJC's case he is working on the premise of 2nd then 1st as would happen in athletics where 2nd placed would be the Beta and 1st placed would be the Alpha (the first).

    In Solbergs case he works on the premise of 1st then 2nd such as in trial and error where the first attempt is succeded by the 2nd attempt which is normally an improvement.


    Another example would be a wolf pack where the dominant wolf is the Alpha male and the next in the hierarchy would be the Beta male.

  10. Hi,


    I've been using Advanced System care ever since version 4, however only now I encounter that Registry Cleaner (in the toolbox tab) doesn't work


    It's started scanning, but then it stops even after I tried to leave it overnight


    any possible fix?


    Other than that doesn't encounter any other issue for this build


    thanks for the great job




    This issue has been brought up by other users. I wonder if it is because Registry Cleaner is a Pro item normally, and when the ASC7 Beta version was released the programmers may not have disabled this requirement, thereby making it non functional without the licence. Just an idea.

  11. Please forgive me if I am misunderstanding this, but It was always my understanding, that IMF was included in asc Ultimate. Indeed when ASCU was first launched, it was stated very clearly that it included anti virus and antimalware. If this was not so, then it would have been completely unnecessary to replace ASC+AV. I thought the whole point of Ultimate, was that it included both AV and Anti-malware.

    Now we are recommending that users should install IMf seperately. I would be very grateful if someone would explain exactly how ASCU is different from ASC+AV. Please do not tell me that ASCU/ASC+AV/ASC has a reduced version of IMF, because this would mean that ASCU is just ASC+AV with a different name.

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