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Posts posted by Scannan


    Hi mclea,


    Sorry for the inconvenience. Please note that ASC Ultimate v8 beta is an advanced version of ASC Ultimate 7 even it is still in beta version. You can also enjoy all features of ASC v8 in ASC Ultimate v8.


    Besides, the final version of ASC U 8 will be released soon


    I am very sorry to have to say this, but this is totally unacceptable. If Iobit wish to consider the present Beta stage of ASCU 8 to be an advanced version of ASCU7, then it must be released as an upgrade

    to ASCU7 period. It cannot be released to the user as an upgrade to ASCU7 and then the user discovers that it is in fact ASCU 8 Beta which has been loaded on to their machine.

    Users have to be made aware of Beta products and have the choice of whether they wish to partake in the risk of having a Beta product on their machine.

    Iobit is a large company, and as such I am sure they must be aware of the commercial and legal risks involved in ignoring the standards and or obligations which apply to Beta products, and loading them onto users machines without the users full knowledge and prior permission.

    I completely fail to see what advantage there is for Iobit to continue to follow this strategy, but I can certainly see the many dis-advantages in doing so.

    Once again, I hope that this practice will be curtailed and or revised, and Iobit will implement the established practices and methodologies relating to Beta products.




    Hi mclea,


    Sorry for the inconvenience. Please note that ASC Ultimate v8 beta is an advanced version of ASC Ultimate 7 even it is still in beta version. You can also enjoy all features of ASC v8 in ASC Ultimate v8.


    Besides, the final version of ASC U 8 will be released soon


    I am very sorry to have to say this, but this is totally unacceptable. If Iobit wish to consider the present Beta stage of ASCU 8 to be an advanced version of ASCU7, then it must be released as an upgrade

    to ASCU7 period. It cannot be released to the user as an upgrade to ASCU7 and then the user discovers that it is in fact ASCU 8 Beta which has been loaded on to their machine.

    Users have to be made aware of Beta products and have the choice of whether they wish to partake in the risk of having a Beta product on their machine.

    Iobit is a large company, and as such I am sure they must be aware of the commercial and legal risks involved in ignoring the standards and or obligations which apply to Beta products, and loading them onto users machines without the users full knowledge and prior permission.

    I completely fail to see what advantage there is for Iobit to continue to follow this strategy, but I can certainly see the many dis-advantages in doing so.

    Once again, I hope that this practice will be curtailed and or revised, and Iobit will implement the established practices and methodologies relating to Beta products.




    Hi mclea,


    Sorry for the inconvenience. Please note that ASC Ultimate v8 beta is an advanced version of ASC Ultimate 7 even it is still in beta version. You can also enjoy all features of ASC v8 in ASC Ultimate v8.


    Besides, the final version of ASC U 8 will be released soon


    I am very sorry to have to say this, but this is totally unacceptable. If Iobit wish to consider the present Beta stage of ASCU 8 to be an advanced version of ASCU7, then it must be released as an upgrade

    to ASCU7 period. It cannot be released to the user as an upgrade to ASCU7 and then the user discovers that it is in fact ASCU 8 Beta which has been loaded on to their machine.

    Users have to be made aware of Beta products and have the choice of whether they wish to partake in the risk of having a Beta product on their machine.

    Iobit is a large company, and as such I am sure they must be aware of the commercial and legal risks involved in ignoring the standards and or obligations which apply to Beta products, and loading them onto users machines without the users full knowledge and prior permission.

    I completely fail to see what advantage there is for Iobit to continue to follow this strategy, but I can certainly see the many dis-advantages in doing so.

    Once again, I hope that this practice will be curtailed and or revised, and Iobit will implement the established practices and methodologies relating to Beta products.




    Hi mclea,


    Sorry for the inconvenience. Please note that ASC Ultimate v8 beta is an advanced version of ASC Ultimate 7 even it is still in beta version. You can also enjoy all features of ASC v8 in ASC Ultimate v8.


    Besides, the final version of ASC U 8 will be released soon


    I am very sorry to have to say this, but this is totally unacceptable. If Iobit wish to consider the present Beta stage of ASCU 8 to be an advanced version of ASCU7, then it must be released as an upgrade

    to ASCU7 period. It cannot be released to the user as an upgrade to ASCU7 and then the user discovers that it is in fact ASCU 8 Beta which has been loaded on to their machine.

    Users have to be made aware of Beta products and have the choice of whether they wish to partake in the risk of having a Beta product on their machine.

    Iobit is a large company, and as such I am sure they must be aware of the commercial and legal risks involved in ignoring the standards and or obligations which apply to Beta products, and loading them onto users machines without the users full knowledge and prior permission.

    I completely fail to see what advantage there is for Iobit to continue to follow this strategy, but I can certainly see the many dis-advantages in doing so.

    Once again, I hope that this practice will be curtailed and or revised, and Iobit will implement the established practices and methodologies relating to Beta products.




    * I have a 189.8 GB file with 1,296,114 fragments, and a 34.2 GB file with 810,054 fragments that SD reports as "No defrag needed". The reality is almost certainly something else entirely, like a claim of "No Space to Defrag" (though, barring constraints due to unmovable files, even this can be worked around given sufficient time and good algorithms---at the very least, the fragmentation can be significantly reduced).


