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Posts posted by Scannan

  1. The only people that can help you now regarding sending the logs and screenshot, is Iobit.

    The Mods and admin are volunteers trying to help users and do not work for Iobit.

    As you cans see so far with your issue, Iobit have not supplied much assistance. So, unless some other user has some suggestion, you must

    hope that Iobit will take the time and effort to assist you.

  2. the log file and the screenshot were sent towere sent to



    I see a quotation mark at the end of the email address you are showing.

    Make sure that you did not have that in the address of the email you sent, because it will not work.


    As you can see from Cicely's reply...Iobit is not really concerned about forum users. You were not even offered assistance with sending them feedback.


    I am afraid there is not much more I can do. as Iobit ignores the forum Mods and Admins as well.



  3. You can send the log and screenshot here, to tickets@iobit.com via email.

    State that you have posted the issue in the forum. Copy and pste the link to your topic and in the email subject put the title of the Topic.


    It really should not be this difficult for users to give feedback, but sadly Iobit are not too concerned about Forum users.

  4. I just noticed there is a small dot on the bottom left of the title panel and when I put my cursor over it it says "Chuck Bennett is off line" ???

    What is that all about


    It says I am offline also. IIt is just this rubbish forum programming made by vBulletin.

    Just ignore it.

  5. Chuck.

    You do not seem to be having much luck navigating the Forum functions. have a look at this Guideline. It may help.



    As you can see the log file did not attach. One of the reasons for this is that the file may be too large.

    Sadly, Iobits solution for this is that you send it to a dropbox, rather than fix the issue with the size allotment on the forum or create log files in parts which are

    small enough to be uploaded.

    Don't hold your breath as they most likely will do nothing.

    It is very frustrating that Iobit programs generate logfiles which are too large to be uploaded to the Iobit forum.

  6. Sorry, but we have been talking about two different programs, which has confused the issue..

    You posted under the Topic with the title...Software Updater.....which is a standalone Iobit program, but you posted screenshots of Uninstaller.

    So I have been trying to help you regarding the Software Updater standalone program instead of the software function in Uninstaller.

  7. Obviously because only four of your programs are up to date.

    Did you click on the outdated programs to see how many are outdated??


    Once after you launch IObit Software Updater, it will scan your installed programs in seconds and display them under either Outdated or UpToDate in My Software tab.


    For outdated programs, you can either click the Update button to update them one by one, or tick the checkboxes of outdated programs and click the Update Now button to update them in bulk.


  8. Most of the security programs are assertive about the user's device security, hence, they flag the apps that are thought to be unwanted.

    But what they don't understand is that the apps that are installed by the user are necessary for the user to increase the productivity.

    All you need to do is to add an exception for the required apps in the system.




    This function already exists in Iobit products. You can place the apps in the ignore list.

  9. It sounds as though Quickbook fragments have been left on your pc after the uninstall.

    Check your program list and see if Quickbook shows up still in the list. If so, remove it.

    Manually delete any Quickbook files and folders still left on your pc.

    Run a search of your drive to find any references to quickbook, and uninstall any you find.

    If you have ASC on your pc, run the Registry cleaner.

    Reinstall Quickbook.

  10. Apologies if it seems I was blasting a moderator. That was really not my intentional here. However, in the general sense, I am saying that I thought it strange that both the Iobit website and the forum were silent about the issue after 48 hours, ...meaning, no news or notifications to the customers. ...and if Iobit really was truly "unaware" of the issue, that would seem pretty bad to me. ...because this is not some issue randomly affecting a few select users. This is an instant pop-up notification that had to appear on everybody's phones, so everyone knows about it. Those I know that use AMC got it as well, at the same time.


    ...so apologies Scannan, but I do consider this issue serious enough to actually create a new forum-account here and log-on to speak my mind. I know it is a potential "bomb" for AMC Security (pending how this turns out). As someone stated on the Facebook page, you have to wonder how long Iobit has allowed their product(s) to run possibly utilizing a partnering company's compromising code/libraries (if that truly is the case here). I know Iobit has a very good loyal user base (hey, I have been one of them), but as I stated, this situation is serious and I hope they handle it properly.


    No apologies necessary. I just wanted users to be clear as to the function of the forum.

    Sadly, as you can see...STILL NO RESPONSE FROM IOBIT....indeed, without the FB post users would have been left completely in the dark.

    Unfortunately, this is not an issue where I can give any other advice, as only Iobit can provide answers/solutions.

    Maybe if enough users gave them some posts on FB and Twitter highlighting their lack of support for and consideration for their users, they may get the message.

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