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New Study Finds That Most Common Registry Cleaner Software Products Do More Harm


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ORANGE, Calif., April 2 /PRNewswire/ -- The Windows registry experts of Macecraft Software have today released the final report of the in-depth study of the 31 most-used registry cleaner products.



The study analyzes 5 critical aspects to the functionality of these software packages: the product features, the installation process, the accuracy of registry errors detection, the ability to fix these errors and the compliance to uninstallation best practices.



The study shows that most of these products are more focused on finding junk data rather than actual, serious registry errors. For example, in one of the tests a serious error was manually introduced to the registry and only one product found it, while most claim to fix registry errors.



An alarming trend was also detected in regards to the detection of false positives. Many of these products (9 out of 31) routinely presented false errors and that's even more concerning.



Regarding the inclusion of 3rd party software in the installation files, many of these products also wanted to install a bundled software. What's interesting is that some of the most popular products are to be found guilty of such practices. Also it was found that many of these products (18 out of 31) do not follow the recommended practices and as a result many of the products tested leave a lot of data behind after uninstallation, which is what causes registry errors to be formed in the first place!



Mr. Faisal Habib from Macecraft Software explained what has driven the creation of this report: "Initially the study was aimed to strictly determine where our product stands in the market and obviously was intended to be strictly used within our company. As the results began to pour in, however, we asked ourselves: Why keep this to ourselves? Doesn't the public deserve the same transparency and clear quality guidelines which we ourselves use? The overwhelming response we received after releasing the first version of the study proved that the public does more than deserve such a scientific report, they actually need it. There is too much hype and marketing buzz words and not enough cold, hard scientific data. That data is now available for everyone to see."



The report can be viewed online at: http://www.macecraft.com/registry_cleaner_comparison2/

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Nice Marketing by Macecraft


Not surprised their utility (jv16 power tools) finished first,but didn't expect the nice little touch of failing their 2008 product in one category.I will say I've used it,and it's very technically oriented.This is not a product for people who are used to pushing the big blue CARE button.Strictly not for noobs. Thanks for the article-very nice.

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Not surprised their utility (jv16 power tools) finished first,but didn't expect the nice little touch of failing their 2008 product in one category.I will say I've used it,and it's very technically oriented.This is not a product for people who are used to pushing the big blue CARE button.Strictly not for noobs. Thanks for the article-very nice.


Whether you believe their product is "the best" or not, it is the most detailed registry cleaner testing I have come across yet.


As a side note, I have been using their registry cleaner for several years, even before Macecraft bought the then called RegCleaner.


And, yes, it is very technically oriented. Although, they have released some lite version which cleans with the push of a button only.

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"Macecraft Software is a leading provider of Windows registry and maintenance utilities and is a privately held company with headquarters in Finland with offices in Europe and USA. Macecraft products have been recognized by the world's leading computer magazines as well as tens of thousands of computer users"


SOURCE Macecraft Software


This "report" is definitely a very highly biased advertisement for a start-up company in the Reg Cleaning business based on their own highly biased in house findings reached by their paid staff. With only a few 10k users they have a long way to catch the established companies go so they must put down all of the other Reg Cleaners as horrible in order to try to get ahead. This tactic is certainly nothing new you can find overly biased in house reports like this used as advertisements all over the internet for many different kinds of programs.



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The reason mine ran slow is because of Avira. It did say my antivirus will slow it down so I disabled it and it was done in 1 minute.


The Registry Cleaner tool seems to run normally even with Avira.


When it comes to uninstalling/fixing/deleting using the Registry Manager, it is quite slow at times with real time AV protection it seems.

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This was jv16PT before joining Macecraft. Nearly a million downloads ain't that bad.


My mistake, the quote about being there being a few 10k was taken directly from the link that you provided...




Touting an obscure Registry Cleaner with 1 Million downloads since January of 2002 that uses such dubious methods of advertising on this IObit site where ASC and its very comprehensive Registry Cleaner have well over 22 Million downloads may not fly that well.



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Great junk and temp cleaner-really not a registry cleaner per say-or a very conservative one at best.Not knocking it-I use it for clean-up.There's just no reg entries for it to attend to after I run my other favorites.Even if I let it go first,findings are minimal.

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I use CCleaner periodically. It is the best for finding junk files if you really want to give your machine an enema.


As a photographer using my Vista computer to edit and store the over 40,000 pictures I take each year I use CCleaner to securely remove the more than 25 MB of thumbs.db folders that are generated each day using the Gutman method with 35 passes which makes CCleaner one of my most favorite must have programs. One time CCleaner even found an elusive 960 MB Thumbs.db folder and securely wiped it into oblivion!




CCleaner now also has a Wipe Free Space feature for those who are hyper security conscious and do not want anyone to ever be able to recover anything that they may have unsecurely deleted in the past.



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Just downloaded and installed the free version of PTLite http://www.macecraft.com/ptlite/ Looks good to me.

I did my usual cleanup with ASC 3, CCleaner and Eusing, then ran the PT Lite. It found 380 rubbish and Reg files. I checked them all and they all appeared legitimate. Some were from old programmes I'd uninstalled yonks ago. I deleted them all, after the backup, and the system rebooted without a problem. So far, so good. (Didn't get rid of my unwanted ArcSoft entries, though).

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Ted- Finding 380 files for removal on the first run isn't bad although MV RegClean 5.9 found over 1,400 unused registry files when I first used it and over 2,000 unused registry files after the removal of some programs. I've noticed that different Registry Cleaners have different functions and after I have removed programs with the Revo Uninstaller and removed all traces of the program from the registry free MV RegClean 5.9 is my go to utility to permanently clean those removed traces from the registry. Another great feature is that this program gives the actual name for each file to be removed and not some vague code so that you know exactly what items are to be removed. Best of all this highly specialized 1.3 MB program is absolutely no frills it performs only 1 function and 1 function only!



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peastoyou- Thanks for the complement! This is one of the very first pictures I ever took with a Digital Camera after owning Film Cameras for 35 years using a 1999 model 2 MP Canon S-10 point and shoot camera handheld and set in full automatic exposure mode. Like they say "There is no such thing as better cameras, just better pictures".


Although these 0.5 MB downsized and compressed jpeg versions of the pictures do look presentable they look considerably better when viewed directly from their uncompressed PSD format files which usually contain well over 40 MB of information for each picture or when they are printed from their PSD files on a 16 bit per channel printer.



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I've seen so many dozens of fake Registry Cleaner comparisons and studies like this that I can't keep track of them all anymore.




Edit: These are supposed to be the top 5 Registry Cleaners? What a racket! They each offer a "Free Scan Now" which is the calling card of Rouge Software which will find even more problems that actually exist and then charge to have them removed!!



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