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Earthquake in eastern Turkey


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Hi all

The earthquake in eastern Turkey was 7.2 on the Richter scale that is equivalent to a little less than 1 million ton of TNT (more than 50 times the energy released in Hiroshima/Nagasaki)

Luckily it is in an area that isn't densely populated, but for those in the vicinity it is very bad. A lot of after-quakes has taken place - just like it happened in China not far from IObit headquarters in Chengdu in 2008.

The quake there was about 7.8 on the Richter scale as far as I remember. (actually 8) thanks Cicely)

Hope you are alright enoskype!!



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Thank you very much for your concerns and wishes!


Being on the west side of Turkey we didn't feel the earhquake but the sadness.


I share your wishes for that tragedy but condemn the ones who has a share in building the week buildings..


The only consolation is the immediate response of the aids and help offered by many countries which shows that the humanity is still present.


Thank you very much for your concerns and wishes!


All the best.

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Just read this ,not good is it ,must be very frightening thing ,i have been trough a few in my life but nothing on that scale, the worst one that hit us made a few cracks in the walls ,and scared us plenty enough Thank you.

any how hope all is well and good will to all effected hope you are ok.

Mr Bean

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Thanks Mr Bean and sunny staines.


Yes, I have experienced but only to the magnitude of 6.5 long time ago.


It is impossible to imaagine the widespread devastation unless you live one.

I can't think of a one with magnitude like 8.0 in China and 9.0. in Japan!


All the best.

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Hi enoskype

You are right!

I think too that it is nearly impossible to imagine the power released.

Here are some trivia:

Today the Richter scale is actually the MMS (Moment Magnitude Scale), but is still often called the Richter scale - also it is easier to calculate than the MM Scale, but the Richter scale becomes meaningless if the magnitude is higher than 8.

But other than that the numerical values are ca. the same.

Magnitude MMS 7.2 =950 kiloton TNT (kiloton=1.000 ton)

Magnitude MMS 8 =15 megaton TNT (megaton= 1.000.000 ton)

Magnitude MMS 9 =480 megaton TNT

(Largest hydrogen bomb tested 100 Megaton)

I use . as separator - not the comma as in the US.



p.s. the power grows by a factor of 31,6 for every rise by 1 in the magnitude.

Around 2^5 times the previous magnitude scale equivalent in TNT

p.p.s. 2^5 = 2 to the power of 5



Thanks Mr Bean and sunny staines.


Yes, I have experienced but only to the magnitude of 6.5 long time ago.


It is impossible to imaagine the widespread devastation unless you live one.

I can't think of a one with magnitude like 8.0 in China and 9.0. in Japan!


All the best.

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(kiloton=1.000 ton)

(megaton= 1.000.000 ton)


I use . as separator - not the comma as in the US.


Hey, I just thought they were Typos.

Strange how such a little difference can make such a Big Difference. :grin:


But the question is, Who is doing it Backward ? :lol:

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Hi Toppack


Yes you are right - does make for a large difference here :-)

In the dictionary they say that a punctuation mark is used to separate ideas or elements within a structure or a sentence.

The comma is a pause or a separation a socalled caesure i.e.

In Latin and Greek prosody, a break in a line caused by the ending of a word within a foot, especially when this coincides with a sense division.

So for me the comma represents a division - where the normal numbers are concerned by 10.

There are some expressions in especially America English that are special - why for instance not say 26. of October instead of October 26 after all you only save the small word "of". In British English it has become commonplace to say half three instead of half past three - you here save a four-letter word though :-)

In the numbers US also say billion for what others call milliard 10^9 and then trillion for what we call billion 10^12. Here the European (from French) usage is more logical - to my mind.



p.s. In Danish they had in the old times a number base of twenty - some still use it in some contexts fx. 55 is sometimes said in Danish as fem-og-halvtre(ds)-sinds-tyve

which means literally five-and-2½-times-twenty

The usual way is to say fem-og-halvtreds for 55 (little endian) (in Sweden femtifem → fiftyfive) (big endian)

"halvtre" is half the way to three from two ergo 2½



Hey, I just thought they were Typos.

Strange how such a little difference can make such a Big Difference. :grin:


But the question is, Who is doing it Backward ? :lol:

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this is my story " Short And sweet"



about 5 pm a long time ago , round about 25 years old ,I was sitting on the floor looking at my fish tank the main show tank that was 6ft x 5 ft ,heard nothing at all as the floor boards open about 1/4 ice" and not yet realize what was happening looking at the tank it tilted over on 2 legs(stand) to wards Me,

still not realizing at that moment in time was bewildering ,my brain did not catch on !

