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Posts posted by Scannan

  1. and i have been using few of them on my other laptop. but now i have a new PC and i want it to stay fast and stuff. So i was wondering is it good to have their software running and taking care of my PC?


    If you have been using them on your other laptop, why are you asking us if they are good.

    Surely you can make that determination yourself based on your experience with your other laptop.

  2. But why cant u officially add their language here?I also noticed many Indian users use this forum...Would love to share some good piece of knowledge with them


    This Topic is regarding the translation for ASC. The Forum language is English. So if you wish to share knowledge on the Forum

    you will have to do so in English.



  3. You have only two posts in the Forum. This one and one other posted on the 16th July 2019, which is in General Forum Items, and you ask for an opinion

    regarding Nvidia prices.

    So you have not posted a problem previously on tnis forum.

    Also the link you provided in your post today is for an old Topic in 2018.

  4. (Sometimes I'll defrag the drive within seconds, and then, I'll defrag a 2nd time not even a couple seconds later, but it will take over 30 minutes? What gives?)

    This certainly makes no sense, and hopefully Iobit will provide an explanation.


    (Why doesn't it get rid of all the fragments, even after defragging repeatedly?)

    Some fragments are called Immovable because they are being used by the system at the time of defragging. Boot Time Defragging is used to enable defragging of these items.


    (Does it help to keep defragging again and again?)

    Absolutely not. All you are doing is reducing the lifespan of your drive unnecessarily. I defrag once a month.


    (What do the different colors mean?)

    If you hover over the colours at the bottom of the UI it will tell you what each colour means. Also the colours can be changed by the User.


    (And why does it sometimes take a long time to defrag when there aren't any fragments, where as, some times there are fragments but it will defrag in seconds?)

    Again, this makes no sense and hopefully Iobit will provide an explanation.

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    Have you find any malware application and any hacks thats helps in mobile applications.






    You do not state which type of phone you have, so I will assume Android.

    Did you try Iobit AMC Security.......https://www.iobit.com/en/advanced-mobile-care.php


    Did you try malwarebytes Mobile Security....https://www.malwarebytes.com/android/


  6. With Windows 10 automatically deleting system restore points for no reason and with Windows !0 no longer doing Registry backups,

    I suggest that ASC System Restore should provide a schedule option which would enable the user to automatically create a System Restore point once a week at a scheduled time.

    A schedule function already exists for Autocare, so it should not be difficult to include same in System Restore..

  7. Please check your settings for Registry Clean and if the Deep Clean option is selected de-select it.

    deep Clean has been known to be very agressive and can cause issues. If this is not the case, then you should run the scan with just 4 items at a time selected.

    This will enable you to determine which Function is causing the issue. when you have identified the offending scan function, let us know and we will endeavour to supply a fix.

  8. Firstly...yes you did say you had not drivers installed....you said.."and some of the devices do not even have drivers installed."

    Secondly...I can only act on what you tell me. You did not say anything about a clean install of Windows.

    Thirdly...I do not work for Iobit. I volunteer on the Forum to try to assist users with issues. So...no I cannot answer the question regarding the database.

    I have already suggested that you do the check yourself and thereby verify if Iobits database is incomplete and then Iobit can correct the issue as I have already suggested.


  9. I am not trying to promote DB, and if you have found newer drivers that DB did not find, then that is definitely something Iobit should look at.

    However, I cannot understand how you can have a pc with no drivers installed. It would be impossible to boot such a machine. Every pc has some drivers installed as part of the operating system.

    you only need new drivers if you add hardware or peripherals to your pc.

    I honestly think that you are not quite sure regarding drivers, and this may be influencing your assessment of DB.

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