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Hi IanDSamson,


Please end Driver Booster process via Task Manager.


Then please perform a scan to try again to see whether you still have this freeze problem.


By the way, we are trying to reproduce this issue on our test machine now. Hope our engineers will be lucky to find something.

Reinstalled, tried again. Scan does not stop until stopped. Then the update window appears with two recommendations for updated drivers, one for my ASUS XONAR sound card that I do not want to update because the update does not work, secondly one for the RealTek Network Driver that has been disabled as it's not in use - I use a Siemens USB Wireless interface to the router.

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[2013.06.09. 9:15:00]- Open reg key Software\ATI\Appprofiles failed!Error:0

[2013.06.09. 9:15:00]- Finish!


Dear Hevesi János,


Thanks for your feedback.


To further look into this issue, please perform the steps below:


1. Please make sure you log in your Windows with Administrator.


2. Then please press Win key + R key at the same time to open Run window.


3. Type regedit in the Run window to open your computer's Registry.


4. Check whether you can find the following two registry keys




5. If there are no above registry keys, you may have a broken install. Please uninstall this installed ATI driver and reinstall it from http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/windows/Pages/radeonaiw_vista64.aspx


Good luck. :mrgreen:

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Driver Booster can't find some drivers...


Driver Booster can't find my old driver Realtek High Definition Audio... I have version and last version is .



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audio drivers


HI Hachico,

Downloaded and ran mine to day, it found mine, to bring it upto V6804, I suspect that this Beta database is still slightly out of date.



Although the screenshot does not show it as being Realtek

>>Room for improvement here<<


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No registry keys, but my ATI Catalyst driver (13.1) installed and work perfectly. OS: Win7 Ultimate 32 bit.



Dear Hevesi János,

Thanks for your feedback.

To further look into this issue, please perform the steps below:

1. Please make sure you log in your Windows with Administrator.

2. Then please press Win key + R key at the same time to opn Run window.

3. Type regedit in the Run window to open your computer's Registry.

4. Check whether you can find the following two registry keys



5. If there are no above registry keys, you may have a broken install. Please uninstall this installed ATI driver and reinstall it from http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/windows/Pages/radeonaiw_vista64.aspx


Good luck. :mrgreen:

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Running 3 desktops with different versions of Windows is tiresome at best when drivers that work with hardware configuration are required. Trying to find the right driver for each is a real mission. Aside from the ubiquitous Driver Update PAY software that really does not work too well, finding drivers is a mission, sometimes of futility.


Should your DriverBooster work as advertised, then I am willing to buy it, but only after thorough testing.


I have been a beta tester for Mozilla since 1990 and numerous other applications for the past 30+ years.


I have four desktops but only two OS, W7 and W8. W7 was sort of a half house between XP and W8. With XP you had, I can't imagine anyone is sitll using it:lol: to find you own drivers for almost everything. With W7 the number of drivers you had to search for diminished as long as you stayed with mainsteam hardware. With W8 if you stay with mainstream hardware W8 will provide the drivers and a W8 system including a printer can be installed and run wihout the user having to hunt for and manually install any drivers.


Driver Booster found one out of date driver on my two Intel W8 systems. Ironically it was an update to the Ethernet driver which I have no need for because both of those computers I am running W8 on are wireless as well as my network printer.


On my older AMD systems IDB found several drivers to update. A couple for AMD graphics drivers and one for Realtek audio driver.

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Check this out.




It a very new and inexpensive backup and snapshot utility that will revert your whole system (or single files) if something goes wrong.

It is amazing software and nothing else like it.

If I did what you did above, I would just revert, then go back to installing one driver at a time.


Backing up OS and Apps and then having to restore them can be tricky at best especially when it is automatic. There are a number reasons for this but one of them is malware. If you have auto backup of your system or make auto images of your internal disk drive you may very well be backing up or making an image of system than contains malware but was hidden from your AV progam. As a result you wind up restoring malware to your system and maybe don't even realize it. Before you realize it the malware steals all kinds of information and blows out your system again.


I recommend against auto backups. Even if you have a good AV product it might have missed the malware.


I prefer keeping personal files and copies off the system drive. If I have a major problem I just reinstall the OS. With W8 it is very easy especially if you stick with the W8 hardware drivers. Takes maybe a couple of hours max to get a clean updated system with my basic apps re-installed. Another two to get 85% re-installed and the last 15% I do at my leisure.


Bottom line is that I have found re-installing an OS the best way to go if you are having major problems. By keeping my files on a different logical drive and backed up on an external hard drive I never lose those if I have to reinstall the OS. I also keep a copy of the latest installer file for each of my apps so I don't have to re-download again to do the reinstall.


Note: With W8 you can do what are called Reset or Refresh. Reset is basically the same as doing a fresh install. When I do a fresh resinstall I always have format the system drive first to make sure it is clean as possible. I don't know if a Reset will format the system drive before it begins reinstalling W8. Refresh leaves too much stuff on your computer and where there is stuff there can be Malware. I doubt I would ever do a Refresh unless I absolutely knew I had a clean system and even with the best AV software you can never be 100% sure that your system is clean.

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No registry keys, but my ATI Catalyst driver (13.1) installed and work perfectly. OS: Win7 Ultimate 32 bit.


Dear Hevesi János,


I figured it out finally.


The driver you installed is ATI Catalyst driver. But the driver need update in Driver Booster is AMD Catalyst Application Profiles, which is a driver used to boost your gaming.


Actually, this is a driver you have not installed, rather than an update driver for ATI Catalyst driver.


Hope it is clear now. :mrgreen:

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Hi Hachiko1,


Driver Booster is still a Beta version program. The database may not be completely perfect, but we will keep updating our database. :-D Thank you for bring this information to our attention.