as to what was happening, the house started to shake,the floor boards felt like small waves under me,then a terrific sound came from under me like a explosion far under ground ,Similar like The old Miner coal explosions type sound that we often hear living in the place we were at the time,But much louder! the tank tilted back and then the other way and back I cant remember a few times and the water splashed out of the top.of the glass covers , to this day still cant understand why it never fell over,looking around me as if in slow movements saw the walls crack and open and shut it was really weird, you think you were seeing things, now 10 seconds and that was it.or there about


then the long distant rumbling similar like thunder but sounded different, far from under me, and that was it ,I stood up looking at the 1 crack on that ran all the way from the roof down to the floor! was something I never forget

Just not fathom What I was looking At.


the silly part was that's all in a matter of a blink,and before one even realized as to what happened. it came and went .changing a few things around readjusting the land scape , tho one had to look hard there were many ,

I do not know about timescales or what strength never been in one one before that ,thing I do remember a lot of buildings were half down or damaged

loss of life cant tell you ether I think no one died.pretty sure of that but it surly was scary and bewildering,the speed of it coming and Going before one realized it!

a few trembles that shock the lounge but that's all the others I experienced


Mr Bean

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hi all!





10000=ten thousand

100000=hundred thousand


10000000=ten million

100000000=100 million

1000000000=1 billion

10000000000=10 billion

100000000000=100 billion

1000000000000=1 trillion


So one European billion = one US trillion??


So a thousand of US billions = 1 European billion?????????



One European billion would be what we call a trillion!



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Hi Melvin


In Europe it goes like this

million a thousand thousands 10^6

milliard a thousand millions 10^9

billion a million millions - twice the number of zeroes of a million 10^12 (10^6)²

billiard a thousand billions 10^15

trillion three times the number of zeroes of a million 10^18 (10^6)³

trilliard a thousand trillions 10^21

quadrillion four times the number of zeroes of a million 10^24

quadrilliard a thousand quadrillions 10^27

quintillion five times the zeroes of a million 10^30

quintilliard a thousand quintillions 10^33

hexallion six times the number of zeroes of a million 10^36

hexalliard a thousand hexallions 10^39

septillion seven times the number of zeroes of a million 10^42

septilliard a thousand septillions 10^45

octillion eight times the number of zeroes of a million 10^48

octilliard a thousand octillions 10^51

nonillion nine times the number of zeroes of a million 10^54

nonilliard a thousand nonillions 10^57

decallion ten times the number of zeroes of a million 10^60


They utilize the French, Latin or Greek word for the numbers to tell how many zeroes there is in a number.

I am not quite sure about the spelling, but this is the system even though it isn't used much.

The 64 bit system should support up to 2^64 = 18.446.744.073.709.551.616

that would be 18 trillions 446 billiard 744 billions 73 milliards 709 millions 551 thousands and 616 :-)



p.s. the large number googol 10^100 was altered to create the name Google and perhaps their database contains close to that amount of bits.

Google processes about 24 petabytes (24*10^15) of data per day

googol was first used by a mathematician in 1940 Edward Kasner and he in turn got it from his 9-year old nephew.

If you want to calculate all the possible moves in chess you may need it :-)

(The Shannon number (ca. 10^43)) (Shannon - the father of information theory)

Or count the number of subatomic particles in the visible universe - have fun! :-)

p.p.s. Do you remember the story of the emperor that asked the inventor of chess what he wanted as payment - and the inventor hard pressed said that he would settle for 1 grain on the first square of the chessboard, 2 grains on the next 4 grains on the third square 8 grains on the fourth and so on - this comes to 2^64 grains, 15-16 grains to 1 gram - just calculate that - it will come to about all grains produced by farmers since then I think. (more than 1 billion ton (10^12)→ what you call a trillion,






10000=ten thousand

100000=hundred thousand


10000000=ten million

100000000=100 million

1000000000=1 billion

10000000000=10 billion

100000000000=100 billion

1000000000000=1 trillion


So one European billion = one US trillion??


So a thousand of US billions = 1 European billion?????????



One European billion would be what we call a trillion!



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Hi Solbjerg!


Very interesting and curious... it would seem we have removed all the "iliards" from our scheme and collapsed the remaining numerical titles. I wonder if the Brits use the European or American scheme?


This would seem to be another example of Americans thinking they have to be different from everybody else, despite the more logical way the rest of the world handles matters. ( i.e. SAE versus metric)


A googolplex = googol ^ googol


That most surely is close to being a useless number! :smile:





Live long and prosper!

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Hi sunny

graham + 1 must be higher :-)


Oswald Veblen higher Veblen ordinals?


His uncle was Torstein Veblen - interesting economist - most known I think for his writings about "The Leisure Class"

He had a very ironic wit that after a while scared almost all of his students away. After none came to his classes he wrote on a note that he put on the door - lecture from 10:00 to 11:00 but after some days he changed it to lecture 10:00 to 10:05 :-)


Well anyway - I hope Turkey is spared another catastrophe in the foreseeable future.




melvin .......a graham is bigger than a google, i think its the highest number
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Hi Melvin

Yes it is a little curious.

