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Posts posted by Scannan

  1. Thank you for confirming my initial opinion that you believe everything is somebody elses fault.


    Yes I am an average user. Yes I have a demanding job. Yes I have domestic responsibilities.

    I also drive a car. I am an average driver. I do however know how to change a flat. Check the oil etc...In your world I suppose that would make me an expert car driver.

    Staying on the car theme. I wonder how far you would get if you took your car to a garage, simply told them it stopped and gave no further info.

    Then if they phoned you and said that they need more info and that they could tell you how to sort the issue yourself, and if you proceeded to tell them

    everything they were doing was wrong and unhelpful.

    I cannot imagine you would ever be able to return to them.


    Yes I did edit your post, becuse you included statements in Bold in order to stress your disatisfaction. This is a breach of Forum rules, and disrespectful and indeed on many Forum's you

    would have been banned. I have left your bold statement as is in your most recent post in order to allow other users to fully appreciate your demeanour.


    You own a PC. You installed a number of utilities. All these Utilities require some working knowledge. Just like buying an appliance for your home.

    Most average sensible people take a little time to familiarise themselves with the operation, including going to forums to get feedback etc on the item.

    According to you such people are no longer average users.


    As for your issues with the Forum.....we all have to navigate it just as it is...no point in moaning about it.

    Try your attitude on Microsoft and see how far you will get.


    One other thing. In a previous post you casually mentioned how your system Restore malfunctioned Again which means you knew you had an issue there, but obviously

    did not bother to correct that. Maybe you feel that is also somebody else's job.


    Anybody, can say " thank you"...and still show disrespect.


  2. Well...you have certainly taught me something. That everything is always somebody elses fault, and you are never to blame.

    You came here looking for help. You gave practically no info....hense I assumed you had w10. So I pointed you to a windows warning.

    I am also an ordinary user, but still I take the time to keep up with developments/issues. Unlike you, who obviously believes that everybody else should do

    all the work and you should just sit back and get the benefit.


    You simply pop along to the Forum, and rather than go to the DB section and look at previous Topics which may have dealt with your issue, you decide to let others do the work for you.

    But that would have required you to do some work to solve YOUR problem. Much easier to just let others do it for you.

    So in conclusion it seems that Microsoft/Iobit/The Forum and myself are all to blame because you are either too lazy or incompetent to resolve your own issues.

    Maybe the reason you have issues is because you deserve them.

  3. First...your System Restore issue is a known issue with windows 10. If you google it you will find hundreds of users with the issue of System Restore failing.

    I recommend that you manually create a system restore point at least once (or twicw) a week. This seems to work. I use ASC to do this.


    Secondly....Microsoft issued a warning following their latest update regarding USB issues. Google it. So you are probably the victim of both windows and DB combined.


    It has always been recommended here in the Forum to NOT update all drivers at once, because if you have an issue it is hard to identify the cause.

    Either update them in batches or preferably one at a time.....rebooting after each update to see if there are any issues. That way it is much easier to identify a suspect driver.


    The reason for the uninstall issue is that system restor had removed DB already. If you want to continue to use DB then get the latest version from theNews & Updates section of the Forum.


    Regarding Firefox....I cannot help because again you give no info on the issue. I simply recommend running a repair on Firefox.

  4. ;Logic says that it is the windows update causing the issue, seeing as everything worked with 1809.

    Either Microsoft will resolve the issue in a future update, or Iobit will have to change something in IMF to suit 1903.

    In the meantime, the most likely reason for your bluescreens is that the GPU is timing out because the camera is not responding quick enough following hibernation.

    Go to device manager/imaging devices and open proberties dialog for your camera and select events. This list will tell you what has occurred with your camera.

    Also look to see if there is an update for your camera driver.

    Also check if there is an update for your graphics driver.

  5. I am sorry, but I do not use Privacy Sweep, but I assume it must be one of the settings in the Windows section of Privacy Sweep.

    There are not many items, and the most likely ones are...

    Management Console

    Recent document


    Run History



    So first uncheck all the windows items (make a note of which ones are selected so you can select them again when the issue is fixed)....then select the

    ones listed above one at a time Do not forget to click apply then OK) and run Privacy Sweep each time. Check Quick access, and if every thing is OK, select the next item...

    and so on until you find the one causing the isue. Then you can leave that one unchecked and select the others as per your list.


    Please let us know the result as it may help others.

  6. IObit UninstallMonitor monitors program installations in real time and provides an easy way to uninstall bundleware and automatically detects toolbars and plug-ins of main-stream browsers and classifies them according to user ratings.

    So in other words it monitors program(s) installation and can notify you if a program is trying to install unasked for additional software.

    As it is a realtime monitor it will always be present in Task Manager as long as Iobit Uninstaller is present on your PC, whether Iobit Uninstaller is running or not.

    It does not use up resources and is a very useful tool.

  7. Hello caner_ozdemir,


    This is Cicely from IObit.


    To look into the issue, please download the tool from: http://testdemo.iobit.com/SDInfoHelper.exe

    Then double click to run this tool and click “Save report to Desktop”. You will get a zipped file IObit_Debug_Info.zip on your desktop. Please send it to us so that we can get the detailed information to look into.

    Looking forward to hearing from you.


    Hi Cicely

    I would like to remind you once again of my previous discussion regarding the function of the Forum.

    The OP (caner_ozdemir) came to the Forum with an issue.

    I provided an answer/suggestion to the OP.

    The OP has not yet responded.

    Nothing more should happen until the OP responds or another User with the same issue/solution also posts.

    Therefore it is not of any benefit to the Forum, or Users for you to request logs from the OP for an issue which may already be resolved, and for which the OP has not responded.

    It would be a different matter if you responded with a suggestion/solution and not just simply looking for logs.

    There are many posts which have not received any response from Iobit, and I find it extremely irritating for Iobit to respond to a post which is already receiving assistance.

    Unless this practice ceases, I would find it very difficult to continue to support the Forum, and as the only Mods/Admins who at present make regular contributions to the Forum,

    are myself and Enoskype, I think the Forum would be ill served should it be necessary for me to cease involvement in the Forum for the reasons stated.

    I sincerely hope that you consider this issue, and allow the Forum to operate as it is intended to. That being to assist Users and not simply to gather logs for every issue, whether big or small.

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