    I think that SD is being unfairly criticised in that while the amount of fragments may sound large they are in fact tiny when viewed as a percentage of the total file size, SD, I believe, calculates the

    fragmentation as a percentage of the total file size and if this percentage is below a certain value, it will consider that the file does not need defragmenting.



  6. Hi ianmoses

    Welcome to the forum.

    First step, is to identify the problem driver. It is probably a display driver. So roll back your updated drivers to the old drivers. Then update the drivers one at a time. This will allow you to identify the problem driver. Then roll back that problem driver and download the other drivers.

    Pass the information relating to the problem driver to Iobit and they can investigate.

  7. The computer I'm using is an HP Pavilion ze4500 with an AMD Athlon running at 1.86Ghz, with 1GB of RAM and running Windows XP service pack 3.


    This version of Driver Booster (v2.0.3.69) works much better than the previous one had on my computer. I can run it with my internet connection active and my processor doesn't get overworked, overheated and crash. However, since my computer is 11+ years old and no driver updates for any of my laptop's components have been made since 2008, the only things that get updated by this program are things like Java, Quicktime, or Flash. And there is a driver package I need in order to be able to use my laptop's PC Card slot again, but this program can't find it. A driver package I was able to find online using info from this program & from my device manager list was uninstallable because a crucial (and unidentified) INF file was not present in the package. According to my computer's Install Software wizard, the needed file might only be found in Windows OS files predating Windows 95.


    Thank you for the information. Is there an issue we can help you with. If so, please ask the relevant question.

  8. Just because a driver update program finds more drivers to update,does not make it better. Iobit put as much effort into removing unsuitable drivers from the database as they do adding suitable drivers.

    If every driver program did this, there would be a lot less problems with driver updates.

    My recommendation has always been.....do not update your driver unless it is causing issues......if it is not broken do not fix it!!!!!.

  9. Hi Cyprea

    Welcome to the forum.

    Did you click on ignore for that driver. This will send it to the ignore list and it will not be scanned again until itis removed from the ignore list. Also, check your Driver Booster settings.

    You may decide not to check drivers every day. Here is the link to the Driver Booster User Manual, which will show you how to ignore a particular driver, and how to use the settings.

    Also, while your frustration is understandable, please do not use aggressive and or bad language in your post's. It will not be accepted in this forum.

  10. CKCustom

    In your SD General Settings, you can set at what % you wish your disc to defrag, including an option to always defrag.

    I would however recommend that you look at the many discussions here in the forum and in other discussions on the net regarding defragmenting.

    You will find the vast majority of experienced people strongly advise against too much & too often defragging your drive. It can lead to wear/damage and a reduction of drive lifespan.

    I have my drives set to never defrag until fragmentation exceeds 5%, and I have never experienced a loss of performance as a result.

  11. Add USB disk defrag feature---it defragments USB disk for faster files loading and for faster moving from USB disk into PC, laptop and for faster moving from PC into USB disk


    Add External HDD disk defrag feature---it defragments external hdd disk for faster files loading and for faster moving from USB disk into PC, laptop and for faster moving from PC into USB disk


    This is already a feature of SD. If you have an external hd connected to your pc, when you start SD it will show this disc in the choices of which disc you wish to defrag.

  12. Welcome to the forum.

    I understand why you are upset, however I cannot understand why you are not impressed with Driver Booster. After all it rolled back the driver and fixed the issue,

    Please accept that driver booster did not force you to update the driver. It simply informed you that there was an updated driver available. ?You made the decision to

    proceed with the update. If you had not used DB and had simply looked on the net to see if there was an updated driver, you would have found that there is an updated driver

    and if you had downloaded it you would have had the same issue, and would have had to use windows driver roolback to fix the problem. Obviously the new updated

    driver is incompatible with your system. I strongly recommend that you do not update drivers unless you have a specific problem related to a driver, Then you should do some research

    with your PC manufacturer and or hardware manufacturer regarding the correct driver for your system.

    If it is not broken....do not fix it.

  13. Hi denise

    There are lots of ways to get rid of Adanak....however before getting into this, did you try the ASC uninstaller and run the powerful scan at the end of the uninstall.

    This is very good for detecting program associations and leftovers and removing them.

  14. Hi Cicely


    I do not think you should bother any further with the OP, ( I will not even use his/her name as it is an insult to the forum). Not only did he/she rant and rave in a derogatory manner,

    but did not even have the courtesy to reply. I doubt we will hear further from this user, and it will be no great loss.

    Our time will be better spent assisting the decent users of the forum.

  15. I do not even know why I am bothering to point out issues anymore, as we get no feedback and vBulletin seem to be either incapable or unwilling to fix even simple issues.

    However, the wrong editing tool is present on the Topics main page. See attached screenshot. [ATTACH=CONFIG]n193490[/ATTACH]

  16. Yes you must be mad....you come on the forum looking for help and yet you insult everyone with your ranting.

    The only reason I am answering is because I have pity for your Dad who is paying the price for your actions.

    Go to the rescue centre in ASC and restore your pc's to an earlier time before the issues started.

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