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Windows 8 - Safe Mode. . .


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Hi all,


Does anyone know how to evoke Safe Mode in Windows 8, without first entering Windows normal mode of operation? (I know how to enter Safe Mode from within Windows normal mode, but that is not much help should Windows not be able to start in normal mode!)


The F8 key, or Shift and F8 key, does nada, nothing, zip, nought a thing on my computer. I have tried both methods multiple times on both warm restarts and cold starts, but it remains a no-go. {I have tried pressing and holding the key(s) down, as well as press and release multiple times as fast as I can. Neither way met with any success.}


And yet I read on the Net that some folk seem to be able to use either the F8 key or Shift + F8 key method with success. Lucky them.


Or, unless this is true. . . does anyone know if Windows 8, upon failing to boot into Windows normal mode, automatically starts that recovery screen from which a person can choose from various options, one of them being Safe Mode?




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Surprise, there is no way.

I was horrified to find this myself. I installed a new Nvidia driver and was presented with a black screen on reboot. Since I could never get the OS to show, getting into Safe Mods from the OS was impossible (it would defeat the whole purpose of it anyway as drivers would have already been loaded).

That "F8 key, or Shift and F8 key" thing is pure BS but widely reported. I believe it may have been possible on an early beta of the OS only. It is my understand that the OS loads so fast that you can not hit this series of keys fast enough to ever work.

I don't know for the life of me why Microsoft omitted Safe Mode on Windows 8 but they did.

I use a program called Rollback RX which is something like the old Norton Goback. This program loads in the MBR and allows you to revert to snapshots if needed. I have used it for years and it has saved my a** many times. Don't confuse it with System Restore which really doesn't restore your system.

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Hi LaurenceJ


This issue has been discussed before. See this link.

Unfortunately, yjere are so many opinions about this problem, that you will probably just have to continue to investigate on the web until you find a satisfactory answer, -if there actually is one-.


Here is another helpful link to another forum thread, which may be of assistance to you.

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@ Toppack

And in case of emergency, or become fed-up with 8, I too still have my copy of 7. ;-)


@ Scannan

Yes I had a look at those links, and from those links I came across a couple of other links provided by sunny staines and am now downloading those pdf files. And yes, I will keep my eyes open for a solution; but as you say, "if there actually is one."


@ masterblaster

You give high praise for RollBack RX: I'll have to do some reading up on it. I used to own a copy of GoBack when it was in Roxio's hands, and it worked reasonably well for me, most of the time. But I seem to recall running into a few problems with it, which led to my uninstallation of it; though for the life of me I couldn't tell you exactly what those issues were now! Anyway, as I say I'll read up a little on RollBack RX.


Thanks all,


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@ masterblaster

You give high praise for RollBack RX: I'll have to do some reading up on it. I used to own a copy of GoBack when it was in Roxio's hands, and it worked reasonably well for me, most of the time. But I seem to recall running into a few problems with it, which led to my uninstallation of it; though for the life of me I couldn't tell you exactly what those issues were now! Anyway, as I say I'll read up a little on RollBack RX.


Thanks all,



Rollback RX is amazing and a whole different technology than Goback.

It can be set to take automatic snapshots at every time imaginable or manually. The snapshots are very small and fast. Some people take them hourly. You can even tell it to not revert specific directories or files.

I have used it for years.

I saw a video where they intentionally bombarded a computer with virus after virus to where it went blue screen and completely shutdown. Upon reboot, they reverted to a snapshot and there was no traces of any virus as the computer reverted to a point before the viruses were introduced.

I also use it to test drivers. If they don't work or crash my system, no problem, just revert (it takes about the same time as rebooting).

Some use it as an uninstaller. When you install something you don't like, just revert rather than uninstall. Almost all uninstall programs leave changes and files on your computer after the uninstall. Personally, I prefer to use IOBIT Uninstaller 2. But many use Rollback RX for that.

When my grandchildren use my computer, they tend to add or change stuff I don't want. The truth is you don't really know what others do to your computer when they use it.

I just let them play and after, I restore it to where it was before they started.

It is the one single program that I will NEVER be without.

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Windows 8 easy Safe Mode!


Hi laurenceJ,


Although it can not be used when the Windows can not be opened, as Scannan points out, have you tried running (Win+R) msconfig, under Boot tab, checking Safe boot and chosing Minimal radio button and restarting your Windows 8?


