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Posts posted by Scannan

  1. You are in the Driver Booster section, which is correct.

    Are you short of disc space. If not, then it is not being wasted.

    If you are short of disc space then I recommend looking in other less critical areas to recover space.

    I am sorry that I cannot state categorically whether the folders are too big or not, as I do not know the history of your driver booster usage or your driver booster settings,

    However, if your system is working well and you have no issues, then if you want to uninstall DB and reinstall it again I see no problem.

    This would take you back to scratch and your DB folder should be much smaller.

  2. I am quite sure it is obvious to you seeing as it is your pc. Sadly it is not obvious to us.

    So I will give you the obvious answer.

    If it is not causing you problems, leave it alone. Messing in Program Data is looking for trouble.

    Remember that Driver Booster has a Driver Rollback feature so it will store backups in order to be able to Rollback the drivers if issues arise.

  3. It would help if you gave us some detail of your issue. This is a voluntary Forum so we have no access to Iobit support info.

    All you have told us is that you have large Backup and Download folders in ProgrmaData.

    Everybody has large folders in program data.

    What specifically are you worried about??

  4. I understand completely and it is very refreshing to hear from someone who cares about reputation and other users wellbeing.

    I am presuming that in MF Settings that you have selected Surfing Protection & Ads Removal - It protects you against various online threats t, and keeps you undisturbed from annoying ads on webpages. Currently, it supports Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Firefox.


    Also, Homepage Advisor - It monitors any change to your browser homepage and search engine, and notifies you to undo the change to prevent malicious modification. Currently, it supports Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge. You can click Details text link to check the protection status and history, or adjust the settings to serve you better.


    Additionally, within your Browser Privacy and Securiy settings, you can prevent redirects and pop-ups.

    I do not know which browser you use, but as I said previously I use Firefox with Ghostery and Ublock Origin, and I never have these issues as Ghostery and Ublock are very quick in updating their Database for new threats.


    Maybe, Iobit will add this textnews to their Database now that you have highlighted it, but as it is the weekend you may not see aresponse from Iobit until Monday or Tuesday.


    I apologise if I sound like I am advising you on how to secure your system, as that is not my intent, as it is obvious that you have been doing this for a long time, but I have found that even the best of us may sometimes miss a small step so if this is the case, then hopefully something I have said here may jog a memory.

  5. Hi slightkc.

    Welcome to the Forum.


    Firtly, I think you are panicking unnecessarily. This is a browser hyjacker, and while it is annoying it is not a virus as such.

    That said, it is possible to obtain a Virus from some of the adds/sites which will be pushed by txtnews. But this can only happen if you click on these adds/sites.

    It is very easy to get rid of txtnews as it is held in your browser and not in your system files.

    I cannot find any AV or Antimalware which states that it will detect this hyjacker. It is relatively new so maybe the browser protection has bot caught up yet.


    It is unlikely that all those people who you recommended MF to, will make the same mistake of accidently clicking allow.

    I use Firefox, with ghostery and Ublock Origin, and I never get targeted. Might be worth looking at.

    You must always accept that human error plays a part in these scenarios and that is why the recommended practice is not to click allow on any site you do not know.



  6. Hi Michael12941

    Welcome to the Forum.


    This is not an Iobit False Positive issue, nor is it an Iobit issue. I suggest that you post this issue on a Java Forum.

    I am going to move this Topic to the Other Software section of this Forum. Hopefully some other User may be able to help.

  7. Hi Cicely,


    There is nothing to investigate. There is no problem with ASC (The Program).

    This is an issue with Windows 10. It is well documented on the Net.

    I wrote this Topic, to assist Users, who have issues, following a Windows Update, and cannot access restore points, because it appears that

    Windows 10 has deleted them.

  8. Users may have noticed that after Windows 10 installs quality updates, if you look in ASC Rescue Center/System Restore, it will appear empty, as if all Restore Points

    have been deleted.

    There are many explanations from Microsoft as to why this happens. I will not go into them here (you can google it).


    However, after the last Quality Update, I checked my system Restore (in ASC) and sure enough, it said that I had no Restore points (it seemed they had been deleted).

    However, while still in System restore, I immediately created a new Restore Point. It seemed to take a much longer time than normal.

    When it had finished creating the new Restore Point, it showed that I now had one Restore Point ( the new one I just created).

    I exited the Rescue Centre, and immediately opened the Rescue Centre again, and lo and behold...... all my previous Restore Points were back.

    I now had five restore points going back one month.


    This may be helpful to users who experience issues following a Windows 10 Update, and wish to restore to a previous time, but are told there are no Restore Points.


    Hello forum admin I'm facing same problem please help me!!!


    What operating system are you using. Windows has already admitted that the CPU readings in Task Manager in windows 10 is inaccurate, and is one of the

    issues they are fixing in Windows 10 version 1809



  10. Hi Cicely


    The rules of the Forum are very explicit, that all posts must be in English. Posting in other languages ordinarily require a warning from Admin/Moderators. Persistent posting in language other than English incurs a ban. Is this an oversight by Iobit or have the rules changed?

    Additionally, the posting of users email addresses is also strictly prohibited. Only Users Forum names are allowed. This should be corrected immediately as it is a security issue whereby users email details are now public knowledge.

    Is this an oversight by Iobit or have the rules changed?

  11. I apologize to all of you for mentioning SIP. I did not realize I was starting a useless rabbit trail.

    I now realize that when a car engine is at idle, none of the spark-plugs are in use.


    Of course the Spark Plugs are in use....otherwise the car engine would not idle. The term Idleing for a car means when it is just ticking over. If by idle you mean completely stopped/turned off, then that would be tthe same as completely turning off your PC, and in that case the SIP would not come into play.

    I will not even comment on the TV and Sleep analogies.

    The SIP as shown in the Task Manager, is an indicator of the resources (CPU) which the system has deemed as not required at present in order to perform your requested tasks and system tasks. Therefor this percentage of the resource (CPU) capacity is idle and is available should you need to perform other tasks.

  12. I have no idea what point you are trying to make. From the link you provided it states quite clearly..."The CPU time attributed to the idle process is therefore indicative of the amount of CPU time that is not needed or wanted by any other threads in the system."....

    Which, as I said previously means the amount of system resources not being used at that time......

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