The English should have more reason to abhor all things French :-)

Which perhaps explains why it has taken so long to adopt the metric system.

Fahrenheit is also still around - adopted from an immigrant from Germany,

one can argue with some merit perhaps that it makes for a more precise measurement. Reaumur is practically forgotten!

mil means thousand from French/Latin

bi means that there is one more :-)

so billion ought to mean million² which would give the number 12 zeroes :-)

How the logic is behind the US system I don't really know.



p.s. how about bimil 1000², and trimil 1000³ :-)

but on the other hand let us stick to the powers of 10


Designations in computer lingo

1 bit is one of either 0 or 1

1 byte is usually comprised of 8 bit which means that you will be able to write all signs up to 255 (ÿ) within that framework.

1 kilobyte is not 1000 bytes but rather 2^10 bytes =1024 bytes > mil (thousand)

1 megabyte is 1024*1024 bytes 2^20 = 1.048.576 bytes > million

1 gigabyte is 1024³ bytes 2^30 = 1.073.741.824 bytes > milliard

1 terabyte is 1024^4 bytes 2^40 = 1.099.511.627.776 bytes > billion

1 petabyte is 1024^5 bytes 2^50 = 1.125.899.906.842.624 > billiard

1 exabyte is 1024^6 bytes 2^60 = 1.152.921.504.606.846.976 > trillion

1 zettabyte is 1024^7 bytes 2^70 = 1.180.591.620.717.411.303.424 > trilliard

1 yottabyte is 1024^8 bytes 2^80 = 1.208.925.819.614.629.174.706.176 > quadrillion


Usually when you are told that the size of your harddisk is 500 gB the computer will tell you that you have 465,66 gB (465,6612873077392578125).

The seller is using powers of 10 while the computer is using the binary system.

Therefore both agree that you have the capacity of 500.000.000.000 bytes.



Hi Solbjerg!


Very interesting and curious... it would seem we have removed all the "iliards" from our scheme and collapsed the remaining numerical titles. I wonder if the Brits use the European or American scheme?


This would seem to be another example of Americans thinking they have to be different from everybody else, despite the more logical way the rest of the world handles matters. ( i.e. SAE versus metric)


A googolplex = googol ^ googol


That most surely is close to being a useless number! :smile:





Live long and prosper!

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England is slowly going metric it is now taught in schools instead of imperial english measurements [which mostly originated from when the romans lived here].


petrol is no longer bought in gallons but per litre


most people talk about the weather now in centigrade. farenheiht is no longer used.


but buying clothes food etc is mostly still imperial so is miles when driving.


older people like me prefer the imperial way as this is what we were taught and brought up with.


also medical height and weight at hospitals still imperial.

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Hi sunny

I am glad to hear it! The more standardized measurements become the easier it will be to navigate in the measurement jungle out there :-)

In Denmark everything is in the metric system, but older people like myself still use the inch when talking boards or planks i.e. a 2 by 4, the young people then say huh! They only know meter centimeters and millimeters :-). We converted from the Danish inch 2,615 cm to the English in the sixties I think, but have now for many years measured it in either centimeters or millimeters today it is equivalent to 25 mm.

In the old days an alen (ell?) (2 feet - in Scandinavia) was the lenght of the King's forearn from fingertip to elbow and could vary between 40 cm and more than 70 cm - that would give inches between 1,66 cm and 2,92 cm :-)

Difficult to conduct business under such circumstances. The English ell could be up to 114 cm :-)

("longfingered" fellows over there) :-)

Actually it was a measurement used by primarily tailors and was the distance from the shoulder to the wrist. (Just looked it up!!) 3 and a quart feet! Sorry!

(the root of the word ell was eln and that was the same - fingertip to elbow!)

The ancient Roman and Egyptian cubit was beween 43-56 cm which gives inches between 1,8 and 2,3 cm.





England is slowly going metric it is now taught in schools instead of imperial english measurements [which mostly originated from when the romans lived here].


petrol is no longer bought in gallons but per litre


most people talk about the weather now in centigrade. farenheiht is no longer used.


but buying clothes food etc is mostly still imperial so is miles when driving.


older people like me prefer the imperial way as this is what we were taught and brought up with.


also medical height and weight at hospitals still imperial.

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Hi Melvin

It looks as if the Brits have started to use the American billion after Thatcher's reign.

The widespread use of the US billion in the computer world has perhaps made that usage the most common. But as it is ambiguous one ought always to clarify the use of the word by giving it in powers of 10 too.




Hi Solbjerg!


Very interesting and curious... it would seem we have removed all the "iliards" from our scheme and collapsed the remaining numerical titles. I wonder if the Brits use the European or American scheme?


This would seem to be another example of Americans thinking they have to be different from everybody else, despite the more logical way the rest of the world handles matters. ( i.e. SAE versus metric)


A googolplex = googol ^ googol


That most surely is close to being a useless number! :smile:





Live long and prosper!

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