It will start in Safe Mode.


You can also choose the type of Safe Mode you want to boot into:


- Minimal is normal safe mode.

- Network is safe mode with networking.

- Alternate Shell is safe mode with command prompt.



If you are not using anything like Start Menu 8, instad of Run..., you can use Task Manager for the msconfig to start.


I have tried it on HP laptop and it certainly works! :idea:



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Hi laurenceJ,


As Scannan points out, have you tried running (Win+R) msconfig, under Boot tab, checking Safe boot and chosing Minimal radio button and restarting your Windows 8?


It will start in Safe Mode.


You can also choose the type of Safe Mode you want to boot into:


- Minimal is normal safe mode.

- Network is safe mode with networking.

- Alternate Shell is safe mode with command prompt.



If you are not using anything like Start Menu 8, instad of Run..., you can use Task Manager for the msconfig to start.


I have tried it on HP laptop and it certainly works! :idea:




But none of this is possible if you can't start the OS right?


EDIT: Right, masterblaster please see posts #10 and #12 for the solution!

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Although it can not be used when the Windows can not be opened, as Scannan points out, have you tried running (Win+R) msconfig, under Boot tab, checking Safe boot and chosing Minimal radio button and restarting your Windows 8?


It will start in Safe Mode.

Yes I know that method, but as you point out Windows normal mode must be up and running to enable and use that method. Still, thanks just the same.


I am not sure yet but I may have found a workaround but need to test it first! (But even if it works, that is all it is, a workaround.)




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Perhaps an easy workaround for Safe Mode for Windows 8


OK LaurenceJ,


The easiest way for recovery (and Safe Mode Restart) is to create a system recovery flash drive.


Having a flash drive with 500 MB space will do the job easily.


Trough Control Panel go to :

Action Center=>Recovery=>Create a recovery drive


Chose the intended flash drive and click Next.


You can use any PC with Windows 8 OS installed in it.


The process will format the flash drive before making it ready for booting with Advanced Recovery Options.


You have to adjust from the BIOS that the PC will first start from flash drive if you want to boot from that flash drive with the Advanced Options.


Shut Down and Start and Restart are 2 different things in Windows 8, so please use Restart.


I have already tried it. Unbelievable that there is no direct Safe Mode option, but it is available through Command Prompt!!!




EDIT: Please see post #12 for the next step of the solution of Safe Mode in W8!

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MS is unbelievable! (Command Prompt for Safe Mode Restart through Recovery Flash Drive)


No Safe Mode in flash recovery option for the next start though. :evil:



Well, Command Prompt is the choice for Safe Mode Restart, but there is also Repair option other than Recovery.


Choose Your Keybord Configuration=>click Troubleshoot=>click Advanced Options=>click Command Promt



Command Prompt Commands for Safe Mode Restart when Started with Recovery Flash Drive:


- For Safe Mode:

bcdedit /set {default} safeboot minimal


- For Safe Mode with Networking:

bcdedit /set {default} safeboot network


- For Safe Mode with Command Prompt:

bcdedit /set {default} safeboot minimal

bcdedit /set {default} safebootalternateshell yes


Be sure to type whatever command you choose exactly as shown and then execute it. Spaces are important, please use exactly as it is! 2 separate commands are required to start "Safe Mode with Command Prompt", so be sure to execute them both.


A properly executed bcdedit command should return a "The operation completed successfully" message.


If you see "The parameter is incorrect", or "The set command specified is not valid", or "...is not recognized as an internal or external command...", or a similar message, check above steps again and make sure you executed the command properly.


Close the Command Prompt window.


Click on Continue.

http://forums.iobit.com/images/icons/icon4.gif Please don't forget to take out the flash drive just before Restart. http://forums.iobit.com/images/icons/icon4.gif


Windows will continue to start in Safe Mode every time you reboot unless you undo what you did in the above Step . The easiest way to do that is not by executing more commands, but via System Configuration msconfig.

Anyway the command below should be used for normal start of Windows as the others above at Command Prompt from flash drive start above if anything goes south.:-P


bcdedit /deletevalue {default} safeboot



But none of this is possible if you can't start the OS right?

Hi masterblaster,


Please see the "EDIT:" in your post #8




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