If you have any suggestions or feedback, please post them here in this forum.




Driver Booster can't find some drivers...


Driver Booster can't find my old driver Realtek High Definition Audio... I have version and last version is .



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Nice job for an initial Beta


Very nicely done - congrats!


My system is Win7-65 with 2 SSD's, 2 HDDs, 2 ODD's, 2 monitors, and an ASUS P8Z77-M MB with 8GB RAM. DriverBooster found 2 ancient (oh my!) drivers - sound card and network card - and found/installed the updates for both. Very slick - worked perfectly with no problems.


A couple of suggestions:


1. Do not make auto start, auto update, auto scan, and minimize to tray defaults. I just don't like software that decides for itself how and when to run. I'd much rather control that myself.


2. The audio driver install asked me to specify where to put its temporary/extracted files. I'm not sure if this dialog came from the audio driver or from DriverBooster, but it should default to wherever TEMP has been specified to go.


3. Instead of Transparency, provide the ability to change the menu FG and BG colors. Black is so pedestrian these days.


Overall a nicely done product, and one I plan on keeping.

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Hi bbinnard,


Welcome to the forum.


We are so happy to know that you like Driver Booster.


About your 1 & 3 suggestions, I have forwarded it to our product manager for consideration. Thanks a lot. :grin:


About your 2 concern, the dialog asking you to choose the directory comes from the audio driver. Currently, Driver Booster does not support Silent Install so you need to install each driver manually. But we will keep improving it and Silent Install will be available in future version. Let's hope it will come soon.:mrgreen:


Welcome to post here if you have any suggestions or feedback.

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Download Links please


As a user who really want to do all configuration the manual way, but just runs more and more wild in the settings, Iobit solutions is perfect, for automatic findings of whatever problem might occur.


However, sometimes it gets too automatic!

I like to know my sources, to be perfectly safe, by knowing everything!


I hope, that the final version of the Driver Booster, will bring an information box or something, which tells or shows, from where the new drivers are being downloaded, and found. Otherwise I just do as know, use the program to find outdated drivers, and then search for the newest versions on google, to get them from the manufacturer of the hardware!


Also, it would be nice to know what changes there might be, from the old to the new driver!


Hope some extra features, as above mentioned, will be integrated..


Otherwise -> Great product! Looking forward to more integrated hardware! As forexample the GPU drivers and so on! :)

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Hi repsakasper,


Regarding your first concern about the source of drivers, we have a team working behind to collect and download drivers from the legal driver manufactures, then upload them into our own download server for users to download.


As for your second suggestion, I have forwarded it to our product manager for consideration. Thank you. :smile:


Welcome to post here if you have any suggestions or feedback.

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Hi auutumn,


Automatic update is scheduled in Scheduled Tasks for Driver Booster for any user during login, so, it is done at the background, I suppose.


Perhaps, the behaviour will be changed when the program is out of Beta phase or for the paid version.



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Hi auutumn,


As enoskype has said, automatic update is scheduled in Scheduled Tasks for Driver Booster for any user during login, so, it is done at the background. When there is an update available, there will be a pop up message reminding you.


And the automatic update feature will not be a feature in the paid version only. It's available for all Driver Booster users.


As always, we welcome any suggestions or feedback from our warmhearted users.



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  • 4 weeks later...

VIA HDA Driver


Keep seeing a repeat of this driver VIA HDA (v10_1200a.exe) needing to be updated over and over. I have let the app run the so call update/install then rebooted and ran another scan to only find out it had not updated. :roll:


The installed.lst contains the following:



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Hi MasterX,


Sorry about the inconvenience.


Please COPY & PASTE the following path into the address bar of Computer :


%AppData%\IObit\Driver Booster\Logs


And send the log with on the right date to support10@iobit.com with URL to this thread.


Our programmers are working on this issue. Hopefully, it will be solved soon.


If you have any other feedback about Driver Booster Beta 2.0, please feel free to post on this forum.


With help from our kind users, we will be able to keep improving our product.:-D



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  • 2 weeks later...

BlueScreen after updating drivers...!


So, I was just auto-updating drivers once again, after updating to Driver Booster 3.

4 drivers needed to be updated, so I did.

I then restarted my computer, and hell broke loose..


I have been getting bluescreen all day long, it just wont start anymore, unless in secure condition. It cant start normal, and even system recovery to saterday doesnt work ****! (even though the computer has worked like a charm all weekend where I was at a lan-party.)


I dont know what to do anymore, have tryed everything! I know its one of the updated drivers that made the difference, but dont know how to take them back.


The bluescreen is 1030

OS: 6.1.7601.



BCP1: FFFFF8A0023D1000

BCP2: 000000000000000


BCP4: 000000000000000

OS version: 6_1_7601

Service Pack: 1_0

PRoduct: 768_1


Im running Windows 7 Home edition.

I have been restarting like 20 times, but hits the damn bluescreen every time Searching the internet only getting hits where other people are having the bluescreen only sometimes. But in most cases, the solution is something about the regestry, a bad hardware, or a bad driver. And this looks great, because it supports my idea of that the driver booster has fucked one of my drivers up bad.


Hope to get some help..



Kasper Nielsen

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Hi repsakasper,


So sorry to hear about that.


To look into this issue, please reboot your computer in Safe Mode, then find and zip all files under C:\windows\Minidump and send it to support10@iobit.com with URL to this thread.


Please download the tool from http://www.cd4o.com/drivers/debug/InfoHelper.exe


Then double click to run this tool and click “Save report to Desktop”. So you will get zipped file DriverBooster_Log_Files.zip on your desktop. Please send us the zip file along with the minidump file.


Thank you very much for your patience.

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